Apostle Benjamin Nana Amissah Ansah
The Love-Life Agency

“and for me, that utterance may be given to me, that I may open my mouth boldly to make known the mystery of the gospel”
Ephesians 6:19 (NKJV)
There is nothing done for the spread of the gospel, which the adversary has not attacked or attempted to destroy.
When the love of the Lord is in your heart, you will pray for the spread of the gospel and those who are leading such course.
The reason for the spiritual warfare is because of the gospel of Jesus. It is the most opposed mission on Earth. There are countries where they may permit anything at all except the gospel of Jesus. The gospel of Jesus is the greatest threat to politics, religion, and the traditions of men.
Certain men who are not of the faith make themselves enemies of the gospel and wickedly plot for the destruction of those who preach Christ.
“Finally, brethren, pray for us, that the word of the Lord may have free course, and be glorified, even as it is with you: And that we may be delivered from unreasonable and wicked men: for all men have not faith” 2 Thessalonians 3:1-2 (KJV)
There are many places where ministers of the gospel are not given access to preach. There are people who have hardened their hearts from receiving the gospel.
“Devote yourselves to prayer, keeping alert in it with an attitude of thanksgiving; praying at the same time for us as well, that God will open up to us a door for the word, so that we may speak forth the mystery of Christ, for which I have also been imprisoned; that I may make it clear in the way I ought to speak.“ Colossians 4:2-4 (NASB)
If you want to see the gospel prevail in such places, then you must pray. This is part of your kingdom responsibility. It is part of your role in the spread of the gospel.
You become a partner with those who lead in the spread of the gospel, when you pray for them.
“…strive together with me in your prayers to God on my behalf…” Romans 15:30
This is the time to fill the earth with the knowledge of Christ as the waters cover the sea.
Don’t sit on the fence. Strive with your leader through prayers to God for the spread of the gospel.
Glory to God.

– they will be delivered from wicked men.
– doors will be opened to them for the spread of the gospel of Jesus.
– they will be given utterance to speak the wisdom of God.
– they will remain focused in the work of the Lord.
– The Lord is making them increase in boldness.
– They abound in knowledge and love for the Lord.
– They are strengthened in the Lord and the fullness of power.
– They enjoy divine insight and are protected by the power of the Lord from every evil.
– The faith of the Leaders shall not grow cold. They will increase in the Lord’s zeal and in great faith.
It is very clear that as part of your kingdom responsibility, It is part of my role to pray always for the spread of the Gospel everywhere in the world..
i don’t take this responsibility lightly.
I strive with my leader in prayer. Thank you Lord Jesus. I have the love of God in me therefore i pray for my leader in the spread of the Gospel of Christ Jesus.
God bless you more Apostel Bennie.
Thank you Sir
It is my responsibility to prayer for my leader in the expansion of the kingdom..
Thank you best Holy Spirit.
Wow even our prayers for those leading the course of spreading the gospel is a means of labouring along side them. Because our weapons for victory are not carnal but are mighty unto the pulling down of strong hold and any thoughts that rises above Christ in the heads of men
Where your legs cannot reach your prayers can go beyond and make results happen
For everything in this life emanates from the spiritual so we work answers from the spirit than the physical
Prayer enforces our victory over darkness…Revivals are birth from prayer.
The early apostles understood this so they said to give themselves to prayer and the ministering of the word.
Everything by prayer nothing without Prayer
Thank you apostle
I devote myself to prayers !
I devote myself to prayer for they that labour in the faith
I Strive with my leaders through prayers to God for the spread of the gospel.
Thank you Lord Jesus
I live out my kingdom responsibility by praying for my leaders in the Spread of the Gospel.
I pray daily for those who lead and are involved in spread of the Gospel
Thank you Lord for Such men who promote your kingdom and even risk their lives for the furtherance of the Gospel
Thank you Apostle Sir.
In the name of Jesus
Do not be ashamed of the testimony of our Lord, nor of me his prisoner; but share with me in the afflictions of the gospel…
I have understood today that our partnership in the spreading of the gospel is not only by preaching, but also laboring in prayer for the ministers of the gospel.
This gospel shall be preached to all the nations, then the end shall come. For the gospel to be preached to all the nations, we must give ourselves to prayer. Hallelujah!
Thank you Apostle.
Lord gives us the strength to stand with our spiritual leaders in the spread of your word.
Utterance is given to all the leaders and sound teachers of the gospel.
Praying for my leadaer is my kingdom responsibility in the spread of the gospel.
“…strive together with me in your prayers to God on my behalf
I pray for my leaders
Spreading the Gospel is not only about preaching. In as much as preaching the Gospel is essential in spreading it,prayer is an undeniable factor in spreading the Gospel.
If there is something the Devil fears,it is that the knowledge of the Gospel spreads. We must pray for our leaders that the knowledge of Christ shall fil the earth through them.
Matthew 13:19 NKJV
[19] When anyone hears the word of the kingdom, and does not understand it, then the wicked one comes and snatches away what was sown in his heart. This is he who received seed by the wayside.
We pray that men will receive the message of Christ with an open heart. Thank you so much ,Apostle.
Lord deliver your servants whom you’ve set forth to minister from the hands of wicked men who don’t have faith: for not all men have faith”, that they may bring your light to many called into your kingdom for such a time as this. Unto you who is able to keep them from growing weary be Glory and splendor Amen
I become a partner with those who lead in the spread of the gospel, when you pray for them
Thank You Jesus
Aside being physically involved, and Partnering with money, I’ve learnt prayer as important as those forementioned.
All leaders are strengthened in the Lord
I devote myself to make supplication for my leaders.
I don’t sit on the fence!
I don’t sit on the fence
I strive with my leader through prayers to God for the spread of the gospel.
I pray for all leaders laboring in the spread of the gospel, that they will be delivered from wicked men.
Utterance is given to all the leaders and sound teachers of the gospel.
They abound in knowledge and love for the Lord.
In the name of Jesus I declare that Utterance is given to all the leaders and sound teachers of the gospel.
I declare today, that they labour in the faith through the gospel of our Lord
– will be delivered from wicked men.
– doors will be opened to them for the spread of the gospel of Jesus.
– will be given utterance to speak the wisdom of God.