The Love-Life Agency

“And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God”
Ephesians 6:17 (KJV)
After a soldier has geared up for battle, he finally picks up his sword for war.
We have seen from the previous post that, the sword of the Spirit, is the Word of God in your mouth.
Until the word is declared or vocalized it is not yet used as a sword.
The belt of truth is not the same as the Sword of the Spirit.
Though they are both in direct connection to the Word of God these two words reveal two different aspects and functions of the Word of God.
The Belt of Truth points directly to the person and personality of the Word. It addresses the reality substance of the Word of God.
The Sword of the Spirit doesn’t necessarily point to the substance and essence of the Word; it focuses on the active workings of the Word. The Sword of the Spirit, reveals the word as an instrument and not as a person.
There are two key words in the Bible translated as “Word”:
1. Logos
2. Rhema
LOGOS is the expression of divine thoughts, and thoughts are expressed by writing or speaking. So both the written word and the spoken word can be referred to as Logos.
On the other hand, Rhēma is simply the utterance of a specific personal Word of God to an individual or a collective group of people addressing a present situation, to cause an effective change or transformation.
While Logos is the objective word of God; Rhēma is the subjective Word for the now.
It is through the Logos one can access the Rhēma (the specific personal word of God for the now).
Without the Logos of God, one cannot receive the Rhēma word.
Rhēma is hewn out of your spirit through the meditation of the Logos of God.
What you declare or vocalize (the Greek word is hāgāh) is the Rhēma.
Rhēma is not merely articulating a scripture you have memorized. It is declaring the revelation of the Word.
It is that vocalized word (rhēma) Paul, the apostle, referred to as the SWORD OF THE SPIRIT!
“…And take the mighty razor-sharp Spirit-sword of the spoken Word of God.” Ephesians 6:17 (TPT).
Until you meditate on the scriptures to handle divine revelation to avow, the scriptures will not be useful weapons.
Look at this closely:
“For the word of God is living and active and full of power [making it operative, energizing, and effective]. It is sharper than any two-edged sword, penetrating as far as the division of the soul and spirit [the completeness of a person], and of both joints and marrow [the deepest parts of our nature], exposing and judging the very thoughts and intentions of the heart.” Hebrews 4:12 (Amplified Bible)
Get this, the Word of God is not merely a historical writing which has no relevance in our day.
Peter, the apostle, says it abides forever. (1 Peter 1:23).
The Word of God is living, active and full of power. It’s effectively operative with fresh energy. It has the ability to quicken you unto an effective living.
The Word of God is not only sharp; IT IS SHARPER than any two-edged sword.
The expression any two-edged sword is from the Greek;
The Greek word distomos, has a greater meaning than just a two-edged sword.
In the original Greek, Di means two and stomo means mouth. So, in other words, distomos means a two-mouthed sword.
God declaring the Word out of His mouth is as a cutting-edge of a weapon in operation.
I have already explained that mouth, in Greek, is “stoma”, which means the front or edge of a weapon.
Beloved your mouth is also a weapon.
The Word in your mouth is as a razor of a deadly dagger which cuts deep into every matter.
God’s Word spoken by Him and written down is one sharp side of the dagger, and the other sharp side of the deadly dagger is when you speak the revelation of His Word in your situation.
“He held seven stars in his right hand, and a sharp two-edged sword came from his mouth. And his face was like the sun in all its brilliance.” Revelation 1:16 (NLT)
God’s word spoken out of your mouth by revelation is backed and infused by divine light and energy!
“He made my words of judgment as sharp as a sword. He has hidden me in the shadow of his hand. I am like a sharp arrow in his quiver.” Isaiah 49:2 (NLT)
A word soaked and saturated by divine understanding is sharper than a double-edged dagger which has the ability to cause changes.
Read this also from the MESSAGE BIBLE:
“He gave me a speech that would cut and penetrate. He kept his hand on me to protect me. He made me his straight arrow and hid me in his quiver.” Isaiah 49:2 (MSG).
Have you now seen why you don’t have to keep quiet?
God wants you to be saturated and soaked with His Word, and that you can handle the personal Word for warfare.
This is why you must make it a priority to read and meditate on both the “Dig Deeper scriptures” and the “BIBLE READING PLAN”.
Don’t keep quiet!
It doesn’t matter the arrows or attacks of the enemy, with the Spirit-word in your mouth, you can cause double-edged damage to his demonic operations.
Take hold of the Word of God through meditation and wage war with it!
Yes! The speaking forth of the word (the rhema) which is conceived from the logos is putting to work the operative force of the word of God.
I’m so much blessed by this episode. The writings are filled with life. I can’t stop making divine utterances!!
Same here,Min Emmanuel, I can’t stop soaking ????????. Is really a blessing one
Glory to God
Thank You Lord Jesus for Your word
The Word of God is all I need
My mouth is my weapon
The word of God in my mouth causes double-edged damage to demonic operations.
The word of God is :
1. Living
2. Active
3. Full of power
4. Effectively operative with fresh energy
The word of God is active and living, full of power and effective
I have a wonderful treasure and it is the WORD OF GOD without measure
I take hold of the Word of God through meditation and wage war with it!
Oo thank you Jesus.
I don’t speak my fears.I speak the word of God.
Thank You Jesus
The word in my mouth….
Ha!! I don’t keep quiet in the name Jesus. I speak the word, and it reprogram my mind and my thought.
Thank you Lord Jesus
I speak the word not my fears..
I behold the word and mediate and I wage war with it.
Haa!!! I meditate on the word and I speak the word. The word of God in my mouth is final.
Glory to God
Thank you Apostle
I refuse to be quiet
I declare the Rhema of God in every situation
I speak the word and not my fears !!
Praise the Lord ! This episode is soo refreshing and detailed.
Thank you Apostle for this rich verity
When I speak the word , Things happen!
Ele deep
I take my bible reading serious
My mouth is not just for eating but declaring God’s word
I take hold of the word of God.
I feed on the word of God always.
Thank you Lord Jesus.
I am seasoned by the word.
Ohhh Glory To God.
I refuse to be quiet.
I speak the word of God.
I wage war with the word.
Ohh thank you Lord Jesus for your word.
Thank you Lord for word in my mouth.
My mouth is a weapon that causes mass destruction in the kingdom of darkness.
Im soaked and immersed in the word of God
I speak the word of God not my fears ????
Such rich truth expressed in clarity. I feast on the Word daily for effective living
The Rhema is not a memorised scripture but a revelation of that scripture, spoken. I use the Rhema of Gid and I overcome every situation,in the name of Jesus.
Heavy Heavy heavy revelation. More reason to speak ????️????️. I take action by the word of my mouth ,the stoma.
I wage war with the word of God
I refuse to be quiet
I take hold of the Word of God through meditation and wage war with it! Gloreey to Jesus.
Oooooo My Life is Transformed by speaking the Word of God in My Life
In the Mighty Name of Jesus
Thank you Sweet Holy Spirit
Thank you Lord for your Word
The spoken Word is for defending and offending. The spoken word is what makes the difference. If you speak the word( rhema) over every thing then you are actively using the sword of the Spirit and will see the effective working of the Word.
Could this be the reason people say the word does not work, because they speak logos and not rhema?
I speak the word over all things and to every challenge.
The Lord speak so do I
Thank you sweet Jesus. I donot speak my fears. I speak the word of God in my heart
Oh glory to God
I am blessed by this
Thank you Jesus
I am seasoned by the word of God
God’s word spoken out of my mouth by revelation is backed and infused by divine energy.
I make it a priority to study the scriptures and work on them.
Glory to God
The word of God in my mouth spoken is sharper than any two edged sword
I don’t keep quiet!
I declare the Rhēma of God in every situation in the name of Jesus
I wage war with the word of God in my mouth
Thank you Lord Jesus for your word
I take hold of the word through meditation and I wage war with it.
Thank you Lord Jesus.
Thank you Lord Jesus
As the word dwells in me richly my spirit draws rhema from it in any situation
I have a word that coincides with every situation for a solution
I will not keep quiet I will speak the Word of God for the now
Thank you Jesus
In the name of Jesus, I take hold of the Word of God through meditation and I continually wage war with it, Hallelujah