The Love-Life Agency

“And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God”
Ephesians 6:17 (KJV)
The helmet of a Roman soldier has two functions:
1. Identification
2. Protection of the head.
The second function of the helmet is the most crucial and essential.
The idea that Paul linked helmet to Salvation, gives a clue to the role of the Salvation we have received in Christ, how we have to engage this salvation, how the adversary or the enemy attacks the believer and how salvation protects the believer from such attacks.
To put on the helmet of salvation doesn’t suggest a list of things you must do to be saved.
Neither does it suggest that the believer will slide in and out of salvation.
To put on the helmet of salvation is not about receiving salvation.
Until you are saved, you have no fellowship with the Father.
The armor pieces are not for the unsaved.
The wiles and fiery darts of the devil are targeted at the saints or the saved.
Putting on the helmet does not produce your salvation. You put it on because you are saved.
I summarized the essence of the Helmet of Salvation in the previous post:
The helmet of salvation is not about how you have to fight to earn your salvation.
“Because of his kindness, you have been saved through trusting Christ. And even trusting is not of yourselves;[a] it too is a gift from God. Salvation is not a reward for the good we have done, so none of us can take any credit for it.” Ephesians 2:8-9 (TLB)
If Salvation is not dependent on your self-effort, why are you asked to put it on as the helmet?
You are saved through faith in Christ. However, the adversary attacks you, by projecting arrows of doubt. Doubt is the adversary’s strategy to assault you mentally and to break your confidence in God.
Though you are saved, the adversary schemes to make you doubt your salvation. And that affects the confidence you have in your relationship with God. When you begin to doubt your salvation through Christ, you will live in uncertainty.
The adversary makes you doubt your salvation and also makes you feel discouraged by amplifying your wrongs and imperfections.
When you should be enjoying the reality of your salvation you will be struggling with the feeling of not being saved.
Salvation is not dependent on how you feel about yourself; Salvation is dependent on what Christ achieved for you through His death and resurrection.
The salvation which you received in Christ, is irreversible. It can only be reversed when Jesus’ finished work on the cross and His resurrection can be reversed.
But that can’t be possible.
To put on the helmet of salvation is to have your mind established in the consciousness of your salvation in Christ.
It is to walk in the understanding of the revelation that, Jesus paid the price of your salvation in full and you now don’t have to try to earn it.
The salvation which you have received in Christ is the basis of your relationship with God.
And because the adversary is interested in disrupting your relationship with God, he goes all out to attack the conviction of your salvation.
Let your mind be settled on this truth:
“Because of God’s oath, Christ can guarantee forever the success of this new and better arrangement. Under the old arrangement there had to be many priests so that when the older ones died off, the system could still be carried on by others who took their places.
But Jesus lives forever and continues to be a Priest so that no one else is needed. He is able to save completely all who come to God through him. Since he will live forever, he will always be there to remind God that he has paid for their sins with his blood.” Hebrews 7:22-25 (TLB)
I put my helmet on at all times.
At all times
Thank You Lord Jesus
Thank you Jesus
Thank you Jesus for your word
Yehowa y3 da wase
Thank you Lord Jesus.
I’m conscious about the finished work of christ.
Thank you Jesus
Is my reality and my consciousness
Thank you Lord Jesus
My eyes of understanding is being enlightened to the finished works of Christ
The eyes of my understanding is being enlightened
Glory to God
Hallelujah to Jesus, My Salvation is dependent on what Christ achieved for me through His death and resurrection. Not how i feel about myself. Glory to God
Not how I feel about myself
In the name of Jesus
Not how I feel but what has been achieved for me
My mind stays on this reality
Thank You Jesus, My mind is established in the conviction, consciousness and confidence of the salvation i have received gloriously in Christ Jesus.
Gloriously have I received
I refuse to conform to the patterns of this world
Hey I am transformed to walk in the consciousness of my Salvation
In the name of Jesus
In the name of Jesus
Another powerful episode. This is something to rejoice about (that we are saved) and to walk in the consciousness thereof.
God bless our man of God
I don’t doubt my salvation in Christ
Putting on the helmet does not produce your salvation. You put it on because you are saved.
I am saved
Nothing to do with how we feel but everything to do with what Christ has achieved for us
He is able to save me completely !
Oh my salvation is irreversible!! Thank You Lord Jesus
Thank you Jesus
The finished work of Christ on the cross cannot be reversed
I am completely saved
I don’t fall for the lies of the adversary. I am completely saved and I put on my helmet of salvation at all times
Doubt is the adversary’s strategy to assault you mentally and to break your confidence in God.
What an episode
I doubt my doubt
What an episode
A powerful episode indeed!!
I walk in the consciousness and confidence of my salvation which I have received through Jesus Christ.
“He is able to save completely all who come to God through him. Since he will live forever, he will always be there to remind God that he has paid for their sins with his blood.”
I love you so much Jesus
Praise the Lord
Thank you Jesus
Yehowa y3 adze ooo!!
Ha! My father, my father!!!
You do this one too for us for free??
He did it all for free
I know and that believe I am eternally saved
His help has made me Great
Acts 4:12 NLT – There is salvation in no one else! God has given no other name under heaven by which we must be saved
Wearing as my helmet the confidence of my salvation.
In the name of Jesus
Glory to God. Salvation is only in the Lord Jesus. I put on the helmet of Salvation by having the understanding, consciousness, and conviction of my salvation in Christ Jesus. Thank you Apostle Sir
I put on my helmet of salvation which is my full consciousness, confidence and assurance in my salvation this Jesus died and resurrected for justification.
I stand so firm in this reality
I don’t give my mind to things that are not consistent with God’s world rather I put on my helmet of salvation
Thank you Lord Jesus
Salvation is a birthing and as a mother cannot unborn a child so can you no lose your salvation
The DNA of God is in you and what nothing can take a father’s DNA out of child so it is eternal
I put on my helmet of salvation so as not to fall victim to the deceptive schemes of the adversary
My salvation is not by my self earned effort but by the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ
Ih glory to God
I walk daily in the conviction, confidence and consciousness of the salvation I have in Christ
The understanding that’s coming to me is the part of the head the helmet protects is the head which is insignia of an individuals mind. We are being implored to use the word of God concerning our salvation to shield our minds against the devils attempt to keep us in doubt
Thank you Lord Jesus…
Thank you Apostle Bennie…
From today’s machaira with Apostle Bennie I got to know or understand that my Salvation is IRREVERSITIBLE …
And also understand that my Salvation is without my EFFORT but the finished work of Christ….
Then I know that my Salvation cannot be TERMINATED… Because Apostle Bennie said something that if my Salvation can be reversible, unless the death and the resurrection of Christ be REVERSED because it is impossible then my Salvation is IMPOSSIBLE REVERSAL….
Thank you sir …
My great helmet for battle. Thank you Jesus. I put it on for thee.
Thank you Lord Jesus ????????????
Heyaaa!! I increase in the knowledge of Christ! Nothing moves!! I’m grounded and rooted in his love! Oh Lord you’re all for me
Thank you sweet Jesus for your salvation. I know that I am free indeed
Thank you Jesus
I establish my mind in 5he consciousness of the salvation of Jesus.
I wear the helmet at all times
I put on the Helmet of salvation and the sword of the spirit.
In the name of Jesus.
My God!!! Machaira with Apostle Bennie !!!!!!!!
This is what everyone of us in Christ need to know and do. It is amazing how the adversary is mesmerizing people in thinking they are not eternally saved. Therefore they have to keep trying to work their own salvation. This is a tool the adversary uses to enslave people and keep them stressed and depressed.
I am conscious of my salvation in Christ, oh Hallelujah my Saviour lives!!!
Ohh thank you Lord Jesus.
I walk daily in the consciousness of my victory in Christ Jesus.
The adversary is interested in making me doubt my settled salvation in Christ Jesus. I give him no room. I wear my helmet of salvation. I walk in this daily consciousness. I don’t doubt my salvation, I have an eternal high priest.
Glory to God
My salvation is the basis of my relationship with the Father.
And the adversary’s strategy is to assault me mentality to doubt this salvation that I have.
Oh but I arm my mind with this consciousness of my eternal salvation.
Thank you Lord
Glory to God.
This is so refreshing and insightful, to be reminded of how secure my salvation in Christ is, and by knowing and growing in the consciousness of my salvation in Christ, the adversary’s deceit to make me doubt my life in Christ, becomes futile.
[…] Previously, I mentioned two functions of the helmet to a Roman soldier: […]
I refuse to doubt my salvation in Christ.
My salvation is irreversible!
My mind is established in the consciousness of my salvation in Christ.