The Love-Life Agency

“See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are! The reason the world does not know us is that it did not know Him.”
1 John 3:1 (NIV)
The richness of God transcends the abundance of currency, silver or gold. The richness of God is not in the resources He has but in the reality of Himself.
He is superabounding in essence and expression. He is the source of what He gives and He is what He gives. Thus to have God is to have an unending satisfaction.
He is lavishing. He doesn’t dispense Himself in smaller percentages. He gives super-abundantly.
God doesn’t hold back. He generously lavishes all He has and yet doesn’t run out of what He gives.
When you have God, you have Him in all of His richness.
This is why you shouldn’t have God and then lack any good thing. God is not a Father who holds back good things from His children.
He gives lavishly!
When men walked in unbelief, lived without Christ, were sinners, condemned because of unbelief, were like corpses, dead in sins and offenses. When they were controlled by religion, man-made customs, and selfish values of this world, dominated by the dark ruler of the earthly realm who fills the atmosphere with his authority and works diligently in the hearts of those who are disobedient to the truth of God. They lived out the rebellious and corruption of unbelief that was sown in them from birth through the deeds and desires or deadly cravings of their selfish-life.
God still loved us with such great love. Because He is so rich in compassion and mercy.
(See Ephesians 2:1-6)
No degree of our wrongs was able to stop God from fulfilling His compassionate plan of salvation.
Though men saw themselves as God’s enemies, this didn’t stop God from being faithful. His steadfast love remains immovable, and the flow of His Mercies continues endlessly.
Are there times when you look at yourself, and feel you have made so many mistakes, disappointed God and hit the bottom of the ocean?
Always remember His mercy is unending.
Even in the Lamentation of the Prophet, he said:
“my soul is bereft of peace; I have forgotten what happiness is; so I say, “My endurance has perished; so has my hope from the Lord.” Remember my affliction and my wanderings, the wormwood and the gall! My soul continually remembers it and is bowed down within me.
But this I call to mind, and therefore I have hope:
The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; His mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. “The Lord is my portion,” says my soul, “therefore I will hope in him.” Lamentation 3:17-24 (ESV)
No matter how the adversary reminds you of the trouble, the utter lostness, the taste of ashes or defeat, the feeling of depression and hitting the bottom.
Set your mind on the lavishness of God’s love and Mercy. Set your hope and grip on God. His love is loyal and cannot run out, the rivers or well of his mercifulness cannot dry up. A day wouldn’t end without the unceasing flow of His mercies. He will always and at all times lavish and soak you with His compassionate love.
He doesn’t hold back His kindness and care; He abundantly overwhelms you with His mercies.
Enjoy the abundant supply of God in this new season.
Leviticus 11 – 13
Genesis 35
– The Lord is my supply.
– I don’t lack any good thing because I have received of the Lord in all of His richness.
– He abundantly overhelms me with His mercies everyday of my life.
The Lord is my portion, says my soul. I will continue to hope in Him.
I don’t lack any good thing because the Lord is my source, he lavishes me beyond what I can even imagine.
Thank You Lord for Machaira with Apostle Bennie
I set my mind on the lavishness of God’s love and his mercies
My hope will be gripped on God’s compassionate love and lavishness of his endless mercies no matter the situation I find myself.
Your abundance overwhelms me with mercies
God does not give in smaller percentages , he gives super abundantly.
Kaaiii I pray more and enjoy yhw lavisheness of God in this season.
In the name of Jesus.
I set my mind on the lavishness of God’s love and Mercy
The Lord is my supply…
I will always have what I need.
Thank You Jesus!
The mercy of God endures forever
The kind of hope this episode has stirred within. Machaira is always timely
When one sets his mind of challenges and trouble it clouds the mind of the individual of who God truly is and what he can do
God has limitless power for every situation but his limitation is what man thinks of him and where men place their hopes and trust
Even though in some instances he can come through for others by taking advantage of the intentional steps of others who become intercessors
Thank you Jesus
I enjoy the abundant supply of God in my life in this new season…..
I don’t lack any good thing
Thank you lord Jesus for your word
Thank you for Apostle Bennie
Glory to God!
Oh Hallelujah!! The Lord’s Mercy Never Fails!!
This so refreshing. The love of God for as has no reason. His Provision is infinite. I must not lack that is my life,in health, men everything good into Jesus.
I have God
His love for me can never run out
I enjoy the lavish Grace
Irespective of what you think of yourself or your history, the Lord knows you by name precious one. You matter to Him and He values you. The Lord has engraved you in the palm of His hand. And takes delight in your personal matters. You are not ordinary. Hallelujah! Glory to God.
The Lord God is my portion and My Rehoboth.
No degree of our wrongs was able to stop God from fulfilling His compassionate plan of salvation..
The Lord God will not hid any good things from me. He is my lavishing provider.
I don’t lack any good thing
I don’t look at my disappointments or the wrongs but rely on the sure mercies and love of God
There’s no scarcity in my life
I am God occupied
My sufficiency is of God
My mind is set on the lavishness of God. With Him I lack nothing for He gives super abundantly!
I cannot be disadvantaged!
Oh this Machaira got me into tears
Thank you Lord for everything
I love you Jesus
God is my sufficient supply. God does not give frugally, He supplies superabundant mercy and yet cannot run out. He doesnt Hold back His generosity.
Irrespective of what goes on, He always supplis mercy and satisfaction to us.
In times of great sin and rejection, when men saw themselves as enemies of God and walk according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that works in the children of disobedience, among who we all walk and conducted ourself, but God in His great mercy, wherein He loved us, when we were dead in trespasses and sins, revived us again through Christ.
Our wrong thoughts and conducts didnt stop God’s supply then, when men wickedly crucified God, His love and mercy didnt cease that time…i am excited to know it wont cease now.
Thank you Jesus
I am greatly helped
Thank you Lord
Ooh I have God , I have everything
I enjoy all that there is in God
His love for me is loyal it can never runout
I lack no good thing
Thank you, Lord Jesus, for your eternal Mercy
Thank you Jesus 🙏
Glory to the highest God for his everlasting supply and Lavishness.
Thank you Jesus
The Lord’s love for me is loyal and can never run out
The Lord is my portion, He’s my comfort
The Lord is my supply
Oh how God loves me!!
He is faithful to the end
I lack no good thing, I enjoy the abundant supply of God. Thank you God.
Favorite punchline: 2 Corinthians 9:8
And God is able to make all grace abound towards you, that you, always having all sufficiency in all things, may have an abundance for every good work
He is not just able to do it, He actually does
Oh, I have God, therefore; I don’t lack any good thing
I set my hope and grip on God
When you have God, you have Him in all of His richness.
This is why you shouldn’t have God and then lack any good thing. God is not a Father who holds back good things from His children.
I have all things because i have God as my father
No matter how the adversary reminds you of the trouble, the utter lostness, the taste of ashes or defeat, the feeling of depression and hitting the bottom.
Set your mind on the lavishness of God’s love and Mercy
Thank you sir
Are there times when you look at yourself, and feel you have made so many mistakes, disappointed God and hit the bottom of the ocean?
Always remember His mercy is unending.
I so benefit from His unending mercies
My soul rejoices and leaps for joy
For the lord hasn’t just relieved me bad moments, He has also shown the way of life
The lord is ever loving indeed
The richness of God transcends the abundance of currency, silver or gold. The richness of God is not in the resources He has but in the reality of Himself.
I have God in His richness
I don’t lack any good thing because God doesn’t withhold His good things from me!
God, always and at all times lavishes and soaks me with His compassionate love.
God abundantly overwhelms me with His mercies.
I enjoy the abundant supply of God in this new season.
The Lord is my supply and my supplier!