The Love-Life Agency

“Join me, everyone! Let’s praise the Lord together. Let’s make him famous! Let’s make his name glorious to all.”
Psalm 34:3 (TPT)
Psalm 34 is one of the beautiful Psalms of David the King. David celebrated the goodness of God in this Psalm and encouraged his readers or all who will commune with this Psalm to replicate that posture.
The scriptures are saturated with the flood of God’s goodness. And this revelation of God’s goodness is fully revealed through the glorious gospel of Jesus.
The revelation of God’s goodness is not merely to make you “feel good”, but to establish you in the reality of God.
Whatever the Lord does for His people is good. It may not look as you expect from the beginning, but while you are being taken through the journey of life and you follow in faith, you will be waving the flag of victory.
“Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change.” James 1:17 (ESV)
There are people in today’s world who blame God for all their predicaments and assume that God projects evil against mankind.
“For I know the plans I have for you,” says the LORD. “They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.“ Jeremiah 29:11 (NLT).
God’s plan for you is not to destroy or usher you into disaster. God’s plan also doesn’t promise challenge-free.
However, God holds your hands to go through these challenges until you fully emerge and manifest as victorious.
The people of the world, and carnal men keep projecting the wrong image of God into many hearts.
They conclude that there is no goodness in God, He afflicts men with ailments, which is not consistent with the revelation of scriptures.
When Jesus came He showed us the character of God’s goodness. He healed the sick and comforted the brokenhearted.
The goodness of God which Jesus unveiled did not end when He ascended.
This Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever. (Hebrews 13:8).
Psalm 34, begins with David expressing to the Lord how he’s bursting with joy over what the Lord has done for him. (Psalm 34:1).
This is something many believers don’t show to the world. They don’t show the world how good God is.
The adversary keeps spreading falsehood and deceit all across the internet or digital space.
We must boldly boast of the Lord and all His works, to let all who are discouraged take heart. (Psalm 34:2)
In this digital age, we don’t have to be quiet about the wondrous works of God. We have to announce and make it famous.
Yes, God doesn’t need us to be famous. He is known by all even the deceptive atheists.
Nonetheless, we are publishers of His glorious works. The more we talk about the goodness of God the more He becomes famous in the hearts of men.
This is important to note: Testimonies shared in the Church are to strengthen the faith of the brethren.
Evil must not prevail. The next trending dance shouldn’t be made famous.
You have to go all out to announce the good news of Jesus to the world.
Use your social media platforms to talk about Jesus and His finished work.
Talk about God’s goodness, His love and Salvation.
Don’t hesitate to joyfully share your miracles and testimonies.
People must hear more about God’s love and the things He has done more than the deceits of the adversary.
Go out there and announce the fame of the Lord.
I refuse sit on the fence for I am fully involved in the spreading of the glorious works of God
I make God famous in the heart of men
I refuse to sit back and let the trends of this world become famous than the Goodness of God
Everywhere I go the goodness of God must be heard
I’m not ashamed to spread the gospel and wonders of God
I don’t sit on the fence,I don’t relent, I don’t assume that someone else will do it, I’m the man for the job.
Jesus must be seen, Jesus must be heard
I give my voice to the spread of the works and coming of Jesus
I refuse to be quiet
The grace of consistency
I will not be distracted
The grace to be consistency and continually spread the word in the name of Jesus
You are the reason why i live.
You are the one for me.
You are the one for me.
Why should i fear when i have you, sourrounded by your love, sourrounded by your everlasting love..
Why should i care about what people say . You are the one for me.
I live because of the Gospel. I will sing the Gospel of Christ to many.
They dont know what you mean to me.
Jesus Christ would be known through my lips.
Many hear of God’s love and goodness through me.
I make the Lord famous.
We won’t rest until Jesus is known.
Everywhere I go,I spread the good news of Jesus.I refuse to be careful about it.
Is am refreshed to find reason not to be ashamed to minister anywhere. Any chance I get is for Jesus to be famous.
We will not rest until Jesus is known.
Evil must not prevail.
– I make the Lord famous everywhere I go.
In the name of Jesus
The devil has blinded the eyes of many that makes them dull and repel when it comes to the Things of God and our Lord Jesus. He is now amplifying the things that suites the flesh mostly on the entertainment space
many don’t love to learn and Grow in the in-depth knowledge of God but love the things that tickles the ears and emotions the wrong way
I shall not be ashamed of the proclamation of the gospel.
I make the name of Jesus Christ famous everywhere saturating every heart till there’s no heart to saturate
And most of this is how believers portray the things of God. Some believers amplify poverty as a way of being consecrated to God so you will stay away from sin
others criticise genuine men who demonstrate the raw power of God as demonic powers and even the unadulterated Gospel itself some believers say we speak blasphemy to say we are not sinners so all these make it clear to unbelievers that we are not one in faith but I know its the fault of Religion and False teachers who mislead many into falsehood
Jesus is known by all through me
I celebrate the goodness of God!!
The revelation of God’s goodness, establishes me in the reality of God!!
Whatever the Lord does for me is GOOD!
As I press on in faith, I will soon wave the flag of victory!!
In the face of challenges, God holds my hands to go through them, until I fully emerge and manifest as VICTORIOUS!! OH HALLELUJAH
My Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever!!!!
I refuse to hold back on proclaiming His goodness!!
I press on and go forth to reveal God’s goodness to the world!!!
I boast boldly of The Lord!!!
I boast of all the mighty works of the Lord!!
I refuse to be quiet about the wondrous works of GOD!!!
I announce God to the masses!!!
I am a publisher of God’s glorious works!
I go all out to announce the good news of Jesus to the world!!
I am LOUD about God’s goodness!!
I am LOUD about God’s love and His Salvation!!
I refuse to hesitate to JOYFULLY share my miracles and testimonies!!
I go all out for Jesus!!
I announce the FAME of the Lord!!!
Through me, the whole world will hear the wondrous, glorious and mighty works of My Jesus!!!
Many hear of God love and goodness from me
I make God famous
I go all out
I am not ashamed of the gospel
I refuse to sit on the fence, I am fully involved in announcing the fame of Lord.
Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever
In the name of Jesus, I declare today that everyday of my life, I shall proclaim the glorious works of the Lord Jesus to the nations of the world…
I am a publisher of His wondrous works
I make my God famous
Ohh Lord, I sing praises to your name and make you famous, hallelujah
I make the Lord famous everywhere I go
i boldly speak of the testimonies and miracles I received and have received from the Lord to increase the faith of many ohh the goodness and the goodnews of my Lord is amplified by me!!
Hayaya🔥🔥🔥. Jesus is trending through me. He is made alive in the hearts of men . I announce Jesus to the world.
Glory to God!!!
I make God Famous.
I proclaim his wondrous works.
I spread the goodness of God.
Thank you Jesus!
Send us around the world with the saving knowledge of your power!!
God is Good!!
His goodness must be known by all..
I will spread His love, message, power and Goodness!!!
We will not allow evil to flood our media space!!
The false pictures painted about God and the false placards people lift towards God will be overshadowed by my exaltation of His name!!
I make Jesus famous!!
I spread His news on all my platforms and in my circles!
I make Jesus famous.
Matthew 10:27
New Revised Standard Version Updated Edition
27 What I say to you in the dark, tell in the light, and what you hear whispered, proclaim from the housetops.
My voice has finally found a use!!
I proclaim how good God is!!!
Oh.. the goodness of the Lord!
I refuse to sit on the fence, I am fully involved in announcing the fame of Lord.
The Lord is the most trending..
Most viral..
Most anticipated..
And I make it happen!
Everywhere I go.the Lord must be known.
This is a mandate I don’t take lightly.
I make the Lord the greatest celebrity of my generation
You are good and your Mercy is Eternal..
You are good forever..oh Jesus and I will tell it to the world!
The fame of the Lord must known and spread abroad
His name must be famous than the new dance on the internet
God’s plan for you is not to destroy or usher you into disaster. God’s plan also doesn’t promise challenge-free.
I show the world how good my God is!
I go all out to announce the good news of Jesus to the world!
I’m not ashamed to proclaim the glorious works of the Lord Jesus to the nations of the world!
I make the Lord famous everywhere I go.
Many hear of God’s love and goodness from me.
I refuse to sit on the fence, I am fully involved in announcing the fame of the Lord.
Thank you Lord Jesus