The Love-Life Agency

“We love, because He first loved us”
1 John 4:19 (New American Standard Bible)
Have you ever felt you have to prove your love to God before you are accepted by Him?
As you have seen in the opening verse, you didn’t first love the Lord; He first loved you.
Your love for the Lord is dependent on His love for you. It was when He demonstrated His love to you that love was dispensed into your heart.
Your confidence should always be in God’s love for you, not your love.
The Love of God is unconditional, unquenchable, unfailing and unending.
“Long ago the LORD said to Israel: “I have loved you, my people, with an everlasting love. With unfailing love I have drawn you to myself” Jeremiah 31:3 (NLT)
You don’t define or determine God’s love for you by how you live towards Him. God is love, and His love is determined by Himself.
His love towards you governs your love towards Him and others. This is why you must increase in the understanding of His love.
God doesn’t need your righteousness to love you. He doesn’t need your works to love you. He doesn’t need your effective prayers to love you. When you had no thought of Him He was there thinking of you.
“But God showed his great love for us by sending Christ to die for us while we were still sinners.” Romans 5:8 (NLT)
You have always been the focus of His love.
Whatever you do in the Lord, with the Lord and for the glory of God must be founded on His love for you.
No matter how you think or know you love the Lord, let His love for you be your boast.
This is my boast that the lord loves me Glorreeyyy
”I pray for you, and for all God’s people. I pray that you will know, in a powerful way, that Jesus Christ loves us very much. He loves us so much that nobody can properly know all about it. But I want you to understand that he loves everybody very much, so that you will become like him in every way, and you will live the good way he wants you to live.“
Ephesians 3:18-19 PEV
You are faithful
The love of God is my boast
When I had no thought of God, he was there thinking of me. Ha! Thank you Jesus.
Jesus loves me this I know
It’s a knowing!!
For this is my boast that the Father loved me first and gave his life for me through Jesus
Your love for me is my boast
Your love my God is unfailing..
Thank you Lord Jesus
Thank you Apostle Bennie for such a glorious message. Gloreey
Kaish. I love because he first loved me. Hallelujah!
Ha! The Lord’s love fore is unconditional. Hahaaa Agape love. ❤️❤️
I am boastful of the Love of God in my life
The Love of God is unconditional, unquenchable, unfailing and unending…. oh glorrrreeeeeyyyyyy
When I have no thought of Him He was there thinking of me.
What an overwhelming LOVE of God!!
I don’t define or determine God’s love for me by how l live towards Him. God is love, and His love is determined by Himself…
Thank you Lord JESUS!!
I boast in the overwhelming, unconditional LOVE OF JESUS..
I am empowered by the love of God, to love others.
Oh Gloryyy
Thank you lord Jesus, for your love…
Thank you Lord Jesus Christ.
Thank you Lord Jesus Christ
Thank you Lord God for loving me.
My confidence is always in God’s love for me.
I don’t boast in my love for God, but I boast in God’s love for me.
Thank you Jesus!
My confidence is in God’s love for me
Thank you lord Jesus
I am the focus of his Love
Thank you my loving father
Thank you sweet father….
I increase in the understanding of God’s love daily…..
Thank you lord Jesus….
My boast is in the love God…
I boast in the love of God..
Thank you lord Jesus…
Blessed be thy name ooh lord…
Thank you lord Jesus..
Thank you for your love..
When you had no thought of Him He was there thinking of you.
Thank you lord Jesus…
My heart is infused in God’s love…
I’m God’s beloved…
Thank you lord Jesus…
The Love of God is unconditional, unquenchable, unfailing and unending.
I increase in the understanding of the love of God.
I am the focus of the love of God. Oh hallelujah!
My boasting is in God’s unfailing love towards me.
I walk daily in the consciousness of the love of God.
I am made perfect in love.
His love for me is my boast
It is never about how righteousness I think I am but his love which he showed upon me
My daddy Jesus loves me and no one can take this away from me