The Love-Life Agency

“And how shall they preach, except they be sent? as it is written, How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace, and bring glad tidings of good things!“
Romans 10:15 (KJV)
We have been looking at the armor of God, and one of the gears Paul the apostle mentioned was to shod the feet with readiness (or preparation) for the gospel of peace.
The apostle was not only speaking of the gospel of peace but the posture and action every believer must take with the gospel of peace. The readiness or preparation for the gospel of peace is also to stand on your feet alert to share the blessings of peace.
This brings home the idea of every believer being a messenger or preacher of the gospel of peace.
As part of our spiritual warfare, you must not downplay the role of proclaiming the gospel of peace. When the believers in Christ take a stand to announce the gospel of peace, the deceptive schemes of the adversary are destroyed.
As I have mentioned before we are not civilians in the Kingdom. Though we are citizens of the Kingdom we are also soldiers. And as soldiers, we are sent forth by the Lord to enforce His victory in every place. Wherever we go, people must find a reason to rejoice because we go forth with the blessings of the gospel.
In Romans 10, Paul the apostle spoke of how many who have not been reached with the gospel can receive the gospel. He explained that the gospel can be heard only when bearers of the gospel are sent.
Every born-again must live as a bearer of the gospel of peace. People must hear the goodnews of Jesus through you.
That is what it means to have beautiful feet. To have beautiful feet is to appear in every place with the goodnews of peace.
Have you taken a stand today to announce the goodnews of Jesus with your family and friends?
Don’t hide any more, the bloggers, television stations, and radio stations are not hiding their content and news.
Why must you be quiet?
You are the bearer of the most glorious and greatest news in the universe, SHOUT IT OUT!
“The Lord gave the word: great was the company of those that published it.” Psalm 68:11 (KJV)
Through the shedding of the blood of Jesus, we have peace with God. We are eternally in union with God in life and nature.
Hey, how beautiful are the feet of they who preach the gospel of peace.
I send forth the gospel of peace to my friends and many.
Thank You Lord for the Gospel
Thank you Lord for entrusting us with the Gospel..
Thank you Jesus
Wherever I go, people find a reason to rejoice because I go forth with the blessings of the gospel.
Oh glorrrreeeeeyyyyyy!!
My presence spreads forth the Gospel
I live my life as a bearer of the gospel of Peace
I’m a light bearer to my generation..
That’s who I choose to be, a Gospel Bearer
I take bold and daring steps about this Gospel..
My steps are bold and daring
I arise with readiness of heart and mind to proclaim the Gospel of peace..
My feets are ever shod with readiness for the Gospel..
In the name of Jesus
The Lord gave the word: great was the company of those that published it.” Psalm 68:11 (KJV)
I am part of this great company
We are GREAT.. because we proclaim the GREAT GOSPEL!!
Great is my name
He gave out His word and I run with His word!!!
I am a CEO of the Word Company
I breakdown any stronghold or knowledge that sets itself above the Knowledge of Christ as I preach the gospel..
Every stronghold is broken
For He made us victorious
We overcome
Ow… adversary, We already won!!!
If all I have is Jesus, I got something more than gold
And I speak it to the nations that Jesus is more than Gold
I spread the Greatest News
I am bold and daring about this glorious gospel of peace.
I am Bold
As I share the Gospel.. demonic strongholds loosens its power ..
The captive are set free..
“The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, for he has anointed me to bring Good News to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim that captives will be released, that the blind will see, that the oppressed will be set free,
I am anointed to set the oppressed freee
In Christ, we are freee
The captive is set freee
Woe is me if I do not preach the Gospel of Peace..
My Divine calling!!
I don’t take it lightly
I don’t take it lightly
I shine the Light of the Gospel in this dark and perverse world and nothing shall stop my shining forth..
the people who sat in darkness have seen a great light. And for those who lived in the land where death casts its shadow, a light has shined.”
The light is heree
Praise the Lord!!!
Eyes are opened to the Gospel
Isaiah 52:7 ESV
[7] How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him who brings good news, who publishes peace, who brings good news of happiness, who publishes salvation, who says to Zion, “Your God reigns.”
My God reigns
Haaa…. What is sweet like these words
My spirit is fed
God bless Apostle Bennie
Nahum 1:15 ESV
[15] Behold, upon the mountains, the feet of him who brings good news, who publishes peace! Keep your feasts, O Judah; fulfill your vows, for never again shall the worthless pass through you; he is utterly cut off.
I refuse to downplay the role of proclaiming the gospel of peace
I refuse to downplay
I am a soldier in the kingdom and not a civilian!
The Lord’s battle axe
Wherever I go, people find a reason to rejoice because I go forth with the blessings of the gospel.
And I rejoice!!!!
Nations come to my light
I live as a bearer of the gospel of peace !
I am a bearer of the Gospel
People hear the Goodnews of Jesus through me
I refuse to hide!
I refuse to be quiet!
I refuse to be quiet
I can never be quiet
Glory to God.
I’l a bearer of the gospel of peace . K proclaim this glorious news boldly with a strong conviction.Wherever I go, people rejoice in the Lord because I go forth with the blessings of the gospel. Thank you Sir. I am blessed and a blessing with the Gospel of Peace
I proclaim the Glorious news
Oh thank you Jesus for the opportunity
I announce the gospel of peace.
I announce, all loud and clear!!!
I am loud
I am a bearer of the gospel
Many hear the gospel through me
Oh thank you Lord Jesus
Glory to God
I can’t be mute
Glory to God
I carry glad tidings to my world.
I don’t fail my generation
I don’t downplay the proclamation of the gospel of peace.
I am bearer of the gospel of peace.
I am a messenger of the gospel of peace.
As a soldier in the kingdom of God, I am sent forth to enforce the Lord’s victory in every place.
I am a sent man.
I am a sent man of God
People hear the good news of Jesus through me.
I’m a bearer of the most glorious and greatest news in the universe, therefore I refuse to be quiet about it.
I have the boldness to declare the goodnews of Jesus in every place.
I announce the goodnews of Jesus to my world.
I was glad when they said unto me let us go and share the gospel
I refuse to sit on the fence, I take a stand today to be part of the company of they that publish the word.
I don’t sit on the fence
I am bold and daring about this glorious gospel of peace.
I am as bold as a lion about the mandate
I take daring steps with the Gospel
Thank you Lord Jesus
I am the joy unto many through the gospel
My presence breeds joy unto many in the name of Jesus
I am great.
I am a publisher of the goodnews of Christ
Speed at my feet with the Gospel publication
I spread God’s word everywhere. Glorreeyyy
This gospel cannot be hidden
It can never be hidden
I work for the highest authority
I shout it out, far and near!!!
Oh thank you Jesus
Shababababa I declare the goodnews of Christ everywhere
I make the gospel available unit many, through Jesus. I have experience the peace of God , therefore I can’t sit on it.
I proclaim the gospel of peace unto others
I refuse to be quite
Glory to God
I can never be quiet
Thank you Jesus for Apostle Bennie eeee
And I shout a joyous “GLORREEEYYY”
Oh… sweet sweet Machaira time!!!
And I see the Grand Rising of a Giant Army
The adversary has lost !!!
[…] is the feet, which we have looked at briefly; and precisely “Beautiful Feet”. There is also the Gospel or Good Tidings heralded by the messengers; and the […]
I am a bearer of the Glorious God news of Jesus
Anywhere i arrive the gospel has arrived