Apostle Benjamin Nana Amissah Ansah
The Love-Life Agency

Saturday, 25th January, 2025
“There is nothing in us that allows us to claim that we are capable of doing this work. The capacity we have comes from God”.
2 Corinthians 3:5 (GNT)
There is no divine assignment which doesn’t require divine capacity, no matter how little it may seem.
If it is of God, then it is great!
See what David said, when he was preparing materials for building the temple.
“And King David said to all the assembly, “My son Solomon, whom alone God has chosen, is still young and inexperienced and the work is great; for the temple is not for man but for the Lord God.“ 1 Chronicles 29:1 (Amplified)
Now after all the materials needed were supplied for the building David now unveiled how:
“Now therefore, our God, we thank You, and praise Your glorious name. “But who am I, and who are my people, that we should be able to offer as generously as this? For all things come from You, and from Your own hand we have given to You… O Lord our God, all this abundance that we have prepared to build You a house for Your holy Name, it is from Your hand, and is all Your own.” 1 Chronicles 29:13-14,16. (Amplified).
It will always take God Himself to partner with you to do what He inspires or assigns you to do.
To have Christ in you is to have God’s partnership for any good work.
The spiritual capacity of God in you transcends your physical abilities.
The spiritual capacity is not only the ability to contain but also God’s supply of ability within you to produce.
The Apostles acknowledged that all that they did was according to certain capacities. However, those capacities were supplied by God. (2 Corinthians 3:5 (GNT).
The Greek word for Capacity is “hikanotés”, it also means sufficiency, competence, ability, power, qualification, or fitness.
Though the capacity to do great things for God is supplied by the unlimited power of God, we have the responsibility to consistently increase in the capacity of God supplied.
Until you decide to take advantage of the unlimited supply of God within you to increase your spiritual capacity you will not see unlimited results.
Every Kingdom’s achievement is greatly backed by divine capacity.
Greatness responds to great capacity.
Your level of capacity will determine the size of the city or sphere you can take.
To increase in Spiritual capacity is to be a consistent follower of Jesus.
The Lord teaches and trains you through certain men He has set in the Church. These men equip the saints for the work of the ministry. (Ephesians 4:11-12)
You also build capacity through intense focus on God’s work and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit.
Focus gives direction to divine energies. Whatever has your attention, attracts the resources of God within you.
Don’t scatter divine resources, FOCUS!
And the more you fellowship with the Lord, the more you submit to Him for great help and supply.
You must also have the habit of praying in the Holy Spirit. As you pray in the spirit and meditate on the Word, you also build up yourself in faith and increase your inner capacity (Jude 1:20).
God has made you for big things; don’t settle for less, therefore, increase in capacity.
Are you meditating on the word?
Are you fellowshipping with the Holy Spirit?
How consistently do you speak in tongues?
Beloved, enlarge your tents, lengthen your chords and strengthen your stakes. The season of great results and harvest is here!

In the name of Jesus.
Exodus 21– 23
Genesis 25
I increase in capacity through the study of the word and prayer🙏🔥
I imbuie focus. I don’t scatter divine resources. I enlarge my capacity for the big things. In the name of Jesus.
Thank you Apostle for today’s Machaira.
I’m really blessed.
And the more you fellowship with the Lord, the more you submit to Him for great help and supply.
With the consciousness of His abiding presence, I linger in prayer and build capacity to do exploits
I walk in thw consciousness of His presence.
I imbue focus
I don’t settle for less
With God I go beyond my strength
I give myself to the study of God’s word and prayers
I enlarge my capacity by the spirit of God at work in me to do great things
In the name of Jesus
In the name off Jesus.
I increase capacity to do great things for the Lord
Thank you Jesus
Thank You Lord Jesus
Capacity determines the sphere you conquer. All the fathers of faith couldn’t be recognised if they didn’t do the exceptional and to do the exceptional it depends on the capacity you have
They were hard followers of Christ even to death that is how they learn and grow in their spiritual capacity to do great things
A bag cannot contain what a house can contain this shows the difference in capacity but when the bag is reshaped into the size of a house it will be able to contain what the house does so we have to allow ourselves to be reshaped by God through prayer, the men he sends to us, and our fellowship with the Holy Spirit
This builds and shapes our mindset and the way we think. That is the pivot of all what a man does. That is the working point of God
I hve the mind of God.
May your gracious Spirit lead me forward on a firm footing Lord!!
Thank you Jesus
I do great things
I go beyond my strength
This Episode Is A Very Great Blessing To Me!!
God bless you Apostle Bennie 🙏🏼
In whatever God inspires or assigns me to do, He always partners with me, to bring the vision to fruition in the name of Jesus!!
Christ lives in me. Therefore, I have God’s partnership for any and every good work in the name of Jesus!!
The spiritual capacity of God in me transcends my physical abilities in the name of Jesus!! It is God’s supply of ability within me to produce.
It is my responsibility to consistently increase in the capacity of God supplied to me!!
I take advantage of God’s unlimited supply within me to increase my spiritual capacity. Therefore, I see unlimited results!! In the name of Jesus!!!
I am a consistent follower of Jesus, therefore I increase in capacity!!!
I build capacity through INTENSE focus on God’s word and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit in the name of Jesus!!!
I refuse to scatter divine resources!!
I fellowship consistently and continuously with the Lord. Therefore, I submit to Him for great help and supply!!!
I cultivate and develop the habit of praying in the Spirit!! I build myself up in the faith and increase my inner capacity by praying in the Spirit and meditating on the Word in the name of Jesus!!!
God has made me for BIG THINGS!!!
I don’t settle for less!
I enlarge my tents!!
I lengthen my cords!!
I strengthen my stakes!
Unlimited capacity.
I build Capacity ohh Thank You Jesus
Oooooooohhhh thank you Jesus
I Imbue focus
I meditate on the word of God.
I fellowship with the HolySpirit at work in me in order to increase in Capacity.
In the name of Jesus
Thank You Lord Jesus.
I increase in capacity to do great things
I don’t scatter divine resources
I imbue focus
To have Christ in me is to have God’s partnership for any good work.
I don’t scatter divine resources
I focus
I run the race with much intensity and fervency
With God I go beyond my strength
I imbue focus!!
I have the capacity for greatness
My abilities are of God
Our capacities are enlarged to fulfill every divine assignment by the supplyof the spirit for greater works
Thank you lord Jesus
Oooh yes
With God I go beyond my strength
In the name of Jesus
Ooh yes
Great things ye do
Thank you lord Jesus
I am glued to imbue focus
In the name of Jesus
Ooh yes
Through the study of the word and Prayer, I increase in capacity to take on my city
I pray with all prayers daily
I meditate on the Word daily
I work the anointing out with fear and trembling.
Hallelujah .
Oh my!
I take advantage of the capacity of God.
I tap into the unlimited capacity of God to produce great ministry results.
I fellowship with the Lord; I take great pleasure in His work and i submit to my leader!
Thank you, Jesus!
I lengthen my chords, and I strengthen my stakes because I am ready to break forth on the left and on the right
Thank you Jesus
I am greatly supplied by God to work wonders
I am a wondrous sign
If it is of God, then it is great!
I’m a consistent follower of Jesus!
I don’t scatter divine resources. I imbue focus!
My inner capacity is enlarged by the Supply of the Spirit for greater works!
With God, I go beyond my strength.
The Lord is with me therefore I do great things.
Through the study of the word and Prayer, I increase in capacity to take on my city.
By the strength of the Spirit at work in me, I increase in capacity to do great things.
I imbue focus!
Thank you Lord Jesus!
I intentionally engage the supply of God’s ability in me to increase in capacity.