- by Apostle Benjamin Nana Amissah Ansah
The Love-Life Agency
“We have the same Spirit of faith that is described in the Scriptures when it says, “First I believed, then I spoke in faith.”
2 Corinthians 4:13(TPT)
One of the important principles you must know about faith is the expressiveness of faith. Faith is the evidence or the proof of what you have received.
You cannot say you have faith and be silent. Faith speaks!
To act in faith is to act according to God’s word, and God is not silent. Even in His silence, there is a message.
“For God speaks again and again” Job 33:14 (TLB)
As believers in Christ, we have the life of God and also we are to live His life by imitating Him.
“Imitate God, therefore, in everything you do, because you are his dear children.” Ephesians 5:1(NLT)
As imitators of God, we also speak as God speaks.
Please understand that to say faith is not silent doesn’t mean faith speaks unnecessarily. Faith doesn’t speak anything at all that comes to mind. To speak in faith is not to be idle chatter. Faith speaks or vocalizes the revelation of the word of God.
Faith germinates in your heart, through the meditation of the Word of God spoken or declared to you. The Word of God in you is a seed which grows to be faith.
When the word matures as faith in your heart (through meditation) it comes forth also as the “rhema-word” which produces the results or the miracle you have conceptualized.
Some people assume to meditate on the word is to be quiet or silent like yoga practitioners.
Meditation to the believer in Christ, is not the emptying of the mind.
God-centred meditation is the filling and saturation of the mind with the truth or word of God.
The first demonstration of faith is in the words you speak. You cannot speak doubt and act in faith. You will consistently act in faith when you think and speak faith.
You can only speak the word when you are full of the word of God.
In Genesis 1, God spoke light, life and matter into the formless and empty earth. By speaking He created everything that is needed to make existence on earth comfortable.
You must not continue to watch on to the discomfort around you. You must not assume that things will change around you automatically. You must be intentional about the speaking of the word.
Create the miracle you want to see by speaking in faith.Do you believe what God says?
Then you must speak forth His word with boldness.
He has said, that you may boldly say!
Jesus in every circumstance spoke and acted out the word.
Jesus said to the disciples, if you have faith you will SAY to the mountain be moved (Mark 11:23)
Beloved, find out what God has said in His word concerning your health, your finances, your ministry, your family, your destiny, your work, your marriage and your society.
Believe it and boldly declare it.
God is a speaking God, His faith in you is a speaking faith. Don’t be quiet.Glory to God.
My faith speaks!
I believe what God says therefore I speak the word with boldness
I have a speaking Faith !
The faith of God in my heart cannot fail
Thank you Lord Jesus.
I refuse to be quite. I boldly declare the word of faith.
I speak and act faith!
The faith of God in my heart cannot fail
Help me lord to speak in faith always ,Amen .
I can’t be quiet! Oh Jesus
I boldly declare the word of God concerning my life no matter how I feel. Thank you Jesus
Thank you Apostle Bennie
I copy God.
I refuse to be quiet!
I speak the word of God with boldness!
Glory to God!
By the speaking of faith, I create the miracles I want to see.
I speak Gods word concerning my every situation I encounter
For in the truth of God comes freedom
A shut mouth Is a shut destiny I speak the necessary always
I have absolute confidence in the word of God
I don’t doubt the word of God
I speak forth what the word of God has said about me in boldness
I speak and act in faith
My mind and tongue are saturated by the word of God
I live everyday in faith