The Love-Life Agency

Saturday 3rd August, 2024
“Jesus answered and said to him, “If anyone loves Me, he will keep My word; and My Father will love him, and We will come to him and make Our home with him”
John 14:23 (NKJV)
From John chapter 13 to chapter 17, Jesus’ last conversation with His disciples before His arrest.
The things He shared with them were deep heartfelt thoughts.
These conversations and teachings of Jesus were so crucial because they were full of rich realities which would sustain them and usher them into a deeper walk with Him.
Our walk with Jesus is a walk of intimacy.
When Jesus said, “If you love me you will keep my commandments” (John 14:16)
He wasn’t placing an exhaustive burdensome demand on us.
He was sharing how those who love Him will respond to Him. Period!
And take note: Those who love Him, are those who are loved by Him.
Keeping His commandments is not what brings you into His love.
Instead, because you love Him, you keep His commandments.
That is why I shared with you previously that, to keep the commandment of Jesus is a product or result of His love in you.
And again, your love for Jesus is not as unconditional as His love for you; because His love is the condition of your love.
Your love for Jesus is programmed by His love.
Jesus has no imperfections. He has no weakness, He has no sin and makes no mistakes. He is the meaning of excellence and beauty. When you behold Him, you see the true meaning of holiness, perfection, love, power, honor and glory.
You will only love Him and enjoy Him as you behold Him.
When you see Him, you will only see His love for you and all men.
You will not see burdensome rules and regulations. You will see His outstretched arm of love.
When John the Baptist saw Jesus, He beheld the greatest act of love in the universe.
He said, “Behold! The Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world!”
“…God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us” Romans 5:8 (NKJV)
Oh glory to God!
Jesus’ death is the demonstration of God’s greatest love. (See also John 3:16).
So how do you love Jesus?
Now get this, you keep (do or obey) His words or commandments, by delighting in Him.
The scriptures reveal that the Father loves the Son (John 3:35)
Now look at how the Father explains His love for the Son:
Two times in the scriptures (both at the baptism of Jesus and His Transfiguration experience), we see the Father revealing how He loves His Son:
“And the Holy Spirit descended in bodily form like a dove upon Him, and a voice came from heaven which said, “ You are My beloved Son; in You I am well pleased.” Luke 3:22 (NKJV)
“While Peter was still speaking, a bright cloud enveloped them, and a voice from the cloud said, ” This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased. Listen to Him!” Matthew 17:5
This is the way to love the Son; He is so perfect you only delight or be pleased in Him.
Beloved, as you delight and enjoy the Lord Jesus, His words will only be a treasure of life and hope for your living.
(John 15:13-14; Romans 8:32; 1 John 3:16)
– That our hearts will behold the overwhelming richness of the love of Christ.
– That our delight of Him will increase greatly that He will be all that we desire and our complete satisfaction.
Jeremiah 35 – 37
– The Lord is my delight and my satisfaction.
– I behold the perfection of the Love of Christ.
– I walk in the manifestation of the love of Christ.
– The overwhelming power of the love of Christ is the influence of my love.
We love him because he first loved us.
The love of God shared abroad in our hearts and minds will cause us to do his will without feeling weary.
Therefore our ability to do the will of the Lord is the manifestation of how we love him.
Oh Glory To God.I walk in the manifestation of the love of Christ daily.
I walk in the manifestations of His looovvveee
Oh glory to God
I behold Christ and enjoy His love.
Hmm… I have joy in Jesus
I delight in God’s word.
Eiii… thank word of God is my daily bread
What a wonderful Jesus
Everything about us finds its expression in Him. Thank you Lord Jesus
Thank you Jesus
My walk with Jesus is a walk of intimacy
Ooohhh… A walk of intimacy
My delight is in Jesus
I love you Lord
My delight is in Jesus
I enjoy the love of Jesus to its fullest….
Thank you Lord Jesus
Thank you sweet Jesus
Thank you Lord Jesus
You are so perfect
I delight in you
Thank You Precious Jesus
Our love for Jesus is conditioned by His love.
When you delight in Him, His words will be a treasure of life to you and not a burdensome grave.
Thank you Jesus for being my delight
And my satisfaction
Oh Glory to God now and forever
Glory to God for because of his love we also know how to love like him
We no more regard our lives but we lay it down for others as Jesus also did
I walk in the manifestation of the love of Christ. The overwhelming power of the love of Christ is the influence of my love.
Oh Dear Lord, you are my only delight and my satisfaction.
Thank You for expressing your love towards me
Psalm 119:92 MSG – If your revelation hadn’t delighted me so, I would have given up when the hard times came.
Thank You Jesus, you’re my delight
I behold the Lord in the beauty of His holiness.
I delight in the Lord.
My heart shall behold the overwhelming richness of the love of Christ.
The Lord is my delight and my satisfaction.
I behold the perfection of the Love of Christ.
I walk in the manifestation of the love of Christ.
The overwhelming power of the love of Christ is the influence of my love.