The Love-Life Agency

“Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints”
Ephesians 6:18 (KJV)
No believer or saint in Christ is an Island. Every individual is part of the community of the saints.
We are strong as saints when we stand together in this fight of faith. We defend, support and strengthen one another to enforce our victory in Christ and prevail over every situation.
The Lord knows the believer is not called to stand alone, thus, He incorporates everyone who becomes born again into Himself.
“For by [means of the personal agency of] one [Holy] Spirit we were all, whether Jews or Greeks, slaves or free, baptized [and by baptism united together] into one body, and all made to drink of one [Holy] Spirit.” 1 Corinthians 12:13 (AMPC)
In Christ Jesus, there is no individualism. Your well-being is not enough when the well-being of other saints is compromised.
This is why you don’t only pray for yourself but you must also become an intercessor.
You must be intentional about making prayers and supplication for other saints.
All believers or saints in Christ Jesus are of one body. When the hand is in pain, the whole body is in pain. You can’t have pain in your leg, and have the lungs rejoice.
The discomfort of one body part is the discomfort of the whole body.
This is why you must pray for one another. You must pray for the saints.
To make supplication simply means, to humbly make a request or petition.
To make supplication for the saints is to humbly and earnestly make a request for the saints.
Praying for the saints must be done with all perseverance. Don’t quietly watch your fellow saints go through pain and challenges. Instead of sitting back to complain about the failures of others, you can make supplications for them.
Read Ephesians 6:18 in the Amplified:
“With all prayer and petition pray [with specific requests] at all times [on every occasion and in every season] in the Spirit, and with this in view, stay alert with all perseverance and petition [interceding in prayer] for all God’s people.” Ephesians 6:18 (Amplified Bible)
This is one of the signs of spiritual maturity: Praying for God’s people!
Selflessness is a sign of maturity.
The “babe” in Christ doesn’t pray for others. He or she is only concerned about himself (or herself).
The more you pray for others, the less you get troubled or anxious about your challenges. Praying for others also means looking away from your situation and entrusting it to the hands of Jesus.
When you spend time to make supplication for others, all you are saying is, “Lord, please take care of my situation, as I stand in the gap for others”.
Let God handle your business as you make supplication for others.
Think about fellow saints in your community or city. Pray for their growth, their effectiveness in serving the Lord, and their strength and focus in the gospel of Jesus.
Set a time aside today and pray for the brethren.
Genesis 31
– I seek for the well-being of all the saints.
– I grow in love for the saints.
– I make supplication for the saints as my habit.
– I see every believer as a brother and I make supplication for them.
I make supplication for the saints as my habit
I refuse to be selfish
I pray for the well being of all saints that we may grow in the consciousness of our oneness in christ Jesus
I interced for the saints.
We pray that all the saints will not grow weary in faith, love and in doing the Lord’s work but grow in the consciousness of our oneness in Christ Jesus 🙏
Let God handle your business as you make supplication for others…
Thank you sweet Holy Spirit.
The Lord handles my challenges as I stand in the gab for others.
I mature daily in Christ.
I grow in love for the saints.
Thank You God for Machaira with Apostle Bennie.
I make supplications for the saints
Thank you Mord Jesus
I am an interceding Priest
Haaa! So Timely!
Machaira with Apostle Bennie is a blessing unto the BODY of CHRIST!
Thank you so much man of God for bringing us daily deeper in this journey!
I make time to pray for the Brethren.
I make prayers and supplication on behalf of my Brethren and the body of Christ as a whole!
I am part of the community of saints!
I refuse to be content while the well – being of my fellow saints is being compromised!
I must not only pray for myself. I need to also be an intercessor!!
I choose to be intentional about making prayers and supplications for other saints!
Especially my leaders.
The discomfort of one body part is the discomfort of the whole body…so profound!
I refuse to live in comfort while a member of the body of Christ dwells in discomfort.
When the saints go through uncomfortable situations, I refuse to sit back, fold my arms and look on!
Instead, with a spirit of perseverance, I humbly and earnestly make supplications for them.
I choose to pray for All God’s people!!
I choose to be selfless!
I refuse to remain a “babe” in Christ by only praying for myself!!!
Praying for others releases me from the anxiety of dealing with my challenges. It is simply asking the Lord to handle your situations as you make supplications for others!
Wow Thank You Jesus for this revelation!!
I leave my burdens in the capable hands of the Lord by praying for others in the name of Jesus!!
I pray for the saints in my community and in my city!!
I pray for their growth!
I pray for their effectiveness in serving the Lord!
I pray for their strength and focus on the Gospel of Jesus!
I pray for the brethren!!
Thank You Jesus!!!
Glory to God!!!!!!!
Whenever I spend time to pray for the saints, I am helping the whole body which also includes myself.
I refuse to watch my fellow saints go through pains and challenges.
I make supplications for them!
I constantly intercede in prayer for all God’s people!
I let God handle my business as I make supplication for others.
Thank you lord Jesus
Thank you for your word
Thank you Apostle Bennie for the opportunity
I see every believer as a brother and I make supplication for them.
I grow in love for all the saints.
I refuse to live isolated and selfish.
Thank you Lord Jesus!
I give myself to the praying for fellow saints in the Lord
I make intercedinwg for other’s a habit
I seek for the well being of other saints
I pray for the brethren. As fellow worker, I intercede for the brethren
I make supplications for my fellow saint
I am selfless
I intercede for my fellow saints in the Lord
As I make supplications for other saints, the Lord takes care of my business!!
I pray for others
I pray for others
I seek for the well-being of all saints
Thank you Holy Ghost
Intercessions are very crucial for the prosperity of the body of Christ. Reading the dig deeper verses, one thing was clear even as Paul the Apostle in some verses stressed on it; praying for the brethren and all men. It takes Intercessions for the Peace of God to prevail in our world.
I pray the the Lord grants me strength to be consistent with my Intercessory ministry.
I make supplication for the saints my habit
Glory to God
If one wants to go a short journey he goes alone but he that wants to go far goes with men.
Imagine if Sampson had men like david what happened to him will not because they will have to get through them to reach Sampson. But David’s men stood to defend even to the last breath and that is how we the saints must act for ourselves
Ministry has never been a short journey it has continued and will continue till even the world ends that is why it is a “watch my back as I watch yours “ policy no loner can do ministry you will wear out.
Even in the book of Exodus
Jethro told Moses that if he says he will judge all the people case he will soon wear out so this means he needs men to be helping hand to make sure things are in place
So when everyone has the back of their people strength is enforced in time of need and as we have our backs there is a need for ONENESS which cannot be compromised because for one to pray the other it will take a people who are one
Thank you Jesus. The body of Christ is an organism with many parts. No matter how we look at it, I remain strong when the body of Christ is strong. I am weak when the body is weak. I suffer when a part of the body is suffering. This necessitates the tool or help of prayer!
The bible says, I exhort therefore that prayer, supplication and given of thanks be done for all men, for kings and rules and those in authority that we may have a quite a peaceable life in all Godliness.
The bible speaks of Epaphras, He says, Epaphras one of your fellowship members, always praying for you that you may stand perfect and complete in all the will of God.
Prayer helps the brethren
every believer must be an intercessor because, in intercession, deliverance is provided to the brethren and we give God the opportunity to save us.
I pray!!
Thank you lord Jesus
I see every believer as a brother
I refuse to live isolated and selfish
I refuse to live an isolated and selfish life
I seek the well-being of all the saints
I grow in love for the saints
Thank you Jesus
I make supplication for the saints as my habit.
Thank you Jesus
I take he’s to this instruction
I pray and supplicate for the saints
Glory to God
Thank you Lord Jesus