The Love-Life Agency

“And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God”
Ephesians 6:17 (KJV)
For some time now we’ve been having an extensive study on the complete armor of God.
We’ve looked at the:
– The Complete armor of God as God’s supply or provision to us and not our self-generated armor.
Now we take a look at another armor piece: THE HELMET OF SALVATION.
As I have mentioned previously, there is no armor which is less important than the other. Each armor is as relevant as the other. They all have an irreplaceable role in the believer’s armor pieces.
As you may know, the adversary is also busily looking for ways to deceive the beloved ones of the Lord. I have already explained here that, the only major weapon of the adversary is DECEPTION.
This is why the armor pieces are given to us by God to enforce our victory in Christ Jesus.
One crucial thing you must understand is that your life in Christ began in victory.
The whole armor of God, is not given to you to bring you to victory. You already stepped into victory and have the victory, when you received Jesus!
The newness of life in Christ began in the resurrection of Jesus (Romans 6:4); and after Christ had defeated all the forces of darkness and ripped them of all their powers.
“Christ stripped the spiritual rulers and powers of their authority [ disarmed/despoiled the rulers and authorities]. With the cross, He won the victory and showed the world that they were powerless.” Colossians 2:15 (Expanded Bible)
He publicly shamed them; and made a public spectacle of them, like a triumphant general displaying his captives in a victory parade.
The resurrection of Jesus was His testimony to all who believe in Him that, He has conquered darkness.
He said “All Hail”! (Matthew 28:9), which also means REJOICE!
How do you rejoice if you have been conquered or defeated? You announce to others to rejoice because you have the victory.
He has all authority in heaven, on earth and under the earth.
“And having come to them, Jesus spoke to them, saying, “All authority in heaven and on the earth has been given to Me.” Matthew 28:18 (Berean Literal Bible)
“That in the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven and things on earth and things under the earth, and that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.” Philippians 2:10-11 (ESV)
This means as a saint (born again in Christ), your present life is a continuous expression of the victory of Jesus.
This doesn’t mean the adversary is going to take a nap for you to continue in your victory parade.
He is busy with his deceptive schemes to make you doubt your victory in Christ, and feel discouraged, depressed, and distracted from fulfilling your God-given purpose.
This is why you are admonished through the epistle (to the Ephesians) that you put on the whole armor of God.
The Helmet of Salvation is an important armor piece for the believer.
The Salvation which you have in Christ protects you from every mental assault of the devil.
This armor does not suggest that you have to fight to earn your salvation. It is to establish you in the consciousness of your salvation in Christ. To put on the helmet of salvation is to walk in the understanding of the revelation that, Jesus paid the price of your salvation in full and you now don’t have to try to earn it.
This is the good fight of faith.
My life in Christ began in victory.
Oh thank you Jesus
. He won the victory and showed the world that they were powerless.
. He publicly shamed them; and made a public spectacle of them, like a triumphant general displaying his captives in a victory parade.
Oh how I love Jesus!
And He first loved me
Thank you Lord Jesus for your salvation
Thank you sweet Jesus
Glory to God
Thank you Jesus
He said “All Hail”!
I rejoice!!!!
I am eternally saved.
My daily living is the expression of the victory in christ
Forever saved
In the name of Jesus
“This doesn’t mean the adversary is going to take a nap for you to continue in your victory parade.“
I don’t fall neither for his deceptive schemes
Praise the Lord
I hold firm to the helmet of salvation.
I don’t give room to any deception.
I have a far above mentality.
I have a far above mentality
I fight the good fight of faith from the place of victory.
I am more than a conqueror
I walk in the understanding of the revelation that, Jesus paid the price of my salvation in full and now don’t have to try to earn it.
Oh thank you Jesus sssss
Psalm 139:17-18 NLT – How precious are your thoughts about me, O God.
They cannot be numbered!
¹⁸ I can’t even count them;
they outnumber the grains of sand!
And when I wake up, you are still with me!
I love you Lord
I shall consciously walk in the victory
Glory to God!
Isaiah 59:19 NLT – In the west, people will respect the name of the LORD;
in the east, they will glorify him.
For he will come like a raging flood tide
driven by the breath of the LORD!
I’ve got confidence in my salvation
2 Samuel 22:36 NLT – You have given me your shield of victory;
your help has made me great.
This God is too good
Indeed,I am victorious in Christ Jesus.
There’s salvation in noone else
Oh glory to God.
I fight the good fight of faith from the place of victory.
I increase in the understanding of the revelation of the finished works of Christ.
Oh thank you Lord Jesus!
The Salvation which you have in Christ protects you from every mental assault of the devil.
Oh thank you Lord JESUS!!
Ow… ow… Yehowa woy3 ade
I have victory in Christ Jesus!
” But let us, who are of the day, be sober, putting on the breastplate of faith and love; and for an helmet, the hope of salvation.” 1 Thess 5:8(KJV)
Glory to God!!
I walk in the consciousness of my victory in class.
I put on the helmet of salvation.
I walk in the consciousness of my salvation in Christ Jesus. And I put on the whole armor of God.
Glory to God.
Thank you Jesus.
Thank you Apostle Bennie.
My present life is a continuous expression of the victory of Jesus.
And this is my victory which overcomes the world even my faith
Glory to God , I have the victory !
I walk in the consciousness of my victory in Christ
Thank You Jesus
Thank you Jesus
My life is the continuous expression of the victory of Christ
I put on the whole armor of God.
I put on the whole armor of God
I fight the good fight of faith from the place of victory
Jesus paid my depth and paid it in full
Thank you Lord Jesus
Thank you Lord
I am free indeed
Thank You Lord Jesus
My life in Christ began in victory
Oh boiii!!!
My present life is a continuous expression of the victory of Jesus.
I walk daily in the consciousness of my victory in Christ Jesus.
I fight the good fight of faith from the place of victory.
The joy in Jesus
I refuse to fall victim to the deceptive schemes of the adversary.
I refuse to fall
I’m eternally and legally saved!
Oh thank you Jesus!
Ever Saved
I’m a victorious
In the name of Jesus
I Rejoice hayaaaas
I rejoice eeeeee
My life as a Christian begun in victory. I am not now working towards victory. I need the weapons of warfare the Lord has given me to enforce my victory.
I put on the helmet of salvation to protect me from any form of mental assault by the devil through deception.
Glory to God
My present life in Christ is a continuous expression of the victory of Jesus. I Iive the victory Life every day because He achieved the victory over the enemy for me . Glory to God.
I walk in the understanding and consciousness of my salvation in Christ Jesus . I take up the helmet of Salvation. Thank you Apostle Sir.
Thank you Apostle sir for this rich verities
Glory to God
Machaira with Apostle Bennie at it again, there is no way you will fellowship with Machaira and still put on a strong face.
My my !
My walk in Christ is a work of perpetual victory.
To walk in the consciousness of your salvation in Christ is to guard your mind from those deceptive mental arrows the adversary throws.
Oh boy
My salvation is sure-solid in Christ.
Oh my!!!
Oh Death, where is your sting?
Oh Hades, where is your Victory?
Hahaha I am Victorious and I overcome the world by the blood of Jesus
What a victory we have in christ!
What a victory
My mind is shielded from the mental assaults of the adversary.
I put on the helmet of salvation.
I walk in the consciousness of my salvation in the Lord.
I don’t need to do anything to form my own helmet of salvation; the Lord has already given it to me so I put it on as I walk in the consciousness of my salvation.
If salvation is a gift(Ephesians 2:8-9), then the helmet of salvation is also a gift given to us by the Lord.
Jesus paid the price of my salvation in full. oh hallelujah