The Love-Life Agency

Saturday 4th May, 2024
“Furthermore David the king said unto all the congregation, Solomon my son, whom alone God hath chosen, is yet young and tender, and the work is great: for the palace is not for man, but for the Lord God.”
1 Chronicles 29:1 (KJV).
Some saints in Christ esteem their education, job, and self-centered interests more than the assignment of the Lord.
How do you see what the Lord tells you to do?
Anything God tells you to do is great!
The assignments of the Lord benefit generations.
You have to see the Lord’s work with the eyes of your spirit and look into generations ahead.
David the king said, “the work is great: for the palace is not for man, but for the Lord God.”
What makes the assignment great is who the work is for.
You don’t value or esteem what you do for man than what you do for the Lord.
Imagine being invited and tasked to represent the President of a country you esteem. You will see it as a great task.
Whatever the Lord tells you to do, is a representation of Him.
The tasks given to you by God are things He had desired to do, and He is entrusting you with them.
Don’t belittle His assignment for you or the dreams He has put in your heart.
Your Heavenly Father’s joy is to see you do something great for Him.
I remember one time, during my teens, I woke up excited about a Church excursion. While getting ready the Holy Spirit told me not to be too excited about the excursion and the funfair. He told me that He is calling me to do great things for the Kingdom. And that is also the call of every saint.
He has not called us to do what the people of the world can do. (This is not to deny the importance of social or societal responsibilities or engagements).
However, I realised the Lord was redirecting my desires and how I perceive my walk with Him.
That morning, the Lord prompted me to read the book of Isaiah. Interestingly, I started with Isaiah 49. I don’t think it was a coincidence:
See what I found:
”The LORD said to me, “I have a greater task for you, my servant. Not only will you restore to greatness the people of Israel who have survived, but I will also make you a light to the nations so that all the world may be saved.” Isaiah 49:6 (GNT)
Oh, dear Lord.
This scripture opened my heart.
The moment I saw “I HAVE A GREATER TASK FOR YOU”, I was moved into prayer.
My heart began to burn with fresh passion and my mindset about God’s Kingdom assignment was stretched or expanded.
All through the scriptures, anyone God called was made great.
They were made great because the Lord did great things with or through them.
Beloved, you are called by the Lord into His greatness. Think greatness and take great steps.
Whatever the Lord tells you to do is great!
Esteem the Lord’s assignment for you.
It is a great thing to serve the Lord.
(Ephesians 2:10; 1 Thessalonians 1:3; Hebrews 11:6; Psalm 108:13 (BBE); Genesis 26:13)
We are praying and declaring that with God we do great things.
Ezra 7-10
– I am the workmanship of God created in Christ Jesus unto good works.
– Through God, I do valiantly.
– I increase in capacity and grace as I labour with the Lord.
– I esteem the Lord’s assignment for me than any self-centered desires.
– I take bold steps towards my kingdom assignment.
Oh Hallelujah, GLOREEEEY!
Tags: divine assignments
Haaa this is exactly what I need for the day
I take bold steps towards my kingdom assignment.
Through God, I do valiantly
I increase in capacity and grace as I labour with the Lord.
In the name Jesus
Glory to God
I do valiantly
I do great things.
I esteem the Lord’s assignment.
Glory To God.
In the name of Jesus
I esteem the Lord’s assignment
I take daring steps towards the kingdom assignment.
I have a greater assignment. Not only to execute them but be a shinning light to many nations
Indeed it is a great thing to serve the Lord. During my national Service in 2017, GHS called all nurses and volunteers to participate in the registration and distribution of insecticide mosquito nets. We were given daily targets and an assigned community to operate in. Due to the set reward, I went with my team from house to house in order to complete our daily targets. The work indeed was huge but we did it anyway. On the last day, whilst walking under the hot sun to a nearby town for registration, I heard the Lord say “You see the energy with which you are working even in this hot sun?” Right there, I felt the need to give much energy for the Lord’s work which far surpasses any human task.
Today’s message is a clarion call. I DONT BELITTLE HIS ASSIGNMENT.
It is a great thing to serve the Lord
I don’t belittle the Lord’s assignment
I esteem God’s assignment
Thank you Lord Jesus for entrusting your work in my hands. I do it with all diligence.
With God I do valiantly
I’m prompt with the works of the Lord.
I see the Lord’s work with the eyes of my Spirit
I refuse to belittle the Lord’s assignment for me or the dreams He has put in my heart.
I fulfill my father’s joy because I do great things for Him!!
I think greatness and I take great steps !
I ESTEEM the Lord’s assignment for me !
Through God, I do valiantly!
I increase in capacity and grace as I labour with the Lord.
What makes the assignment great is who the work is for.
Who’s assignment are you carrying out?
If it is the Lord’s assignment then, the assignment is great
Ephesians 2:10 NLT
[10] For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.
Ephesians 2:10 AMPC
[10] For we are God’s [own] handiwork (His workmanship), recreated in Christ Jesus, [born anew] that we may do those good works which God predestined (planned beforehand) for us [taking paths which He prepared ahead of time], that we should walk in them[living the good life which He prearranged and made ready for us to live].
I don’t belittle God’s plans for me
Ephesians 2:10 TPT
[10] We have become his poetry, a re-created people that will fulfill the destiny he has given each of us, for we are joined to Jesus, the Anointed One. Even before we were born, God planned in advance our destiny and the good works we would do to fulfill it!
I fulfill the destiny He has given me
1 Thessalonians 1:3 GNT
[3] For we remember before our God and Father how you put your faith into practice, how your love made you work so hard, and how your hope in our Lord Jesus Christ is firm.
Whatever the Lord tells you to do, is a representation of Him.
No wonder He has made us Ambassadors for, making His appeal through us
Thank you Lord for this opportunity to be your representation
The tasks given to you by God are things He had desired to do, and He is entrusting you with them.
My God,!!!! You trust me this much
I esteem the Lord’s assignment for me than any self-centered desires.
I am great….because I am God’s partner
I esteem the Lord’s assignment for me
I walk daily in the consciousness of the Lord’s assignment for me
Wow!! This is an inspiration. I don’t belittle God’s assignment.
Oh Jesus!
I am called by the Lord into His greatness. I Think greatness and take great steps DAILY
It’s is indeed a great thing to serve the Lord!
I serve God wholeheartedly
Christ in me the hope of Glory
This Assignment is a big deal to me!!!!
I declare Christ everywhere
I am not some small girl
I am God in the flesh!!!
I declare his goodness and this Gospel to the whole world
I am in charge!
I am a great leader!
And I lead my generation into greatness
Oh Glory to God!
Weapons of war. Haaa
The gospel propers in my hands
I am called to also perfect other men as Christ has perfected me
And I take this work only with him
I go about my fathers assignment with high esteem
What an insight
Whatever the Lord tells you to do what it actually means is that the Lord wants you to be a representation of him for that particular task
I don’t belittle the assignment of God
God’s assignment is bigger than any appointment and any task of the flesh
Thank you Jesus
God’s assignment is great.
I don’t belittle His assignment
Anything I have ever seen in God, there is more.
Like how the man Abraham became rich and continued to prosper
“With God we do great things”
In the mighty name of Jesus
Oh dear Lord..
I esteem God’s calling for my life..
I live to express God..
CHRIST is revealed in me..thanks the purpose of Life..
Anything God tells me to do is great! Hence I esteem it above all things.
I don’t value or esteem what I do for man than what I do for the Lord.