EPISODE 731 – WISDOM KEYS FROM PSALM 37 — DON’T ENVY THE WICKED 6 – You Have a Peaceful Prosperous Future 1
Apostle Benjamin Nana Amissah Ansah
- 60 Comments on EPISODE 731 – WISDOM KEYS FROM PSALM 37 — DON’T ENVY THE WICKED 6 – You Have a Peaceful Prosperous Future 1
The Love-Life Agency

Thursday, 23rd January, 2025
You Have a Peaceful Prosperous Future 1
“But you can tell who are the blameless and spiritually mature. What a different story with them! The godly ones will have a peaceful, prosperous future.”
Psalm 37:37 (TPT)
Psalm 37 is a refreshing song of wisdom.
Every believer must glean and feast on the virtues dispensed by the prophetic Psalmist.
He addressed critical issues and established the certainty of hope for the godly.
He emphasized that a child of God must not in any way envy the wicked.
The wicked plot and use evil means to attain momentary, short-lived success and happiness. All they gather withers away. Those who do evil have no value and their seeming glory fades away.
You will see them trending everywhere and celebrated by the ignorant, don’t envy them. These people when they don’t turn to God will be gone tomorrow. (See verse 20)
For this reason, “…don’t think for a moment that the wicked in their prosperity are better off than you” (Psalm 37:1)
Some believers invest time and energy desiring to have the success of the wicked. Interestingly, these people invest time in plotting against the godly with all their sneers and arrogant jeers. These people take advantage of the helpless and will go to any extent to slaughter those who do right. (Verse 12-14)
Don’t waste time admiring them. Your life is even a threat to their schemes. Deal with them according to knowledge.
They admire and spy on the godly ones, stalking them to find something they could use to accuse them. They’re out for the kill! But God foils all their plots. (See verse 32,33)
The good news is, their evil deeds have an expiry date and their weapons of wickedness turn against them. Their own deeds pierce their pride-filled hearts and render them helpless. (See verse 15)
These wicked and ungodly men develop hatred for God and set themselves up as enemies of God. Definitely, they rather set themselves up to perish. For a fish to deny water is to set itself up for suicide. All these who make themselves enemies of God set themselves up for eternal destruction.
No one rises against the Lord, and embarks on a journey to destroy God’s program on earth, ever lives to fulfill his evil worthless dreams (verse 20).
As a believer, you don’t have to envy these worldly and ungodly men. Follow God’s plan for your life, and labour in wisdom to create wealth. Yet, trust in the Lord as your source. Be content and patiently grow the blessings of the Lord in your life.
These wicked ones ride on deception to create wealth. They break their promises, borrow money but never pay it back. They have no sense of integrity and dignity. Don’t be like them. Be content, and as a godly man, it’s your duty of excellence to return what you owe, even with interest. (Verse 21)
What David was sharing in this Psalm wasn’t a hypothesis. These are practical and proven wisdom.
Observe what he said in verses 35 – 38:
“I’ve already seen this happen. Once I saw a wicked and violent man overpower all who were around him, a domineering tyrant with his pride and oppressive ways. Then he died and was forgotten. Now no one cares that he is gone forever. But you can tell who are the blameless and spiritually mature. What a different story with them! The godly ones will have a peaceful, prosperous future with a happy ending. Every evil sinner will be destroyed, and obliterated. They’ll be utter failures with no future“
Beloved, don’t get distracted and discouraged by the challenges confronting you today. Don’t assume God has forsaken you. Don’t conclude that your present condition is the defining factor of your tomorrow.
You have a beautiful future, just remain patient and faithful to the Lord.
Refuse to imitate the wicked. Their end is bitter and sad. Follow and imitate the Lord.
Exodus 15– 17
Genesis 23
I don’t imitate the wicked but rather follow and imitate the Lord
I patiently grow the blessings of the Lord in my life.
I follow and imitate the Lord.
I’m content, patient, and i grow my blessings with God’s wisdom.
I labour in Wisdom to create wealth and the Lord remains my source.
I follow God’s words for my life
I labour in wisdom to produce wealth
I trust in the Lord
I’m content and I patiently grow the blessings of the Lord in my life
I refuse to be distracted by the challenges confronting today
I follow and imitate the Lord
God is my main source
I have a peaceful and prosperous future
In the name of Jesus
. Follow God’s plan for your life, and labour in wisdom to create wealth. Yet, trust in the Lord as your source. Be content and patiently grow the blessings of the Lord in your life.
Hahagalata. Thank you Lord Jesus Christ.
Glory to God.
I have a precious and peaceful future… i will never be afraid of my future because God is already there. He knows my future . He is the source of my future..
David quote that ‘Oooh Lord, my future is in your hands.
I entrust my future into God’s hands. Thank you Lord Jesus.
I will sleep in God because my precious future is peace. CHRIST JESUS IS MY REST.
I have a prosperous future.I imitate the Lord.I run with patience and diligence. I refuse to envy the wicked
Thank you Jesus
I live in the contentment of the spirit
Hallelujah. I dont envy the ungodly I remain content and patient with what I have for it is the Lord who supplies all my needs.
Psalm 37 teaches me to continue to hope in the Lord.
Psalm 37 builds up my faith in the Lord because it teaches me to understand that it pays to be Godly and that the works of the Godly shall never go unrewarded.
I refuse to waste time admiring the wicked!
I deal with them according to knowledge!
I refuse to envy worldly and ungodly men!
I focus and follow God’s plan for my life!
I labour in wisdom to create wealth!
I trust the Lord as my source!
I am content!
I patiently grow the blessings of the Lord in my life!
Thank you, Lord! There’s no better companion than Machaira with Apostle Bennie.
It is my duty of excellence to return what I owe, even with interest!!
I refuse to get distracted and discouraged by the challenges confronting me today!
God has not forsaken me!!!
I will not be hasty to conclude that my present condition is the defining factor for my tomorrow!!
I have a BEAUTIFUL FUTURE!!!!!!!!!
Even my present is beautiful in the name of Jesus!!!!
I remain patient and faithful to the Lord!!!
I refuse to imitate the wicked!!
I follow and imitate the Lord!!
I have a PROSPEROUS and PEACEFUL FUTURE in the name of JESUS!!!!!!!
Spoiler Alertttt!!!!!!
The godly ones will have a peaceful, prosperous future with a happy ending.
Today’s episode has opened my eyes. There’s no need to fret about the future as a believer because God, in His wisdom, has secured your life and future. What an incredible and divine insurance policy!”
My Future is secured!
I have a Glorious Future!
I follow after God’s plan for my life.
I refuse to be preoccupied with getting
Instead, I Steep My life in God-reality, God-initiative and God-provisions.
1 Peter 1: 3-4(MSG)
What a God we have! And how fortunate we are to have him, this Father of our Master Jesus! Because Jesus was raised from the dead, we’ve been given a brand-new life and have everything to live for, including a future in heaven—and the future starts now! God is keeping careful watch over us and the future.
The Lord is enough for me!
I follow after God’s plan for my life
I am content
I patiently grow the blessings
of the lord in my life
I labour diligently in wisdom to create wealth
I seek first the Kingdom of God
i don’t envy the wicked
I have a peaceful,beautiful and and prosperous future
I refuse to move away from the Lord
I don’t imitate the wicked for my future is bright and prosperous!
I follow after God’s plan for my life.
I follow and imitate the Lord. The Godly have a beautiful future, a wonderful end…a peaceful life. The Godly cannot be forsaken by God. Whatever they have is beautified by God…
But the Godless dont have this, their plot to steal, they borrow and dont pay back. They stalk the Godly and the helpless so that they can take advantage of them. They are masters of wicked plots and swindling to take what does not belong to.them falsely. Their wealth is obviously not enviable and ephemeral.
I dont envy the wealth of the wicked…i have God. God is enough!
Thank you Jesus
I patiently grow the blessings of God in my life. Thank you Lord Jesus
woow very rich and practical
With the lord as my source I labour diligently in wisdom to create wealth
This really got me zooming in to what Apostle is teaching;.”Don’t waste time admiring them. Your life is even a threat to their schemes. Deal with them according to knowledge”
Chai I practicalise what am taught
Thank you Apostle Bennie
I’m content 🙌🏻
The Lord is my source therefore I don’t envy the wicked
I lean not on my own understanding.
For our light affliction which are for but a moment are working for us a far more exceedingly and eternal weight of Glory.
Glory to God
I have a glorious future
The Lord has it all planned out
He will bring to an end that which he has started
The success of the wicked is not my benchmark
Wow this is just the practicality of the word of God.
I refuse to envy the wickec
He who has began a good work in me will surely bring it to completion. I patiently grow the blessings of the Lord in my life.
I remain faithful and patient to the Lord
I look beyond what can be seen foe what can’t be seen lasts forever.
I have a prosperous future!!
I follow after God’s plan for my life.
I don’t run ahead of him
Thank you lord Jesus
“But you can tell who are the blameless and spiritually mature. What a different story with them! The godly ones will have a peaceful, prosperous future.”
Thank you lord Jesus
For this reason, “…don’t think for a moment that the wicked in their prosperity are better off than you”
For they shall soon be cut down like the grass, and wither as the green herb.
Thank you lord Jesus
But their swords will pierce their own hearts, and their bows will be broken.[Psalms 37:15 NIV]
Shall we envy this ?
Tofiakwa !
Dabida !
Hah! I enjoy the WAY of the Lord
I follow God’s plan for my life
In the name of Jesus Christ!
Oooh, yes I labour in wisdom to create wealth
In the name of Jesus
Oooh yes , I have a beautiful future
Thank you lord Jesus
I follow and imitate God
In the name of Jesus.
Oooh Yes, the Lord is my source
My content, is in the Lord
Ooh yes
I patiently grow the blessings of the Lord in my life
I have peaceful prosperous future
Thank you lord Jesus