Faith, Machaira with Apostle Bennie, The Mind



The Love-Life Agency

Saturday 6th July, 2024


“A small rudder on a huge ship in the hands of a skilled captain sets a course in the face of the strongest winds” 

James 3:4 (Amplified Bible)

Until a captain skillfully steers his boat, the boat will be directed by the waves and the current of the sea.

There are many, who rise and sleep each day, yet don’t take charge of their lives. They sit to watch things happen without intentionally determining the course of their lives. They allow circumstances or occurrences to control the direction of their lives.

They keep saying “I am trusting the Lord for an intervention.” No!

It doesn’t work like that.

The Lord doesn’t expect you to fold your arms and wait till He does a miracle for you.

God has programmed life in a way that, He will partner with you to produce a miracle.

When the Israelites got to the Red Sea, Moses said “Fear ye not. Stand still, and see the salvation of the Lord, which He will show to you today…”
God’s response was different. God said, “…Moses, tell the people to move forward”. (Exodus 14:13-15).

Moses had to partner with God to see the miracle of the Lord:

“Then Moses raised his hand over the sea, and the LORD opened up a path through the water with a strong east wind.” Exodus 14:21 (NLT).

When Moses raised His hand, the Lord opened up a path in the direction which Moses’s hand faced. Definitely, when Moses raised his hand, he imagined the Lord making a way for them. Maybe he didn’t see the extent to which God was going to deliver them. But he yielded himself to God’s partnership.

The direction of your life is not automatically steered towards the destination determined by God.

You must take responsibility for how you walk in God’s purpose.

You must take charge! The Lord wouldn’t take the wheel without your involvement.
To direct the course of your life you must partner with God with your spirit; for God is Spirit.

Anything God will do with you, cannot be done without the involvement of your spirit.

Your advancement first begins from your spirit before you see the manifestation in the physical. Anything made by God began in the Spirit.

In the Spirit, there are two crucial rudders you must steer to advance in the right direction of glory.

The first crucial rudder you must steer is your MIND!

Your life will steer towards the direction of your mind.
No matter the anointing upon your life and the great resources at your disposal, you cannot advance beyond the direction of your mind.

There are people with great resources yet have not made great advancements.
The limitation of your life is not the absence of resources.

The limitation of your life is in the limitation of your mind.

You cannot go where your mind has not reached.

“Never doubt God’s mighty power to work in you and accomplish all this. He will achieve infinitely more than your greatest request, your most unbelievable dream, and exceed your wildest imagination! He will outdo them all, for his miraculous power constantly energizes you.” Ephesians 3:20 (TPT)

Don’t be limited in your thoughts. God is able to outdo your wildest imagination.

To think is to see with your mind.

Whichever direction your mind sees according to the power of God, will define your manifestation.

God said to Abraham, “… Look as far as you can see in every direction—north and south, east and west. I am giving all this land, as far as you can see, to you and your descendants as a permanent possession.” Genesis 13:14-15 (NLT)

Which direction of success are you seeing now?

Lift up your eyes and see! Don’t limit the imagination of your mind. See and grasp the vision as the Lord inspires your mind with pictures of advancement.


(Jeremiah 1:10-12; Philippians 4:4-9; Isaiah 26:3; James 1:6-8)
We pray that our minds will be directed towards the inspired and determined plans of the Lord for our lives. In the name of Jesus.
Ecclesiastes 8 – 12
– I don’t leave my life chance, I take charge.
– I choose to walk in the will of God everyday. 
– I refuse to yield to my will.
– Through prayer and the study of the word, I am strengthened to walk in the ultimate Will of God for my life.
– I don’t limit the imagination of my mind.
– I walk in agreement with God in all things.
– I am a partner together with God.
Oh Hallelujah, glory!

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Ben Adams
Ben Adams
3 months ago

So insightful and refreshing.

Thank you Apostle Sir for this blessed reality.

3 months ago

O marvelous is your name, thank you lord for setting pictures of advancement in my mind; I don’t limit the power of imagination in my mind. I partner with God for manifestations

3 months ago

Thank you sir. Machaira is a well of advancement

Belinda Teye
Belinda Teye
3 months ago

Thank you Jesus for Apostle Bennie
Thank you Jesus for Machaira with Apostle Bennie….

To think is to see with your mind.

Just from the above statement I know what to do

Belinda Teye
Belinda Teye
3 months ago

I set my mind on mighty works

For You cannot go where your mind has not reached

Belinda Teye
Belinda Teye
3 months ago

I am intentional in determining the course of my life

Linda Teye
Linda Teye
3 months ago

I yield myself to God’s partnership!

Linda Teye
Linda Teye
3 months ago

I refuse to be limited in my thoughts

Linda Teye
Linda Teye
3 months ago

I walk in agreement with God in all things

Wisdom Elvis
Wisdom Elvis
3 months ago

I take intentional steps to determine the course of my life.

Wisdom Elvis
Wisdom Elvis
3 months ago

I yield myself to God’s partnership.

Wisdom Elvis
Wisdom Elvis
3 months ago


I refuse to be limited in my mind.

Wisdom Elvis
Wisdom Elvis
3 months ago

I’m not limited in my thoughts. 

Wisdom Elvis
Wisdom Elvis
3 months ago

I see a glorious future.

3 months ago

The limitation of your life is in the limitation of your mind.
To think is to see with your mind.- Apostle Benjamin

3 months ago

The limitation of your life is in the limitation of your mind.
To think is to see with your mind.
Apostle Benjamin

3 months ago

I don’t limit the imagination of my mind

Wisdom Elvis
Wisdom Elvis
3 months ago

Phil.4.8 Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy–meditate on these things. (NKJV)

Wisdom Elvis
Wisdom Elvis
3 months ago

My mind is stayed on the Lord.

Wisdom Elvis
Wisdom Elvis
3 months ago

I don’t leave my life chance, I take charge.

Wisdom Elvis
Wisdom Elvis
3 months ago

I choose to walk in the will of God everyday.

Wisdom Elvis
Wisdom Elvis
3 months ago

I walk in agreement with God in all things.

Wisdom Elvis
Wisdom Elvis
3 months ago

I am a partner together with God.

Wisdom Elvis
Wisdom Elvis
3 months ago

I have the right imaginations.

Adevu Prince
Adevu Prince
3 months ago

I am a skillful captain.
I take charge of my life.
I make things happen in my life.

Adevu Prince
Adevu Prince
3 months ago

I am a skillful captain.
I take charge of my life.
I make things happen in my life.
Thank you Lord Jesus

Kingsley Prempeh
Kingsley Prempeh
3 months ago

I follow the lead of God, I take action
I will not sit idle, I work a miracle
Thank you Lord Jesus

Dzandu Selorm
Dzandu Selorm
3 months ago

I take charge of my life. I break all limitations to my mind. In the Name of Jesus. I steer my own course. Gloreeeeeey

Nana Adomaa
Nana Adomaa
3 months ago

Thank you Lord Jesus.
Thank you so much Apostle.
My mind goes in direction of the Lord.

Simon Dotse
Simon Dotse
3 months ago

I refuse to be limited

Nana Adomaa
Nana Adomaa
3 months ago

This means that although the Lord direct our path it is our responsibility to go to that direction the Lord is showing us. Ohhhhh thank you Lord.

I don’t doubt the workings of the Lord in my but I rather partner with him in spirit.

Oh thank you Lord Jesus. I know that my dreams and ways are embedded in the ways and the perfect will of God so I no longer pursue my dreams and will but I pursue that of the Lords. For in them I find my fulfillment and satisfaction.
Pursuing my dreams is like me settling for less Eiiii! not me I don’t settle for less.

Ohen Ansah Adom
Ohen Ansah Adom
3 months ago

I refuse to yield to my will.

Diana Aline
Diana Aline
3 months ago

I see right… i have a great partnership with the Lord. I move as God moves.

Thank you Apostel Bennie

Diana Aline
Diana Aline
3 months ago
Reply to  Diana Aline

God bless you more Sir.

Juliet Yeboah Appiah
Juliet Yeboah Appiah
3 months ago

The limitation of your life is in the limitation of your mind. I don’t limit the power of my imagination.

Juliet Yeboah Appiah
Juliet Yeboah Appiah
3 months ago

I partner with the Lord. I don’t sit on the fence.

Juliet Yeboah Appiah
Juliet Yeboah Appiah
3 months ago

Today’s Machaira with Apostle Bennie is breathe taking. Come to think of it, personally, I have limited the power of my imagination. Reading Ephesians 3:20 ( TPT) in today’s Machaira showed me the extent of the meaning of this scripture. It takes God and I. Thank you Lord.

Lindiwe Esenam
Lindiwe Esenam
3 months ago

Thank you Apostle, I see with the eyes of God. I refuse to limit my mind. I advance to the level God is taking me.

Lindiwe Esenam
Lindiwe Esenam
3 months ago

I don’t limit my mind, I partner with Gid with what he’s doing in my life

Samuel Larbi
Samuel Larbi
3 months ago

I don’t limit the imagination of my mind!!

Samuel Larbi
Samuel Larbi
3 months ago

I refuse to be double minded,I am focused of the word of God which directs my paths

3 months ago
Reply to  Samuel Larbi

Oh glorrrreeeeeyyyyyy
I don’t doubt,.
3 months ago

I partner with God with my spirit to direct the course of my life

Mac Rich
Mac Rich
3 months ago

Oh thank you Jesus… I am blessed with this spirit ink writing. Thank you our man of God Apostle Bennie… I am refreshed.

Addenilla Ennin
3 months ago

Oh Hallelujah!!!!

I walk in agreement with the Lord at all times and in all things


Nkrumah Charles Sarkodie
Nkrumah Charles Sarkodie
3 months ago

People with small minds cannot do big things with God and for God.
The size of your mind determines your scope of impact.
God is able to outdo your wildest imagination. The limitation of your life is in the limitation your mind.

I see far!
I see big!
For as far as I can see, according to the power of God, defines my manifestation.
Oh, glory to God!
3 months ago

I don’t sit idle and fold my arms..I am involved in what God is doing in
my life

3 months ago

God has programmed life in a way that, He will partner with you to produce a miracle.

3 months ago

This episode really ministered to me.
Thank you Apostle Bennie.

3 months ago

My mind renewal is daily and intentionally..
Praise God.

3 months ago

I am the thermostat not a thermometer
I am the determinant of my life through Faith in Christ Jesus

Emmanuel Opoku
Emmanuel Opoku
3 months ago

This truth is really needed for mind shift and the capture of the great things the Lord has purposed for our manifestations.

Grace is at work!
I see possibilities only!!

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