Machaira with Apostle Bennie, The Church



The Love-Life Agency

If you have any challenge in your body, RECEIVE YOUR HEALING NOW! Be it infirmity in your kidney, lungs, intestines, stomach, eyes, bones and joints, heart, head, brain, or any other part of your body, YOU ARE HEALED whiles reading. Celebrate your testimony NOW! Hallelujah! (Share your testimony with me in the comments)
Apostle Bennie
(Acts 20:28; Jeremiah 23:4; Ezekiel 34:2,23; 1 Samuel 13:14)
We engage the Wisdom of God to rightly submit with humility to the authority of the Shepherds He has set over us. In the name of Jesus.
Leviticus 5 – 7

Genesis 33
– I remain in the fold (Christ Commonwealth – Community) the Lord has placed me.
– I have found my place and I refuse to isolate myself from the fold.
– Through humility, I submit to the authority of my shepherd (Apostle Bennie).
– I take heed to the leadings of my shepherd (Apostle Bennie).
– I enjoy rest and joy through the guidance of the Shepherd the Lord has given me.
– I don’t wander around like one without a Shepherd.
– I follow diligently to every instruction.
Oh Gloreey! Hallelujah!

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Sackey Vaness
Sackey Vaness
10 days ago

I submit to the leadership of my shepherd. Thank you sir. For teaching as through Machaira

Cecilia Habada
Cecilia Habada
10 days ago

I don’t wonder around like one without a shepherd

I submit to the authority of my shepherd(ApostleBennie) and (Deacon Cyril) throughout humility

Emelia Quaye
Emelia Quaye
10 days ago

Thank You Jesus!!!

Claudia Muange
Claudia Muange
10 days ago

I refuse to isolate myself from the fold.
I submit to the authority of my sheperd,Apostle Bennie.

Gbali Gershon
Gbali Gershon
10 days ago

I take heed to the leadings of my shepherd (Apostle Bennie).

Samuel Larbi
Samuel Larbi
9 days ago

I submit to the authority the Lord has given me

Samuel Larbi
Samuel Larbi
9 days ago

Through humility, I submit to the authority of my shepherd Apostle Bennie.

Dcn. Opoku Manuel
Dcn. Opoku Manuel
9 days ago

One thing is certain here; the Lord intentionally gives Shepherds (Pastors) to His Children to guide and lead them. As a chief Shepherd, He has entrusted us into the hands of our Pastors to Shepherd us. This is the system of God to turn His flock. Knowing this, I make myself submissive to my Pastor and the leaders the Lord has set over me.


9 days ago

Thank you Lord for the shepherds you have gifted us with
Through humility I submit to the authority of my shepherd (Apostle Bennie)
I take heed to the leadings of my shepherd

Daniel F. Agbosu
Daniel F. Agbosu
9 days ago

One thing is clear to me that God does nothing without men including shepherding of the saints

Akporhor Cynthia
Akporhor Cynthia
9 days ago

Through humility, I submit to the authority of my shepherd (Apostle Bennie). Thank you Lord Jesus

Cyrille De-saba
Cyrille De-saba
9 days ago

Thank you Lord, I’m a man under authority.
I submit to the authority of my sherperd.

Cyrille De-saba
Cyrille De-saba
9 days ago

Thank you Lord, I’m a man under authority.
I submit to the authority of my sherperd. In the name of Jesus.

9 days ago

I have found my place and I refuse to isolate myself from the fold
I take instructions from my shepherd. Thank you sir

Ackah Pricy
Ackah Pricy
9 days ago

Through humility I submit to the authority of my shepherd (Apostle Bennie)

I follow diligently

Ackah Pricy
Ackah Pricy
9 days ago

Thank you Lord Jesus

Tanisha Takyibea Amoh
Tanisha Takyibea Amoh
9 days ago

I have found my place and I refuse to isolate myself from the fold!!

Tanisha Takyibea Amoh
Tanisha Takyibea Amoh
9 days ago

I follow diligently all instructions given by my shepherd, Apostle Bennie!!

Edith zidzorli
Edith zidzorli
9 days ago

Oh thank you Lord Jesus for the life of my Shepherds

Linda Teye
Linda Teye
9 days ago

I submit to the authority of My Pastor

8 days ago

I submit to myself to my shepherd Apostle Bennie
In the name of Jesus

Edward Atiase
Edward Atiase
8 days ago

Thank you Jeus. I have learnt that Jesus is the Chief shepherd, yet He gave us shepherds to feed us with knowledge and understanding, instruct us in the way of the Lord and oversee our affairs. And the sheep has the responsibility of being humble and submissive to enjoy the nourishment God brings.

The idea that God shepherds from Heaven is not right, He will always work through a man. He have Israel David, He have them Moses, He gave them various leaders and instructed the leaders in the way to guide His people.

He still does same today!

8 days ago

Thank you lord Jesus

8 days ago

I take heed to the leadings of my shepherd Apostle Bennie.

8 days ago

Ooh yes

I don’t wander around like one without a Shepherd.

Kassah Eunice
Kassah Eunice
8 days ago

I enjoy rest and joy through the guidance of apostle Benin that the lord has given to me in the name of Jesus 🙏
I refuse to isolate my self from the fold

Benjamin Okyere
Benjamin Okyere
8 days ago

The honour you give to the shepherd God has set over you signifies honour to God.
Because they convey Gods message to you. One may ask how may I know that you are my shepherd.

What does a shepherd do ?
watch over you and care for you with Christ as their example.

– feed you and teach you with knowledge and understanding.

– lead you by their own good example of faith and love.

– instruct, direct and build you through the word.

These are the signs that shows that you are under a shepherd but until you submit you will never know

Benjamin Okyere
Benjamin Okyere
8 days ago

A true shepherd will show you the ways of God
Nurture to have an intimate relationship with God so you can also grow others

Not one who always wants to spoon feed men so they always run to him for answers

Wisdom Elvis
Wisdom Elvis
6 days ago

I refuse to be isolated from the fold the Lord has placed me!

Wisdom Elvis
Wisdom Elvis
6 days ago

I submit myself to the leaders God has placed over me!

Wisdom Elvis
Wisdom Elvis
6 days ago

I humble myself before my pastor.
Thank you Jesus!

Wisdom Elvis
Wisdom Elvis
6 days ago

I remain in the fold (Christ Commonwealth – Community) the Lord has placed me.

Wisdom Elvis
Wisdom Elvis
6 days ago

Through humility, I submit to the authority of my shepherd (Apostle Bennie).

Wisdom Elvis
Wisdom Elvis
6 days ago

I enjoy rest and joy through the guidance of the Shepherd the Lord has given me.

Wisdom Elvis
Wisdom Elvis
6 days ago

I don’t wander around like one without a Shepherd.

Wisdom Elvis
Wisdom Elvis
6 days ago

I follow diligently to every instruction.

Wisdom Elvis
Wisdom Elvis
6 days ago

Thank you Lord Jesus!

1 day ago

Thank you Apostle Sir

I make decision today to continually remain under your leadership as my shepherd

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