The Love-Life Agency

Monday 22nd April, 2024
“Do not quench the Spirit”
1 Thessalonians 5:19
Our Lord Jesus didn’t only come to die for your sins; He also brought you His life. He translates you from darkness into the Kingdom of light and transfuses His life into you through the administrative force of the Holy Spirit.
As part of transfusing His life into you, the Lord baptizes you with the Holy Spirit and with fire. To be baptized with the Holy Spirit is to be immersed or submerged into union with the Holy Spirit and with His fire.
You come under the influence of the person of the Holy Spirit and His operative ability.
The impact and influence of the Holy Spirit in your heart is as fire.
Get this: the Holy Spirit is not fire; fire only depicts the character of His influence and operation. Fire is a universal language; everything responds to fire, and nothing denies its impact. No one rejects the benefits of fire. That also gives a picture of the operative influence of the Holy Spirit.
At your new birth, the Lord ignited the kingdom life within you, a fire within you, the Holy Spirit within you, changing you from the inside out. (See Matthew 3:11, Message Translation).
This was what happened to the disciples of Jesus on the day of Pentecost. As they obeyed the instruction of Jesus to tarry:
“On the day Pentecost was being fulfilled, all the disciples were gathered in one place. Suddenly, they heard the sound of a violent blast of wind rushing into the house from out of the heavenly realm. The roar of the wind was so overpowering it was all anyone could bear!  Then all at once a pillar of fire appeared before their eyes. It separated into tongues of fire that engulfed each one of them. They were all filled and equipped with the Holy Spirit and were inspired to speak in tongues—empowered by the Spirit to speak in languages they had never learned!” Acts 2:1-3 (TPT)
The impartation of the Holy Spirit happened to them as of the experience of fire. The influence of the Holy Spirit in your heart will always be as of fire. This is how one can articulate the burning influence of the Spirit.
This fire of the Holy Spirit must burn in you if you want to saturate your sphere with the gospel.
It takes the Holy Spirit and fire to be a witness of Jesus.
“But you will receive power and ability when the Holy Spirit comes upon you, and you will be My witnesses [to tell people about Me] both in Jerusalem and in all Judea, and Samaria, and even to the ends of the earth.” Acts 1:8 (AMP).
When the Holy Spirit came upon you, you received:
1. Power and ability.
2. You were made a witness of Jesus.
God doesn’t send anyone out without His fire burning in him/her.
For Moses to bring deliverance to Israel from Egypt, he encountered the fire of God (Exodus 3).
As part of the Priest’s ministry to God, He has to keep the fire of God’s presence burning on the altar. (Leviticus 6:12)
The fire of God in you is an eternal fire; however, its glow must be intense.
To continue to bless lives and spread the gospel, you must continue to burn.
“Don’t burn out; keep yourselves fueled and aflame…” Romans 12:11 (MSG)
You have to continue glowing with fire, and everyone will respond to you.
It takes the fire of the Spirit burning in you to ignite the Kingdom life within others.
A man of fire is the one who can boldly saturate His sphere with the power of the gospel.
As a beacon of light, you must burn like wildfire!
You glow as you continue to:
–  Pray in the Holy Spirit. Your prayers burn as an incense (Psalm 141:2; Revelation 8:4).
– Meditate on the word of God.
“…HIS WORD was in my heart like a BURNING FIRE shut up in my bones; I was weary of holding it back, and I could not… ”   (Jeremiah 20:9)
When this truly happens, you just can’t keep quiet or stop speaking what you have beheld of the Lord. (Acts 4:20)
If you want hearts to burn for Jesus, your heart must always burn for and with Him!
– I can’t keep quiet; I burn and glow more and more with fire.
– I have the fire of the Holy Spirit burning in me
– I don’t grow cold. God’s fire cannot be quenched in me.
– Through me, the gospel spreads in my city like a wildfire
I burn
I burn like wildfire..
Thank You Jesus For Your Word. I’m full of the Holy Ghost
Baptized with the Holy Spirit and with fire..
I am a witness of Christ with fire ????
The world will hear of Christ
Thank you lord Jesus I continue in prayer and the meditation of Tue word
I am fire and I burn Hallelujah
I burn like wildfire for Jesus!!
Fire is a universal language..
All things response to it..
To IMPACT my world or sphere I must burn more intensely for Jesus!!
When the Holy Spirit came upon me, I received:
1. Power and ability.
2. I was made a witness of Jesus.
I increase in my burning intensity as I commit myself to praying in the Holy Spirit and meditation of the Word of God..
Thank you Apostle for the excerpt..
Photizo… Illumination has come…
God is not my enemy.
God’s perception about me is Love, reconciliation, peace, justification, righteousness,..
I love you LORD!!
I glow with the unquenchable fire of the Holy Spirit and with power… hallelujah
I saturate many hearts with the power of the gospel.
Oh my fire never quench, I continue to aflame more and more
Oh Hallelujah!!
This fire shall continually burn intensely in me to affect many lives.
Gloreeeyyy ????
I burn like a wild fire
I’m unquenchable
Today’s machaira with Apostle Bennie made me understand some verities like if I want to saturate my sphere with the gospel I must burn or I must be on fire or I must empower my inner man…..
Today’s episode when I was reading I didn’t get to the prayer point before I started praying I started when I read Luke 4:14. First Nations version translation….. I began to pray
I carry an unquenchable fire ????
It takes the Holy and Fire to be a witness of Jesus
I glow with fire, therefore all men respond to me
Gloreeeeeey to Jesus Christ.
I burn the burn. I burn always.. thank you sweet Holy Spirit.
I am in the fire of God.
The gospel prosperous through me..
Thank you Apostle Benjamin. God bless you more Sir.
It takes the fire of the Spirit burning in me to ignite the Kingdom life within others. Gloreey
I burn and shine. My impact cannot be denied
The impact and influence of the Holy Spirit in my heart is as fire.
I burn like wildfire
My heart is soaked and saturated with the fire of the word.
I burn and glow more and more with fire.
Through me, the gospel spreads in my city like a wildfire
I have the fire of the Holy Spirit burning in me
God’s fire cannot be quenched in me.
â€Acts 4:31 NKJV‬
[31] And when they had prayed, the place where they were assembled together was shaken; and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit, and they spoke the word of God with boldness.
I burn for Jesus
I take cities for the Lord with the burning fragrance of the holy spirit
Nations respond to me
Thank you Lord
The influence of the. Holy Spirit in my heart and in my life is as fire
For the sake of this gospel and the lives i havr to bless, i burn daily
In the name of Jesus
I am a man who burns as wildfire
The fire of God in does not grow cold, it doesn’t grow domant in me in the name of Jesus, it grows hotter and hotter by the day
In the name Jesus