Apostle Benjamin Nana Amissah Ansah
The Love-Life Agency

“Don’t follow after the wicked ones or be jealous of their wealth. Don’t think for a moment they’re better off than you.”
Psalm 37:1 (TPT)
The scriptures provide you with the Wisdom of God for your living. It answers the deep questions of your heart. And when you submit your mind to its words your thoughts will be properly cultured and shaped.
For example, this Song of Wisdom, Psalm 37, is able to redirect your mind towards the higher life God has given us.
As I mentioned in the previous episode from this Psalm, David reassures the people of God to continue to trust in the Lord and to refuse every desire or attempt to be like the people of the world. It also emphasizes how the success of the wicked or the ungodly has no eternal value.
He doesn’t only conscientize you, on why you don’t have to be intimidated by the accomplishment of the worldly, but also the things to do to experience the God-centered or God-kind of success.
From verses 3 to 5 of Psalm 34 (The Passion Translation), we unravelled some few wisdom keys which David outlined in his Psalm.
– (verse 3a) Keep trusting in the Lord and do what is right in his eyes.
– (Verse 3b) Fix your heart on the promises of God and you will be secured, feasting on his faithfulness.
– (Verse 4) Make God the utmost delight and pleasure of your life, and he will provide for you what you desire the most.
– (Verse 5) Give God the right to direct your life, and as you trust him along the way you’ll find he pulled it off perfectly!
David explains further that, when you give God the right to direct your life, He will not only pull it off perfectly but will also “…appear as your righteousness, as sure as the dawning of a new day. He will manifest as your justice, as sure and strong as the noonday sun.” (verse 6).
What this means is that the direction of the Lord makes you walk in light. There is no way your paths will be overwhelmed by any gorm darkness. And you will experience His righteousness, which is also the right-wiseness of God.
There are more wisdom keys David shared in his Psalm:
– (Verse 7a) Quiet your heart in his presence and pray;
keep hope alive as you long for God to come through for you.
David now addresses the issue of meditation, spending time with God and prayer.
You cannot trust in God and give Him the right to direct without being prayerful and also spending more time in His presence.
You must have the habit of spending time alone with God.
It is in that atmosphere that the Lord is able to open your eyes to see. It is in that atmosphere the Lord shows you the way to go. Concerning PRAYER I have shared more here and here. Please do well to read.
– (Verse 7b) And don’t think for a moment that the wicked in their prosperity are better off than you.
The moment you begin to think this way, you are clearly devaluing who God is to you and what He has accomplished for you.
What you have received from God and the path He is leading you has more transcendent results and prosperity than all the prosperity of the world put together.
David now gives an instructive wisdom key. This key prevents you from error. Anger, revenge, envy and lies are instruments of the devil to distract you from expressing the excellence of God. They are thorns which compete with the blessedness of God within you. These things make you live in the flesh and also contrary to your true identity.
When you cultivate these things in your heart, you give the devil the chance to exercise his rule. However, when you so learn Christ, you will not allow such inconsistent behaviors to govern your heart.
Let the love of God rule in your heart.
– I walk in the wisdom of God’s counsel for my life.
I give myself to prayers
I meditate on His word
I stay away from anger,envy and revenge
My heart and gaze is consistently fixed on God
I walk in the wisdom of God’s counsel my life
I agonizo..
I walk in the counsel of God’s word.
I trust the Lord in all things and with all things.
Oh thank you Jesus
The Lord is my life director therefore i refuse to envy the world.
Thank you apostle Bennie
Thank you lord Jesus for your word
Thank you for Apostle bennie
Oh thank you Jesus 😊
Glory to God!
I give myself to prayers
I give myself to prayers!!
Oh I pray!
My life is for the glory of God
The Love of God rules in my heart
Oh Jesus!
I spend time with the Lord always in prayer and through prayer I am directed in the path that which I should go
I am more prosperous than the people of this world,my prosperity is eternal and transcends that of the people of the people of the world
I don’t slow my heart to envy the prosperity of the people of this world rather my zeal is of the fear of the Lord all day
Thank you Jesus
I refused to be intimidated by the world
My gaze is fixed on the promises of God
I stay away from anger , envy and revenge
Thank you Apostle Bennie
Glory to God
I walk in these wisdom nuggets to experience the God kind of success.
Machaira always full of wisdom. I had the opportunity to increase my understanding to also, I learnt that, no matter the prosperity of the world my prosperity in Christ is infinite and this prosperity blessings Generation 🙏.
if your success can be calculated and placed in a restricted value then true success hasn’t been arrived at because the success God ushers a man into is limitless because Gods work is great and it takes great resources to accomplish so the ‘Networth’ of people they claim to be successful is the real definition of a chicken change to God because it is limited GOD BRINGS HIS MEN INTO WHAT IS UNLIMITED SUCCESS.
The main root is to know who you are and who your father is you will not compare yourself to an orphan
As a true heir I need not compare myself to an orphan,it is foolishness!!
I submit my emotions unti the Lord
I Submit My Emotions Unto The Lord
I submit my mind to the Word of God!
Therefore, my thoughts are properly cultured and shaped!
I walk in the direction of the Lord!
Therefore, there is no way my paths will be overwhelmed with any form of darkness!
I experience God’s righteousness!
I AM the righteousness of God!!!
My heart is quiet in the presence of the Lord!
In the Lord’s presence, I labour in prayer!
I keep hope alive as I long for God to come through for me; and He will!!
I become more prayerful and spend more time in the presence of the Lord as I continue to trust in Him!!
I cultivate and develop the habit of spending time alone with God!
I refuse to think that the wicked in their prosperity are better off than me!
I refuse to devalue who God is to me and what He has accomplished for me!!!
I live in the confidence of God!!
I choose to stay away from anger and revenge!!
I keep envy far away from me!!
I refuse to allow inconsistent behaviors to govern my heart!
The love of God REIGNS SUPREME in my heart!!!!
I shall keep trusting in the Lord, I shall keep doing what is right in his eyes. I shall fix my heart on his promises, I shall make him my utmost delight and he will satisfy me with what I desire the most.
I submit my mind will and emotions to the Lord
The Lord is my desire, I don’t have the time to envy the world!!
In this machaira with Apostle Bennie devotional, the episode emphasises the art of staying in God’s presence in prayer and meditation. This gives the spirit of God the room to show us things to do. The machaira again emphasises that the wealth of the wicked has no eternal value, hence should not intimidate me. Lastly it blesses with an instruction to keep anger, bitterness, envy and lying from our hearts and lips because these competes with the blessings of God in our lives.
Thank you
Glory be God! I submit my mind, will and emotion to God , Hallelujah
Thank you Jesus
Stay away from anger and revenge. Keep envy far from you, for it only leads you to lies.
I live in the confidence of GOD.
I let the Love of God rule my heart daily.
This wisdom keys are opening doors of unlimitedness in my heart.
I refuse to envy in the name of Jesus 🙌
Thank you lord Jesus
Oh yes
The LOVE of GOD,
ruler of My HEART
The love of God rules in my heart
I develop the habit of spending time with God!
The love of God rules in my heart!
I walk in the wisdom of God’s counsel for my life.
My heart is confidently established in the faithfulness of the Lord.
My life is for the glory of God.
My heart and gaze is consistently fixed on the Lord’s promises.
I submit my mind, will and emotions daily to the Lord.
Thank you Lord Jesus!