Apostle Benjamin Nana Amissah Ansah
The Love-Life Agency

How can you carry the light and the glory of God in you and struggle to demonstrate excellence in what you do?
When the people of the world feel God is too far away, the way you live and love must be the magnification of God. Selah!

Apostle Bennie
Wednesday, 29th January, 2025
“The Spirit of the Lord GOD is upon me; because the LORD hath anointed me to preach good tidings unto the meek; he hath sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and the opening of the prison to them that are bound”
Isaiah 61:1 (KJV)
What are you doing with the anointing?
Are you just living for yourself or taking steps to transform your society with the anointing in you?
The anointing is God’s supply to enable you to do what He has called you.
To be anointed is to be empowered for the Lord’s service and impact in people’s lives.
Every anointed person must have the mindset of a sent-man. Anyone who achieves more with the anointing has a mission-oriented mentality.
When you begin to live with the mindset of a sent-man you will know your life is not for yourself. A life lived for God is reckoned as a fruitful life in the Kingdom. A life lived for self is a fruitless life in the Kingdom.
To live for God is to live above your self-interest. You don’t use the deposits of God for self-gain.
“Jesus said to them again, “Peace be with you. As the Father has sent me, even so I am sending you.” John 20:21 (ESV)
How did the Father send the Lord Jesus?
What was His mission?
See this:
“God did not send his Son into the world to judge and condemn the world, but to be its Savior and rescue it!” John 3:17 (TPT)
And this:
“Moreover, we have seen with our own eyes and can testify to the truth that Father God has sent his Son to be the Savior of the world.” 1 John 4:14 (TPT)
Now the Lord has appointed you to go into the world to save it. Until you go out there to preach the gospel men will not be able to believe and to be saved.
As part of the vision of the Prophet Obadiah, he saw this:
“Then saviors shall come to Mount Zion To judge the mountains of Esau, And the kingdom shall be the LORD’s.” Obadiah 1:21 (NKJV)
This was fulfilled in Christ Jesus:
“And then God will bring all of Israel to salvation! The prophecy will be fulfilled that says:
“Coming from Zion will be the Savior, and he will turn Jacob away from evil. For this is my covenant promise with them
when I forgive their sins.” Romans 11:26-27 (TPT)
Our Lord Jesus came as the Savior of the world and has given us the responsibility to carry the message of salvation to the nations of the world.
The Psalmist declared this:
“Send us around the world with the news of your saving power and your eternal plan for all mankind.” Psalm 67:2 (TLB)
This is the necessity of the anointing of the Spirit upon your life.
The anointing of God’s Spirit is the empowering presence of the Lord, which has made us adequate to carry out the responsibility of reconciling many to God.
Every anointed person must operate with the mindset that they are sent to the world to live as a representation of Christ and the mission to bring many into the saving grace of Jesus.33
Don’t waste the anointing on your personal gain.
This is the time to bless others.
(Romans 10:15; Acts 13:47; John 17:18; Luke 24:46-49; Isaiah 49:6)
Pray that our hearts will be stirred more and more to take the gospel of His salvation to the people around us and to the ends of the world.
Exodus 33 – 35
Genesis 29
– I don’t use the deposits of God for my self-gain.
– I am a sent-man to the world.
– I live as a representation of Christ.
– I have the mission to bring many into the saving grace of Jesus.
– I have the right mindset that allows the anointing to find expression.
– I produce great results by the anointing.
– I am conscious daily of the anointing at work in me.
– The anointing finds free expression through me.
Oh, Thank you Lord Jesus!
Favour, it surrounds me like a shield
It will cover me from now
Till eternity
I operate with the right mindset 🔥🙏
I’m so much blessed this morning 😇🙏
I won’t waste the anointing for my personal gain I reconcile many with the empowering presence of God
The anointing finds full expression through me.
I am a sent man.
Acts 3.1-6. Sliver or Gold we do not have but in the name of Jesus Christ the anointed one, Get up and walk…
With the anointed invested in me, i can heal the sick.
I put the anointing into work.
I will miracle with the anointing.
The anointing is the word. I work in anointingword. My generations will not fail because i am the sent man with grace anointing.
I take daring steps to transform my society with the anointing!
Being productive is my responsibility because God has anointed me.
The anointing is for an assignment.
I put God’s anointing to work!
I have a mission-oriented mentality!
I’m a sent man!
I don’t use the deposits of God for my self gain.
I am conscious daily of the annointing!
The anointing is God’s supply to enable me to do what He has called me to do!
I am anointed! Therefore I am empowered for the Lord’s service and impact in people’s lives in the name of Jesus!!
The anointing of God upon my life makes me understand that I am on a mission that must be and will be fulfilled!
I live for God. Therefore, in the Kingdom of God, my life is reckoned as a fruitful life!
I live for God. Therefore, I live above self interest!
I refuse to use the deposits of God for self-gain!
I have the responsibility of carrying out the message of salvation to the nations of the world.
The anointing of God’s Spirit has made me adequate to carry out the responsibility of reconciling many to God!
I am anointed. Therefore, I live as the representation of Christ.
I am anointed. Therefore, my mission is to bring many to the saving grace of God!!
I refuse to use the anointing for personal gain!
I bless others with the anointing of God!!!
Ohhhh Glory to God!!!
I bless my world with the gospel of Christ…
Many shall know the Gospel of Christ. ..
I make good use of the anointing of God on me….
Me not preaching the gospel is living a selfish life…
I operate as a sent_man and not self love or interest
Thank you Lord Jesus
I am conscious daily of the anointing at work in me.
Thank you Jesus
I have a mission-oriented mentality
I live a fruitful life
I don’t waste the anointing
I don’t scatter divine resources
I carry out the necessity of the anointing
I don’t use the deposits of God for my self-gain
I walk as a man on a mission!!
I am anointed
I am a sent man to the world
I live above myself interest
I live as a representative of christ
I don’t use the deposit of God for my self gain
I don’t use the deposits of God for self gain
Am stirred In my Spirit to serve my generation with the anointing of God within me
Daily am reminded of the power of God within me
Thank you sir
I don’t use the deposits of God for my self-gain.
Thank you Kord Jesus
I have the mindset of a sent man
I do that which the Lord has called me to do
My My My
The anointing is not for my selfish gain
It is for a mission
I am a man sent on a mission
Thank you Lord Jesus
Thanks be to God, the Father of Glory who has enabled me for Ministry
My mind is stayed on the Lord
By the anointing I bring Glory to the Lord
I do the extraordinary by the anointing
I don’t look at my self I look unto Jesus for unto Him is receive strength and grace and encouraged not to give up
Thank you Lord Jesus
Having the mindset of a sent man doesn’t allow you do what ever you want because you know who you are
Just as a farmer doesn’t go to war and a soldier doesn’t go to the farm that’s the same way the sent man does what will promote the Gospel by the backing of the anointing
With the sent man
To live is Jesus to die is gain
We have no choice but to do what we are sent to do because there is an investment in us
Whatever God has called me to do, I have the anointing to do it!
I live above my self interests!
The anointing of God’s Spirit is the empowering presence of the Lord, which has made us adequate to carry out the responsibility of reconciling many to God.
I don’t use the deposits of God for my self-gain.
I live as a representation of Christ.
I have the right mindset that allows the anointing to find expression.
I produce great results by the anointing.
I am conscious daily of the anointing at work in me.
The anointing finds free expression through me.
Thank you Lord Jesus!
The anointing on me is for function…it is for reconciling many!
To be effective, I need to have a mindset of a sent man. That means, I am a fruit of the kingdom of God, and I am not on my own. I dont own me!
How will they hear unless a preacher is sent!
The anointing on me will preach the gospel that breaks through resistances!
The Prophesy of Obadiah about salvation coming unto men will be fulfilled by me!
The World will not go down to hell..I preach Jesus
I put the anointing unto work
With the sure anointing I blessed my generation and next generation to come
To live for God is to live above your self-interest. You don’t use the deposits of God for self-gain.