Christian Character and Living, Doing Exploits, Machaira with Apostle Bennie, walking with God



The Love-Life Agency

You don’t have to entertain sorrow around you no matter the situation. You have to maintain your joy. It is your daily charge to keep. If you think there is nothing to rejoice in or to be joyful about, then you have to reconsider your mindset about Salvation. Your salvation is the greatest thing that has ever happened to you. REJOICE IN IT. Hallelujah!
Apostle Bennie
Saturday, 8th March, 2025


“For am I now seeking the favor of people, or of God? Or am I striving to please people? If I were still trying to please people, I would not be a bond-servant of Christ.” 

Galatians 1:10 (New American Standard Bible)

Have you ever felt unappreciated for your service?

Do you seem to be discouraged because people are not impressed by your sacrifice?

Are you afraid to take steps to do the things God has called you to do because you are careful not to displease the people around you?

Are you careful to preach the gospel because you don’t want to get people offended?

Though we are sons of God, we also have a duty to serve the eternal purpose of God’s Kingdom in our generation.

Our duty to serve the eternal purpose of God, is essentially a service to honor Him. As part of serving God’s eternal purpose, we also serve men or people. Your service to God brings honor to God and also blessing to people.

In a more practical way, every service to God benefits people. God doesn’t need your service for Himself, your service to God is to serve people. That makes your life and living a blessing of God to people.

When God calls a man and sends him as a missionary to a rural or an unreached community, the mission assignment will be a service which will benefit and transform the people within that community; and it will cause many to praise and honor God.

What this means is that the missionary’s life and living to the community he reached out to, is a blessing of God to the people. Such a person’s service to the people is a service to God.

The intention is not to please them and to get them to praise him. He must seek to please God by doing what God wants him to do.

And this is how greatness in the Kingdom is determined.

Just as Jesus said, “The greatest among you will be the one who always serves others from the heart” Matthew 23:11 (TPT)

Your service must be an act from your heart to please God and to cause people to honor Him. Your service must not be an attempt to strive to please people.

People will definitely be blessed, impressed, refreshed and inspired by your act of service. You will have people celebrating you for the impact you make in their lives through your service. However, your goal is not to win the applause of men. Your goal and intention have to be that you shall complete the assignment God has entrusted to you.

There is nothing wrong with being honored or appreciated for your service in the Church or the kingdom.

Paul the apostle in his epistle to the Church in Thessalonica instructed the brethren to honor their leaders.

“Dear brothers and sisters, honor those who are your leaders in the Lord’s work. They work hard among you and give you spiritual guidance” 1 Thessalonians 5:12 (NLT)

In as much as it is important to be honored and acknowledged for your service, never make that your goal.

Don’t strive for the appreciation of men. When that becomes your goal, you will end up striving to please men, instead of God. And that may affect the integrity of your service and cause you to compromise the instructions of the Lord.

People who always strive for the applause of men, end up feeling discouraged and discontented.

God has called you out that you show forth His praise and not for you to strive for the praise of men.


(1 Thessalonians 2:4; 1 Corinthians 10:33; Colossians 3:23; 2 Corinthians 5:9; Ephesians 6:6)
We pray that our motives shall be kept pure and sanctified from every self-pleasing ambition and desire.

Joshua 11 – 13

Exodus 17

– I don’t make the applause of men my focus.

– I don’t strive for the appreciation of men.
– My goal and focus is to complete the assignment God has entrusted to me.
– My motive is kept pure and sanctified from every self-pleasing ambition and desire.
Oh Thank you Lord Jesus!

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Emelia Quaye
Emelia Quaye
23 hours ago


Akporhor Cynthia
Akporhor Cynthia
22 hours ago

I don’t make the applause of men my focus. Thank you Lord Jesus.

1Thess.2.4 But as we have been approved by God to be entrusted with the gospel, even so we speak, not as pleasing men, but God who tests our hearts.

axor israel
axor israel
20 hours ago


axor israel
axor israel
20 hours ago

Thank you Lord Jesus!

axor israel
axor israel
20 hours ago

I make Jesus the ultimate goal of my service

axor israel
axor israel
20 hours ago

I don’t make the applause of men my focus.

axor israel
axor israel
20 hours ago
Reply to  axor israel

Blessed be God!

axor israel
axor israel
20 hours ago

I don’t strive for the appreciation of men.

axor israel
axor israel
20 hours ago
Reply to  axor israel


axor israel
axor israel
20 hours ago

My goal and focus is to complete the assignment God has entrusted to me.

axor israel
axor israel
20 hours ago
Reply to  axor israel

Glory to Jesus!

Sackey Vaness
Sackey Vaness
19 hours ago

I please my maker. I look to everything to make sure my maker ,Father is pleased

Ackah Pricy
Ackah Pricy
13 hours ago

My goal and focus is to finish the assignment he Lord has given to me

11 hours ago

I don’t strive for human applause
I do it from my heart
I don’t make that my Goal
My goal is to fulfill God’s assignment

4 hours ago

I take this verities into meditation.

Samuel Larbi
Samuel Larbi
4 hours ago

I don’t strive for the applause of men

Samuel Larbi
Samuel Larbi
4 hours ago

My Goal and focus is to complete the assignment the Lord has entrusted to me

Last edited 4 hours ago by Samuel Larbi

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