The Love-Life Agency

Tuesday, 22nd october, 2024
“Stop getting drunk with wine, which leads to wild living, but keep on being filled with the Spirit.”
Ephesians 5:18 (International Standard Version)
I know the year is about to end but listen this year is a glorious year with great visions. There are mighty things the Lord has been inspiring you to do.
If you have not yet received the inspiration of what to do, then you will have to set a moment to capture fresh inspirations of the Lord.
Perhaps you received inspirations yet haven’t acted out on them. As you set aside some time to fellowship with the Lord, he will bring them to you with fresh grace.
Beloved, there is nothing God tells you to do (no matter how little), that is not great. Anything God tells you to do is great.
This is why whatever God tells you to do, He works in partnership with you to achieve it. He doesn’t instruct you to do something and then He leaves you on your own. He is the only King who sends His messengers and still goes with them to accomplish their duty.
This is the work of the Holy Spirit in your life. The Holy Spirit in you, is God indwelling you to walk and work with you.
It is up to you to be intentional about your partnership with the Holy Spirit.
Don’t just wake up to embark on your divine assignment without Him; you must work with the Holy Spirit.
Jesus said, “without me you can do nothing” (John 15:5) and this is why He decided to send another Helper (John 14:16). The Holy Spirit is here to help you.
However, from the opening verse, we see that the infilling of the Holy Spirit is not a one-time event or experience, but a continuous experience.

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“Stop getting drunk with wine, which leads to wild living, but keep on being filled with the Spirit.” Ephesians 5:18 (ISV)
Also being filled with the Spirit as a continuous experience is hinted by the phrase “KEEP ON”.
Did you notice the two parallel experiences of influence?
If you want to know how you should be continuously immersed in the Spirit, see what one looks like when he is immersed in drunkenness.
When you KEEP ON being filled with the Spirit your being is influenced and soaked with the Spirit, like how one is influenced and gets drunk by wine.
When one gets drunk by wine, his movements, thoughts and speech are influenced by the drunkenness. The same is true with a man immersed in the Spirit.
When you keep on being filled with or immersed in the Spirit, you come under the influence of the Spirit. The Spirit influences your movements, thoughts and speech.
There is a way a man who is immersed in the Spirit daily, thinks and lives.
You live according to the power of God. You demonstrate love according to the influence of the Spirit.
The love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Spirit (Romans 5:5).
You are not controlled by the lust of the flesh. The power of the love of Christ gains preeminence over the man who is saturated by the Spirit.
Beloved, Keep on being filled with the Spirit.
Thank you sweet Holy Ghost.
Oh thank you Jesus
I’m filled daily with Holy Spirit.
Thank you Jesus
I refuse to be ordinary.
Thank you Jesus
Thank you Jesus
I allow the Holy Spirit to have influence over everything that has to do with my growth in the kingdom…
I walk daily in this consciousness
Thank you Jesus 🙏
Thank you Apostle
I am intentional about my Partnership with the Holy Spirit
The Holy Spirit in me is the seal of God’s Intimacy with me.
I am Conscious of the Holy Spirit
I work with the Holy Spirit.
The Holy Spirit is here to help…
The Holy Spirit is my advantage
I am under the influence of the Holy Spirit.
My movements, thoughts and speech are influenced by the Holy Ghost
I yield my heart and mind to the fellowship of the Holy Spirit.
He doesn’t leave me to myself, He works with me to accomplish every task He has given me.
Anything God tells you to do is great!
The Holy Spirit in you, is God indwelling you to walk and work with you.
I am immersed in the Spirit daily
when you feed the spirit more it gains more influence over your flesh which makes you walk according to the spirit.
and the only a man can walk according to the spirit is first and foremost a conscious living of who you truly are and what is your content and through that you can express your true content
A king ignorant of himself and his position does not act like a civilian
so if you want to achieve bigger things a man must know that his content is God he must move in God’s pace
Glory to God!
When a man is immersed in the spirit, he comes under the influence of the spirit. Thus, his movement, thought and speech is influenced by the spirit, just like how a man intoxicated by alcohol has his thoughts, movement and speech influenced by alcohol.
Without me you can do nothing, Jesus said.
Though Jesus is not with us now as he was with the disciples. However, he sent us another helper, another of the same kind. Our fellowship with the Holy Spiri is fellowship with Jesus; the Holy Spirit dwells in us with the presence of Christ.
Our partnership with the Holy Spirit is to our advantage. Your partnership with Him is what makes the fulfillment of His assignment or the things he inspires you to do possible.
To be led by the Spirit, Beloved, keep on being filled with the Spirit.
Thank you so much Apostle for today’s Episode. It’s a privilege sir.
Ha…..I KEEP ON getting drunk in the Spirit.
I don’t yield to the desire of the flesh. I get acquainted with the Spirit daily.
I am one continually filled with the Holy Spirit
My life is influenced by the Holy Ghost
My speech thought living is soaked by the power of the Holy Ghost
I am not ordinary
My plans, ideas and desires are soaked and immersed in the Holy Spirit.
Thank you Jesus
I keep on being filled with the Holy Spirit.
Thank you Lord.
I am under the influence of the Holy Spirit
Glory be to God
I continue to live under the influence of the Holy Spirit in the name of Jesus.
Heyaaaaa gloreeeeeeeeyyyyyyy
In the name of Jesus I keep on being filled with the spirit
Daily I fellowship with my sweet Holy Spirit
The spirit influenced my life, thoughts and actions
The Lord gives in me
I engage him always
Thank you Jesus for this timely message. I keep on being under the influence of the spirit
I refuse to be ordinary
Thank you Apostle Bennie.
1. Everything the Lord inspired me to do, He himself is involved to help me get it done! Wow, I engage the Holy Spirit to get big things done for the Lord Jesus
I get drenched continuously in the spirit, I am spirit-led..I am Love-led!! I daily fill in the spirit….i allow the Holy Ghost to saturate my heart with the Love of Christ. Thank you Jesus
Ephesians 5:18-19 Living Bible
18 Don’t drink too much wine, for many evils lie along that path; be filled instead with the Holy Spirit and controlled by him.
19 Talk with each other much about the Lord, quoting psalms and hymns and singing sacred songs, making music in your hearts to the Lord.
This is the key!!
I keep on being filled with the Spirit!!
I declare over my life today that I’ll continually live under the influence of the Holy Spirit who is my great HELPER
I’m not given to the drunkeness of wine, I’m filled with the Holy Spirit…
Thank You Jesus
I am immersed in the Spirit
The Holy Spirit in me is God indwelling me to walk and work with me
I walk daily in this consciousness
As I keep on being immersed in the spirit, my thoughts, speech and actions are influenced by Him
Thank you Lord Jesus
I’m immersed, saturated and soaked in the Holy Spirit.
My decisions, movements, desires, are influenced by the Holy Sipirt.
Oh thank you Jesus
I’m intentional about my partnership with the Holy Spirit.
I’m intentional about my fellowship with the Spirit.
I walk daily in this consciousness
Thank you Lord
I am soaked with the holy Spirit