Apostle Benjamin Nana Amissah Ansah
The Love-Life Agency

“Don’t follow after the wicked ones or be jealous of their wealth. Don’t think for a moment they’re better off than you.”
Psalm 37:1 (TPT)
Today we are going to take a look into the Song of Wisdom, Psalm 37 using the Passion Translation.
In this Psalm, David reassures the people of God to continue to trust in the Lord and to refuse every desire or attempt to be like the people of the world.
The success of the world is mostly built on selfishness, greed, ungodliness and dishonor to God. The ungodly doesn’t pursue success to bring glory to God. The ungodly pursue success to satisfy their ambition and selfish desires.
As a child of God, your pursuit in life is to please God. Everything about you must be focused on expressing God’s glory.
You live according to the principles and wisdom of God.
You don’t live for the applause of men but for God to say “well done”. Whatever you do must be consistent with the will of God. When your success is not consistent with the will of God, it will not be of faith and will not please God.
“And without faith it is impossible to please God…” (Hebrews 11:6)
One of the mistakes most believers make is to compare their lives with others. And sadly, these people compare their lives with the people of the world. What they fail to remember is that the child of God and those of the world live by different sets of rules.
You don’t have any business comparing your life with the world or the ungodly. God knows the plans He has for you (Jeremiah 29:11).
Your work is to fix your gaze on the Lord.
“Gaze upon him, join your life with his, and joy will come. Your faces will glisten with glory. You’ll never wear that shame-face again.” Psalm 34:5 (TPT)
There is no way you will wholeheartedly trust in the Lord and be put to shame. When you fix your gaze on the Lord you will not even be intimidated by the world or the ungodly.
The ungodly will use ungodly means to attain success. The scripture says such successes are short-lived; they will shrivel up and fade away quickly.
David, outlined a few wisdom keys to help you manifest God-centered success. We will look into the things he mentioned from verses 3 to 11 of Psalm 34 (The Passion Translation).
– (Verse 3a) Keep trusting in the Lord and do what is right in His eyes.
To do what is right before the Lord is to follow and act out the instructions of the word. This is not difficult because you have been made the righteousness of God in Christ. (2 Corinthians 5:21). You don’t do what is right to become righteous. Because you are righteous you have the ability of God in you to do what is right.
– (Verse 3b) Fix your heart on the promises of God and you will be secure, feasting on his faithfulness.
This is a great key that establishes you to live confidently. The reality is this, “God is not a man that He should lie…” (Numbers 23:19). Whatever God says is the truth. To fix your heart on His promises is to set your spirit, mind, will and emotions on the word of God. This saturates your heart with the goodness of the Lord. It means you don’t leave any space for other thoughts to occupy.
The moment you move your heart away from what God has said, you give room for doubt and faithlessness. Fix your heart on the Lord’s promises, for He is faithful.– (Verse 4) Make God the utmost delight and pleasure of your life, and he will provide for you what you desire the most.
You know David wasn’t the only one that gave such a secret, our Lord Jesus also shared this same wisdom with His disciples.
This is the difference between the ungodly and the child of God. They first seek after things, but for the child of God, you have to make God your priority.
What has consumed your heart?
What has taken the central stage of your thoughts?
That which becomes the delight, pleasure and pursuit of your heart rules or dominates your life.
It is not possible for you to truthfully and sincerely walk with the Lord and be forsaken by the Lord.As you walk with Him and demonstrate confidence in Him, He becomes your supply and provider.
– (Verse 5) Give God the right to direct your life, and as you trust him along the way you’ll find he pulled it off perfectly!
This is wisdom! Get this, it is one thing to trust the Lord with your plans and another thing to give the Lord the right to direct you. Sometimes people assume God is sovereign and He does what He wants.
So God doesn’t automatically interfere in your affairs. Until you submit your life to Him, He doesn’t force His rule in your life (though He can).People plan and ask God to help them execute it. That is not giving God the right to direct you. To give God the right to direct you is to seek after His plans for you and then you follow with all your heart.
Take these wisdom keys and run with them.
My heart and gaze is constantly fixed on the Lords promise
I make him the utmost delight and pleasure of my life
I fixed my gaze on the Lord
My life brings glory to the Lord
I continue to trust in the Lord!
I refuse every desire or attempt to be like the people of the world!!
My pursuit in life is to please God!!
Everything about me is FOCUSED on expressing God’s GLORY in the name of Jesus!!
I live according to the principles and wisdom of God!
I don’t live for the applause of men!
I live for God to say, “WELL DONE!”
My success MUST be consistent with the will of God so that it will be of faith and it will please God!
I refuse to compare my life with the people of the world and the ungodly!!!
I fix my gaze on the Lord!!!
I wholeheartedly TRUST in the Lord; therefore I can never be put to shame!!!
I keep trusting in the Lord!
I do what is right in His eyes!!!
I follow and act out the instructions of God’s Word!!
I am the righteousness of God in Christ; therefore doing the will of God can never be difficult for me!!!
I fix my heart and mind on the promises of God in the name of Jesus!!
Therefore I am SECURE and I FEAST on His FAITHFULNESS!!
I set my spirit, mind, will and emotions on the Word of God!!
My heart is saturated with the goodness of God!!
I refuse to give room to doubt and faithlessness!
I choose to make God the utmost desire and pleasure of my life!
God is my priority!!
I choose to walk faithfully, truthfully and sincerely with God!
As such my God will never forsake me!!
I demonstrate full confidence in God therefore He is my Supply and Provider!!
God has FULL RIGHT to direct my life!!
I seek God’s plans and follow with all my heart!!
I choose to trust in God and allow Him to direct my paths.
He will bring me perfectly into a dimension of greatness beyond my wildest imagination!!!
I trust the Lord at all times.
Thank you Lord Jesus
The Lord is my priority
I have been blessed by this machaira!
I have learnt not to compare my life with the wicked or the ungodly..those that are not born again. Their pursuit and my pursuits are not the same. They use greed, deceit and other dubious means to amass wealth.
The unbeliever chases the things but I am programmed to chase and follow hard after God.
But as a believer it is more about fulfilling the will and desire of God. That is what makes me a good and faithful servant.
It is not possible for me to delight in God and allow God to rule over my life and end up unfulfilled or unsatisfied.
It is also not possible to trust in the Lord and lack his help and supply. The more I trust, the more He shows Himself strong and real as my heavily father.
I summit my mind emotions and will to the Lord. I’m very blessed with this word. Gloreeeeeeyyyyyyyy 🔥🔥🔥🙌
My heart is confidently established in the faithfulness of the Lord
I submit my mind, will and emotions to the Lord.
My heart and gaze is consistently fixed on the Lord’s promises.
I walk in the wisdom of God’s counsel for my life.
My life is for the glory of God.
I submit my mind, will and emotions daily to the Lord.
I Take these wisdom keys and run with them
Oh Lord thank you
I’ve been blessed
Practically in tears
This is what I needed
So much wisdom
Awww….I’ve understood the love of God for me and why he wants us to submit our will to him….
Aw Jesus
I love you
Thank you for having me in mind always God
Thank You Lord Jesus. I follow God’s plan for me. I fix my eyes on Jesus. Glory to God.
This is wisdom
Thank you Apostle Sir
I make God control my life
I avail myself ha!!
Eagles and Chickens don’t play along because they have different dimensions of operations a believer who compares himself to others who dont do what they do because they dont have the possessions the people of the world has is actually suffering from identity crises and doesn’t know what they are truly worth
The world has always defined success wrongly to people and some believer have bought into it and its ruling them
Success is not in possessions of a man that can be lost in a jiffy
True success is built in eternal investments
when in the long run when time consummates you cant account for a better work done with your possessions then its a waste
God gives you success and not that alone but he directs you on how to make his plan a success as well. Your success is true success when what ever you have serves others not your selfish desires alone
so we patiently walk with God obey his instructions then he will lead us on the right path
Thank you Lord Jesus for your refreshing words.
Thank you Lord for Apostle Bennie.
The moment you move your heart away from what God has said, you give room for doubt and faithlessness. Fix your heart on the Lord’s promises, for He is faithful.
My heart and gaze is constantly and forever fixed on the Lord
You don’t have any business comparing your life with the world or the ungodly. God knows the plans He has for you (Jeremiah 29:11).
Reading this episode has lifted my spirit.
Glory to God.
I don’t envy the wicked.
I fix my gaze on Jehovah.
I refuse to envy the ungodly or worldly.
Thank you lord Jesus
Ooh yes my life is for the Glory of God .
Whatever I do brings glory to the name of the Lord!
I refuse to compare myself to the ungodly!
I fix my heart on the Lord’s promises!
I make God my priority!
My heart is confidently established in the faithfulness of the Lord and the wisdom of His counsel for my live!
I walk in the wisdom of God’s counsel for my life.
My heart is confidently established in the faithfulness of the Lord.
My life is for the glory of God.
My heart and gaze is consistently fixed on the Lord’s promises.
I submit my mind, will and emotions daily to the Lord.
Thank you Lord Jesus!