Machaira with Apostle Bennie, Stewardship



The Love-Life Agency

Wednesday, 14th August, 2024


“As each one has received a gift, minister it to one another, as good stewards of the manifold grace of God.

1 Peter 4:10 (NKJV)

You don’t only serve God with supernatural gifts or what is known as Spiritual Gifts.

Every talent and gift or abilities come from God, therefore it must be used to serve His purpose.

There are times people assume the skills they develop are by their own diligence thus, those talents and skills are self-generated and cannot be God centered.

All of these are of God:

– Natural Talents. These are inherent or innate talents and abilities which people possess through the genetic material of their families. These are passed down from one generation to the next generation. Some families are mostly athletic, others are good at playing musical instruments, and some have a voice for singing but are not good at playing musical instruments. Some are good with artisanship and also technical skills because they inherited the genetic code which brings the skills naturally to them.

– Nurtured or developed Interest. If one has to become exceptional with their natural or innate talent, he or she has to nurture it through hard work, discipline and consistent training. No matter how talented you are, you have to develop it to the highest level of dexterity.
 Now there are people with certain skills which weren’t innate. They just developed an interest in those skills through association or the kind of environment they found themselves. For example, there are people who developed an interest in playing musical instruments simply because they found themselves among instrumentalists. They then begin to nurture their interests, through constant training till they become skillful at it. By the latent power of the mind, anyone can develop any skill he or she sets his or her mind on, whether it’s innate talent or not. Though the nurtured interest in a skill, may seem not to be directly from God, the latent power of the mind, is of God. And also remember, as a believer, it is God who works in you both to will and to do (Philippians 2:13).

Both the unsaved and the saved have natural talents and nurtured interests. Yet know that those abilities are to be used to glorify God.

– Supernatural gifts or Spiritual Gifts. These are the gifts distributed to the saved in Christ by the Holy Spirit. These gifts are given according to the will of God. And as people mature in their relationship with God, they are imparted by the Holy Spirit with special spiritual gifts. These gifts enable the believer to serve the Lord, His Kingdom and the saints.

Now there are [distinctive] varieties of spiritual gifts [special abilities given by the grace and extraordinary power of the Holy Spirit operating in believers], but it is the same Spirit [who grants them and empowers believers]. And there are [distinctive] varieties of ministries and service, but it is the same Lord [who is served]. And there are [distinctive] ways of working [to accomplish things], but it is the same God who produces all things in all believers [inspiring, energizing, and empowering them]. But to each one is given the manifestation of the Spirit [the spiritual illumination and the enabling of the Holy Spirit] for the common good. To one is given through the [Holy] Spirit [the power to speak] the message of wisdom, and to another [the power to express] the word of knowledge and understanding according to the same Spirit; to another [wonder-working] faith [is given] by the same [Holy] Spirit, and to another the [extraordinary] gifts of healings by the one Spirit; and to another the working of miracles, and to another prophecy [foretelling the future, speaking a new message from God to the people], and to another discernment of spirits [the ability to distinguish sound, godly doctrine from the deceptive doctrine of man-made religions and cults], to another various kinds of [unknown] tongues, and to another interpretation of tongues.


All these things [the gifts, the achievements, the abilities, the empowering] are brought about by one and the same [Holy] Spirit, distributing to each one individually just as He chooses. 1 Corinthians 12: 4 -11 (Amplified Bible)

Through verses 8 to 10, Paul the Apostle outlined different spiritual gifts. But that is not all that there is, He also mentioned other Spiritual Gifts in Romans 12:

The gift of serving others, the gift of teaching, the gift of preaching, the gift of being generous, the gift of administration or special administrative ability and the gift of comfort or encouragement. ( See Romans 12:7-8).

When for example someone is exceptional in administration or has a special ability in comforting others, you may think it’s just natural. But there is a supernatural ability which is supplied even for administration. You can develop administrative skills through education or may have administrative skills through an innate ability. 

However, when the special grace of God comes upon you, it amplifies the administrative ability you possess. 

No matter the ability you have, when you become born again, the anointing of the Holy Spirit finds expression through it to serve the Lord’s purpose.

“God has given each of us the ability to do certain things well…” Romans 12:6 (TLB)

You are a steward of the talents and the gifts in you. Your stewardship is demonstrated when you use every ability in you to advance the Lord’s Kingdom, honor the Lord and serve others. 

Don’t limit the usefulness of your gifts and talents to satisfy self-gratification.

Are you a faithful steward?


(Romans 12:6-8; 1 Corinthians 12: 4-31; Exodus 31:3-5; Exodus 35:10)
We pray that we shall exercise the wisdom to serve our generation with every ability of God in us to bring glory to His name.
Ezekiel 14 – 17
– I use all my gifts and talents to honor God and advance His Kingdom.

– All of my gifts and talents are of God and they are for His glory.
– I am a faithful steward.
– I use my time wisely for the fulfillment of the Lord’s purpose.
– I live to fulfill God’s divine purpose.
– I don’t use my gifts and talents for my interest.
– I increase daily in understanding to know how to harness and utilize my gifts and talents to fulfill the Lord’s purpose.
– I live to serve God’s purpose.
– My life is for the glory of God.
Thank you Heavenly Father!

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Belinda Teye
Belinda Teye
5 months ago

All of my gifts and talents are of God and they are for His glory.

Nana Akua Gayles
Nana Akua Gayles
5 months ago
Reply to  Belinda Teye

They are for His Glory

Belinda Teye
Belinda Teye
5 months ago

I use every ability in me to advance the Lord’s Kingdom, honor the Lord and serve others.

Adevu Prince
Adevu Prince
5 months ago

I don’t use my talents and gifts for self gratification.

Adevu Prince
Adevu Prince
5 months ago

I serve the lord’s purpose with skillfulness of hands and integrity of heart

Emmanuel Opoku
Emmanuel Opoku
5 months ago

Oh Hallelujah!

The anointing of the Holy Spirit comes with grace and empowerment to do, according to His will, in fulfilment of His purpose. In this we serve the Lord and others within our generation and beyond.

It becomes and error when all these supplied Grace and empowerment is geared towards the satisfaction of the ‘self’ instead of serving the Lord and others.

5 months ago

Oh Glory to God!!!
I use my gifts to serve God’s purpose not my self interest….

Sedynam Kristen
5 months ago

I increase daily in understanding to know how to harness and utilize my gifts and talents to fulfill the Lord’s purpose.
Thank you Lord Jesus
I don’t limit the usefulness of my gifts and talents to satisfy self-gratification

5 months ago

In the name of Jesus, I exercise the wisdom to serve my generation with all the ability of God in me..,.

5 months ago

Thank you, Jesus.
Holy Spirit, help me to identify my supernatural gift.
My talent is for the fulfillment of God’s purpose.

Ohen Ansah Adom
Ohen Ansah Adom
5 months ago

The Holy Spirit In Me Is There For Good Course

Ohen Ansah Adom
Ohen Ansah Adom
5 months ago

The Holy Spirit In Me Is There For A Good Reason

Ohen Ansah Adom
Ohen Ansah Adom
5 months ago

I Don’t limit the usefulness of your gifts and talents to satisfy self-gratification. Ohh Haleluyaa

Ohen Ansah Adom
Ohen Ansah Adom
5 months ago

The Gifts I Possess Are Special And They Are To The Advancement Of God’s Assignment

Last edited 5 months ago by Ohen Ansah Adom
Vincent Mensah
Vincent Mensah
5 months ago

I don’t limit the usefulness of my gifts and talents for self agrandisement.

Nkrumah Charles Sarkodie
Nkrumah Charles Sarkodie
5 months ago

I am a faithful steward.
I use the talents and the gifts in me to serve others, honor the Lord and to serve His kingdom purpose.

Sarah Amegavie
Sarah Amegavie
5 months ago

I’m a faithful steward. I serve the Lord and his kingdom with my skills, talents and gifts

Beha Eric
Beha Eric
5 months ago

I serve others with God’s giving gifts and talents.

Beha Eric
Beha Eric
5 months ago

I honor the Lord.

Beha Eric
Beha Eric
5 months ago

I serve the purpose of God l.

Edward Atiase
Edward Atiase
5 months ago

This is wonderful…the gifts and callings of God in me will serve the Lord’s purpose.

Simon Mawuli
Simon Mawuli
5 months ago


Simon Mawuli
Simon Mawuli
5 months ago

I am a faithful steward of God’s resources…. I use my abilities to glorify the name of the Lord

Simon Mawuli
Simon Mawuli
5 months ago

God’s resources in my life would not be a waste

Seth Osei
Seth Osei
5 months ago

My life is to express the Glory of the Lord

Juliet Yeboah Appiah
Juliet Yeboah Appiah
5 months ago

Thank You Lord for bestowing gifts to me. That which the Lord has given to me, I use it for His purpose.

Ransford Addai
Ransford Addai
5 months ago

If one has to become exceptional with their natural or innate talent, he or she has to nurture it through hard work, discipline and consistent training.

Wow!!! Thanks for the enlightenment Apostle Sir

Helina Akagbo
Helina Akagbo
5 months ago

Wow my I use my talents to glorify the Lord

Helina Akagbo
Helina Akagbo
5 months ago

My gift and talents are from the Lord and his purpose I use for

Helina Akagbo
Helina Akagbo
5 months ago

I am a faithful steward

Bless Adekpe
Bless Adekpe
5 months ago

Thank you Jesus for instilling in me the ability I need to serve your purpose

Thank you Apostle sir for sharing

5 months ago

WOOW..what a mind blowing episode.
Thank you Lord JESUS!

5 months ago

There is an avalanche of gifts distributed from God through the Holy spirit to his children for the service of God, the saints and the world.

5 months ago

Thank you Lord for your gift of Grace mightily at work in me.

Edith Dzidzorli
Edith Dzidzorli
5 months ago

I live to fulfill His devine purpose and mandate and to finish well

Lindiwe Esenam
Lindiwe Esenam
5 months ago

All my gifts and talents go into what God is doing. I am functional in the body of Christ

Benjamin Okyere
Benjamin Okyere
5 months ago

Through Gods empowerment I make my talent benefit the advancement of his Kingdom

Benjamin Okyere
Benjamin Okyere
5 months ago

I refuse to be selfish and self dependent my dependence is on God

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