Apostle Benjamin Nana Amissah Ansah
The Love-Life Agency

“Don’t follow after the wicked ones or be jealous of their wealth. Don’t think for a moment they’re better off than you.”
Psalm 37:1 (TPT)
How you live is governed by the training you have received through the word, which is the wisdom of God. Instead of living a life controlled by envy and intimidation of the wealth, prosperity, and success of the ungodly, David provided godly keys to God-kind results in his Wisdom Psalm.
It is necessary to lay hold unto these keys because they set your feet on the right path. In the previous episode, I outlined about seven (7) practical items of wisdom from Psalm 37.
(Read the part one and two of this series for these keys of wisdom).
Within this Song of Wisdom, David also addressed the end of the wicked. Definitely the wicked will not have a glorious end as long as they reject the ways and wisdom of God. This discussion focuses on how the godly must operate.
Note: Through this series, every verse of scripture quotation in Psalm 37, is taken from the Passion Translation, unless otherwise stated.
As part of the wisdom keys from Psalm 37, David touched on a sensitive key which every believer must possess.
– Humility “But the humble of heart will inherit every promise and enjoy abundant peace.” Psalm 37:11
Take a look a the example of Jesus:
“He existed in the form of God, yet he gave no thought to seizing equality with God as his supreme prize. Instead he emptied himself of his outward glory by reducing himself to the form of a lowly servant. He became human! He humbled himself and became vulnerable, choosing to be revealed as a man and was obedient. He was a perfect example, even in his death—a criminal’s death by crucifixion! Because of that obedience, God exalted him and multiplied his greatness! He has now been given the greatest of all names” Philippians 2:6-9 (TPT)
It took a lot of humility for Jesus to become a man. To take on a human form means, He became vulnerable and reduced Himself to the limitations of the physical body. By His humility, he’s obedient even when He has to die a criminal’s death of crucifixion. Now He has been given all authority, that now the authority of His name causes every knee to bow in reverence.
Pride limits you from enjoying grace. The humble attracts an abundance of grace and peace.
– (Verse 16) “It is much better to have little combined with much of God than to have the fabulous wealth of the wicked and nothing else.”
This part of Psalm 37 touched my heart. This verse uprooted every form of greed and covetousness in my heart. Why become fabulously wealthy and be without God?
The equation is simple;
All wealth minus God is equal to zero.
Little combined with much God is equal to everything.
Read the verse 16 in the Amplified Bible:
“Better is the little of the righteous [who seek the will of God] Than the abundance (riches) of many wicked (godless).”
Message Translation:
“Less is more and more is less. One righteous will outclass fifty wicked”
Did you get it?
The Less a righteous man with God possesses is MORE. While the more the godless possess without God is Less.
God multiplies the little in the hands of the righteous.
Don’t compromise your faith to make money. Follow the path of the Lord.
It is unwise for the righteous to esteem their pursuit for more wealth above their relationship with God.
Don’t behave like those who despise and forsake God.
These are people who mock the things of the Spirit, and disregard the gathering of the saints and Kingdom service. They profane and slander the sacrificial giving of believers.
Get this: “God-despisers have had it; God’s enemies are finished— Stripped bare like vineyards at harvest time, vanished like smoke in thin air.” Psalm 37:20 (Message Translation)
These God-despisers are disadvantaged not because God punishes them. But are disadvantaged because they have made themselves enemies of God and rejected the goodness of God.
The godly enjoy the goodness of God.
“For the Lord takes care of all His forgiven ones while the strength of the evil will surely slip away. Day by day the Lord watches the good deeds of the godly and he prepares for them his forever-reward. Even in a time of disaster he will watch over them, and they will always have more than enough no matter what happens.” Psalm 37:17-19 (TPT)
Beloved make the Lord your satisfaction.
– I walk in the wisdom of God’s counsel for my life.
The Lord is my satisfaction
I’m not intimated by the things of this world
Thank you Jesus
Thank you Lord
One righteous will outclass fifty wicked. Hahahah.. boi this entered me.
Esweeet waaa
Oh boi.
Thank you sweet Jesus. It is my belief that as I have received you as my Lord and personal saviour I have more than enough
I believe too sar
I have more than enough!
I don’t compromise my faith to make money
kaish……. solid
I live according to the training I have received from the Word of God!!
I live according to the Godly keys to God – kind results in David’s Wisdom Psalm!
I lay hold unto these wisdom keys; therefore, my feet are set on the right path!!
I choose to have a humble heart!
Therefore, I inherit every promise of God and I enjoy abundant peace!!
I refuse to be proud!!
I refuse to indulge in activities that will limit me from enjoying Grace!!
I choose to be humble; therefore I attract an abundance of grace and peace!!
God multiplies the little in the hands of the righteous!
I am the righteousness of God; therefore the little in my hand is multiplied in the name of JESUS!!
I refuse to compromise my faith to make money!
I follow the path of the Lord!!
I refuse to esteem the pursuit of more wealth above my relationship with God!!
I refuse to behave like those who despise and forsake God!!!
I enjoy the goodness of God!!!
Oh glorrrreeeeeyyyyyy..
I’m humbled, I don’t compromise my faith to make money, I make the Lord my satisfaction.
The Lord is my satisfaction!!
Thank you Lord
One with God is majority.
Jesus is enough!!!
Haaaaa…. Nyame y3 d3
Oh hallelujah!
Less with God equals to MORE!!
Praise God
We are definitely sure end of the wicked is not pleasant but one key character a believer must have amidst all the wicked possesses and displays is the quality of humility.
Even Jesus our Lord humbled himself in all His earth walk and became obedient to the most shameful death and yet highly raised Him and gave Him a name that all things respond to.
The little the believer has with God is more and enough than the plenty the unbeliever as without God.
God gives us rest as we delight our hearts in Him.
Thank you Jesus
Copy that!
Teach me more sar
I follow the path of the Lord
The Lord is my desire and satisfaction.
Pride limits you from enjoying grace. The humble attracts an abundance of grace and peace.
I love you Lord
No words fail on this platform
Practice what ya learn brethren
God bless you Apostle sir
Thank you sweet holy spirit
Hallelujah our God reigns !!
My heart and gaze is consistently fixed on the Lord’s promises. I submit my mind, will and emotions to God daily
My life is for the glory of God. The Lord is my portion and my satisfaction. I refuse to be intimidated.
I make the Lord my satisfaction
I am not discontented
My heart is satisfied by the Lord.
I give no room for any level of envy and covetousness
I am not intimidated by the world.
God is my portion for the earth is his and the fullness is all his
so depending on him I have all things
why should I compare myself to those who have stolen and maneuvered their ways to make wealth without contacting The source?
it is clear that they will drain out soon because the sea doesn’t empty itself into its tributaries but
Ohh glory
I humble myself to the source of all things that are good and perfect because in him i am resourced for every agenda and he as well sets me on the right path
Pride makes people think God delays in his ways but forgetting he walks with men in faces and based on mans level of maturity in every aspect of life
I make the Lord my satisfaction
I get rid of pride
Humility “But the humble of heart will inherit every promise and enjoy abundant peace.” Psalm 37:11
Less is more and more is less. One righteous will outclass fifty wicked.
What is a profound Wisdom!
I walk in the wisdom and council of God for my life.
The Lord is my satisfaction
Thank you lord Jesus
Better is the little of the righteous [who seek the will of God] Than the abundance (riches) of many wicked (godless).”
The Lord is my satisfaction
All wealth minus God is equal to zero.
Little combined with much God is equal to everything.
The Lord is my satisfaction!
My heart is satisfied by the Lord!
I give no room for envy and greediness!
My life is for the glory of God.
I submit my mind, will and emotions daily to the Lord.
Thank you Lord Jesus!