Machaira with Apostle Bennie



The Love-Life Agency

By Benjamin Nana Amissah Ansah


(Pronounced makh’-ahee-rah)

  •  Daily revelatory thoughts to sharpen you and to

    help you grow in deep spiritual understanding and


  • Scriptures for your daily meditation.

  • Daily Christ-centered and apostolic-prophetic


Sunday 26th March, 2023
 “ This is war, and there is no neutral ground. If you’re not on my side, you’re the enemy; if you’re not helping, you’re making things worse.” Matthew 12:30 (Message Bible)
When you became born again, you were translated or conveyed from the power of darkness into the Kingdom of the Son of His love (Colossians 1:13).
This mandate of the Kingdom did not end with you.
The Lord is still in the business of conveying many from the power of darkness into His Kingdom.
This is the business of the Kingdom and you were brought into the Kingdom to be a Steward of this business.
Get this, God did not make you a King and a Priest (Revelation 1:6), just for you to enjoy the luxury and extravagance of divine royalty and Christ’s love.
We are made Kings and Priests in Christ to be involved in the assignment of the Kingdom.
“But you are God’s chosen treasure— priests who are kings, a spiritual “nation” set apart as God’s devoted ones. He called you out of darkness to experience his marvelous light, and now he claims you as his very own. He did this so that you would broadcast his glorious wonders throughout the world 1 Peter 2:9 (TPT)
We have the mandate to dispel the influence of darkness in all places, by shining out the light of the gospel.
There are forces of darkness working to gather and oppress men and turn men against God’s glorious agenda of the Kingdom.
“For they are spirits of demons, performing signs, which go out to the kings of the earth and of the whole world, to gather them to the battle of that great day of God Almighty. Revelation 16:14 (NKJV)
The forces of darkness are in serious business day and night, to turn the people of this world against God and to wage war with the Lord.
The adversary is not waiting for the future to strike against God and his Kingdom. He is in business today. Nothing just happens; there are many things turning people away from God and His love in our day, which are part of the plottings of darkness.
God’s mandate has never been unopposed. The adversary has always been on the go to distract, oppose, weary and to contend with God’s people.
Many have set themselves up to be enemies of the gospel.
They use every single medium to achieve their evil intentions.
Yes, the devil and his cohorts have no chance against the Kingdom of light.
But the question is, HOW ARE YOU INVOLVED?
Did you see what Jesus said in the opening scripture above?
Where do you belong?
Take note, there is no middle (neutral) ground.
If you are doing nothing, you are not helping and you are making things worse.
At the end of all things each man’s work in this war shall be judged. (2 Corinthians 5:9-10)
Are you sitting on the fence or you are relentlessly involved in the mandate of the Kingdom?
Look at what Mordecai told Esther, when she gave what seem to be genuine excuse not to fight for the people of God:
“Then Mordecai commanded to answer Esther, Think not with thyself that thou shalt escape in the king’s house, more than all the Jews. For if thou altogether holdest thy peace at this time, then shall there enlargement and deliverance arise to the Jews from another place; but thou and thy father’s house shall be destroyed: and who knoweth whether thou art come to the kingdom for such a time as this?
Esther 4:13-14 (KJV)
God has brought you into His kingdom and placed you in that school or institution, office or organization, political space, community or neighbourhood, hospital, firm at such a time as this, to make the light of the Kingdom shine.
When you fail to be involved in God’s business, He will raise someone else for the assignment and hold you accountable.
As Saul failed in the assignment God gave him, God raised David who will do His will.
(1 Samuel 15; 16:1; Acts 13:21-22).
The expansion of the Kingdom, is now our business and mandate.
God has made us Saviours from Zion, and that includes you. (Obadiah 1:21)
As we have been made sons of God, we must take up the mandate of the Kingdom.
In the kingdom of God there are no civilians; though we are all citizens.
We are made kings and priests (that is responsibility).
And as Kings, we don’t sit in the palace to have fun.
We are trained by God to be good soldiers.
Refuse to be at ease. (Amos 6:1)
Be part of the war. Be involved in what God is doing.
You are God’s agent of transformation.
Take up your responsibility today.
(Matthew 16:18-19; Psalm 144:1; Jeremiah 1:3-9; 17-19; 2 Corinthians 10:3-5;)
That the Lord will teach our hands to make war and the skill to take strategic steps which will make us get ministerial results.
DAY 52: Numbers 26-27
– We are sharpened by the Lord for His great work this year.
– I am a helper of the war.
– I conquer and win territories for the Lord.
– We shall be immovable as steel post.
– By the relentless power of God we are enabled to subdue kingdoms.
– We are as solid as concrete block.
‐We stand together as a team, no matter the opposition.
– We topple and crush systems of this world.
– The Lord is with us, we fear no evil
– We don’t sit on the fence.
– We labour through faith.
OH Hallelujah, GLORY TO GOD!!!

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Samuel Nfodzo
Samuel Nfodzo
1 year ago

I am sharpened by the Lord for His great work this year. I am a helper of the war. I conquer and win territories for the Lord in the name of Jesus.
Glorey to God

Sackey Van-ess
Sackey Van-ess
1 year ago

I win for the lord and Him alone . For I don’t scatter and I stand with the lord.

1 year ago

I wage war for the Kingdom.

I don’t sit on the fence.

Im involved in the Lord’s agenda.

There is no middle ground for me

Andrews Kofi Sarpong
Andrews Kofi Sarpong
1 year ago

I am good soldier of Christ Jesus.
I don’t sit idle, iGO about my father’s business.
Glory to God

Andrews Kofi Sarpong
Andrews Kofi Sarpong
1 year ago

My mouth is prepared to speak the good news lf the Lord Jesus.
Any obstacle by the adversary to blind the eyes of the brethren from perceiving the light of the gospel is being shattered in Jesus name.
The Lord has put His words in my mouth.
Ha! I cannot be intimidated.
The Lord prepares my fingers to war!
Glory to God

Andrews Kofi Sarpong
Andrews Kofi Sarpong
1 year ago

From today’s bible reading text,
I was convicted of the word to whom much is given much is expected asseen in Numbers 26 verse 53 where the land was divided among the tribes fir war according to their number and capacity..
Wow, I cannot be at ease in Zion.
Amos 6 verse 1
I learnt that my service to God which is an unforceful rhythm should be what God wants and not what I want or feel like doing as seen in Numbers 26
I also learnt that I should hold on to legitimate claims in the word of God made available to us in scriptures as seen by the daughters of Zelophehad.

Nkrumah Sarkodie Charles

Oh Jesus!

I am relentlessly involved in this kingdom mandate.

1 year ago

Oh Glory be to God
I don’t sit on the fence
Am involved in the kingdom mandate

1 year ago

I labour through faith

Gbadegbe Mary Bumbede
Gbadegbe Mary Bumbede
1 year ago

I am involved in the Lord’s agenda
I don’t make things worse

Agbeko Triumph Elikplim
Agbeko Triumph Elikplim
1 year ago

I refuse to make things worse. I am strengthen on all sides as a soldier of Christ.
I am a responsible citizen. I shoulder the agenda of God.

Emmanuel Opoku
Emmanuel Opoku
1 year ago

Glory to God !

I gather with the Lord!!

I train to be a very good soldier!!!


[…] in God’s army, you have the mandate to dispel the influence of darkness in all places, by shining out the light of the gospel.As a royal priest, you are to show forth the glory of Him, who called you out of darkness into His […]

Prince Semanu
Prince Semanu
1 year ago

I’m a good soldier of the Lord…I do as I’m instructed by the Lord and my Leaders. I’m solid as a rock, standing firm and immovable as a steel post waging war and battles with the Lord.
I stand with the team the Lord has given me and I follow the instructions of my leader

1 year ago

Ayye I take up my responsibility as a son of GOD to relentlessly spread CHRIST to many . GLORRRRRYYYYYYY

Andrews Kofi Sarpong
Andrews Kofi Sarpong
1 year ago

We are saviours in Zion.
We are made Kings and Priest not only to show our manifestation of greatness dispensed into us but also to service.
We cannot be complacent as we have become born again.
For we will be judged and rewarded according to our measure of deeds

Oh! Thank you Lord Jesus

1 year ago

I have been made a son of God,

I take up the mandate of the Kingdom.

I am a good Soldier of Christ

1 year ago

I beat the Civilian mentality out of me…
I am a King and Priest with a Mandate to dispel the influence of darkness in all places

Emmanuel Nanor
1 year ago

I’m part of this business of the Lord
I am a marketing director and a steward of God’s business
I marketize the gospel of Lord Jesus Christ everywhere and I dispel the influence of darkness with the shining light of the gospel


[…] This is a war over the salvation of souls. The Church has the mandate to bring deliverance to the nations. […]


[…] in God’s army, you have the mandate to dispel the influence of darkness in all places, by shining out the light of the gospel. As a royal priest, you are to show forth the glory of Him, who called you out of darkness into […]


[…] This is a war over the salvation of souls. The Church has the mandate to bring deliverance to the nations. […]

Wisdom Elvis
Wisdom Elvis
6 months ago

I conquer and win territories for the Lord.


[…] to him it is war and the weapon is […]

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