The Love-Life Agency

Be determined and maintain an undisturbed composure this week. Shalom!

Apostle Bennie
Tuesday, 8th October, 2024
“I run in the path of Your commandments, for You will enlarge my heart.”
Psalm 119:32 (Berean Standard Bible)
At the beginning of this New Year, the word of the Lord came to you.
To you, this word of the Lord is God’s direction for your life and instruction for your future.
It is important to focus on it and commit your mind to it.
Within the Christ Commonwealth Community, Global (Love-Life Agency), the Lord has given us a word that is the focus of our personal lives and corporate expression.
Our year 2024 is the year of:
– It is our year of Kingdom SHINING and SPREADING.
– The year of Kingdom raptness, ambience and expressions.
This is the commandment of the Lord to you.
And this month of October is our month of DETERMINATION.
It is one thing to receive the Word of the Lord, it is another thing to run with the Word of the Lord.
Every Word of the Lord to you has its established path. The more you walk in the direction or path of the Word, the more your understanding is deepened and enlarged.
The path of the Word includes the instruction of the Word.
The path of the Word is what brings you into the fulfilment of the Word.
By the Word of the Lord to you for the year, you know you have to change your prayer habit, establish better associations and avoid wrong ones.
The instruction of the Word also came with an inspiration to give yourself to reading some materials and work towards some daily ministry targets.
You have to esteem those instructions and run by them.
This is a blessed new month and great grace abounds towards you.
Commit your mind and heart to this prophetic word and run with it.
Commit your mind and heart to this prophetic word and run with it.
(Psalm 119:31-33; Hebrews 12:1; Psalm 18:36)
We pray that we will grow and increase in understanding the paths of the Lord’s command.
Luke 10 – 12
– I take heed to the instructions of God for the year and this month.
– I focus and run in the path of the Lord’s command.
– I consecrate my heart and mind to the word of the Lord for the year and this month.
– I don’t turn away from the instructions no matter the matter.
– I stand firmly by the Word and lay aside every weight.
Thank you Lord Jesus!
Hey I am determined to run with the word of the Lord
Ooh thank you Lord Jesus for your word, for the year and for the month
Thank you Lord Jesus
Heb.12.1 – Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a huge crowd of witnesses to the life of faith, let us strip off every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that so easily hinders our progress. And let us run with endurance the race that God has set before us.
Aaahh, I lay aside every wait and run with the word of the Lord….
Praise the Lord
Oh glory to God
Ps.18.36 – You have made a wide path for my feet to keep them from slipping.
I focus and run in the path of the Lord’s command!!
Oh thank you Jesus
Thank you Lord, I love you Lord
I Consecrate my heart and mind to the word of the Lord…. Ooh thank you Lord
Oh thank you Lord
Thank you Jesus I don’t lay aside the instructions I received for the year no matter the matter
I run with them
No matter the mattter,my goodness
Instructive and aptly put. The word of the day
I take Note Sir
This a call to action.
I run with the Word
It is my year of Kingdom Refulgence
Haaaaa,I run with the word
It is another thing to receive the word of God and it is another thing to run in the word of the God.
I don’t turn away from instruction no matter the matter.
Thank You Lord Jesus
I focus and run in the path of the Lord’s command.
Oh Thank you Lord Jesus, I run with the word. I walk in the path of the word
Thank you Lord Jesus Christ.
Only the Word of God will stand.
I put the word of God into action.
Thank you Lord Jesus.
The instructions of God are not sweet but victory comes at the end. I run with the word .
Thank you sweet Holy Spirit.
I take heed to the instructions of God for the year and this month.
The more you take instructions the more you produce good results
Thank You Lord For Your Word
I esteem the instructions of the LORD and run with them. Glory to Jesus
I stand firmly by the Word and lay aside every weight.
Thank you Jesus
I Choose the path of the word !
Great Grace abounds towards me
I ESTEEM every instruction given to me and I run with it
I esteem the word of Lord
The words of the Lord for my life this month shall not fall to the group
Thank You Lord Jesus 🙏
I run the race by the help of the Lord with patience
The word of the Lord shall not come to me void.
Thank you Jesus.
I choose to run with God’s word.
Thank you Lord Jesus for your word
Your obedience to the instructions of the word brings you into the fulfilment of the Word.
I commit my mind and heart to this prophetic word and I run with it.
I focus and run in the path of the Lord’s command.
Glory to God
I run with the Word the Lord has given me
I’m determined to the core.
Oh thank you Lord Jesus
I run with the word for the month and the year,no matter the matter
I ran with the word of God
I stand firmly by the word and lay aside every weight
thank you Lord Jesus i run with the word that comes to me for it is clear and precise
thank you lord Jesus i don’t procrastinate
Lord thank you for your words
Help me to obey every instruction from our man of God and from Your Word in the mighty name of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Heyaa,I run with the word to fulfill His course