The Love-Life Agency

“And be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God in Christ forgave you”
Ephesians 4:32 (NKJV)
It is easy for people to receive the gospel and be overwhelmed with joy when it is ministered to them.
Some people find it easy to accept the reality of God’s forgiveness and to appropriate it even in other areas of their lives and living.
These people are only gracious to themselves but become voices of condemnation to others. They mark and keep records of the wrongs others do.
Apostle Paul admonished the Church in his epistle that they get rid of bitterness, rage, anger and every form of malice (Ephesians 4:31).
He then continued with how every believer should be towards one another, as mentioned in the opening verse:
“…be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God in Christ forgave you.” (Ephesians 4:32 NKJV)
You don’t have to be an accuser, but be kind and tenderhearted.
You don’t have to be seeking revenge, but instead be forgiving.
And he clearly showed the standard of forgiveness.
“…forgiving one another, even as God in Christ forgave you.”
The forgiveness you demonstrate must be founded on Christ’s unconditional love and His unending waterfall of forgiveness.
Please note: You don’t forgive others so that God will forgive you. God has already forgiven you. God’s forgiveness is according to Christ’s love, not your self-effort.
The reality and inheritance of the gospel is not only applicable to you but to all the saints in Christ.
Just as Christ died for you and gave you His forgiveness, He also died and has forgiven the worst of all sinners.
This is to say that, as you have received the grace of our Lord Jesus, be gracious to one another as He is gracious unto you.
You don’t deal with people based on how you feel and how wrong you think they are but according to how Christ has loved you.
Your graciousness to others is not according to your temper, likes and dislikes. It has to be according to the patience and lovingkindness of Jesus.
This is the true evidence that Christ lives in you.
My measure of love towards others is according to God’s measure of love towards me.
God’s forgiveness is according to Christ’s love, not according to myself effort
I don’t deal with people based on how I feel or how wrong they are but according to the loving kindness of God towards me
I am gracious to others as God is gracious into me
I let Grace lead..
Glory to God..I am full of love
I forgive others as God has forgiven me
I don’t condemn others
I am gracious to others.
The forgiveness I demonstrate is founded on the unconditional love of Christ.
I don’t deal with people according to how I feel and how wrong I think they are but according to how Christ has loved me.
Our standard is Christ ONLY..
Thank you Jesus, your love works on my heart
I know The Standard of Forgiveness now. And it is : “…forgiving one another, even as God in Christ forgave you.”
The extent to which I forgive others is even as God in Christ forgave me.
Woow..what an illumination
The standard of forgiveness is in Christ Eternal forgiveness towards me..
I don’t deal or relate with people based on my feelings, temper or past experiences with them. Instead, I relate and deal with them according to the patience and lovingkindness of Jesus.
My feeling don’t define me
God’s WORD does!!
My measure of love towards others is according to God’s measure of love towards me.
LOVE always reigns in Christ!!
I walk in love even as God demonstrated unto us through Christ Jesus our Lord!
Love leads the way..we follow!!
The true evidence that Christ lives in you is that : you deal with people according to the patience and lovingkindness of Jesus.
Eeii..very deep
I meditate on this!!
I am slow to judge people.
I am full of love
I don’t mark and keep records of the wrongs others do.
I don’t play the role of the accuser of the brethren.
Love is the only way!!
I am full of Love
I season my mouth with words of Grace and exaltation
For the uplifting of many
For i am in no place to condemn they elects of Jesus
Who he has called not guilty
Even of they who are not of the fold don’t need to be condemned but to be brought to light by the TRUTh
The love of God is shared abroad my heart therefore I demonstrate love to all men
I have a continual fellowship with the Brethen
I love the brethren
I love unconditional
I don’t judge people base on their mistakes but I forgive base on the gracious love of our Lord and master Jesus
What a Wisdom!!
Thank you Jesus..
Am full of Love
I am gracious unto others , by grace.
Glory to God. I am full of God’s love. God’s loves reigns in my heart . Thank you Lord Jesus Christ.
Ohh boi!!
I refuse to be a voice of condemnation to others
I refuse to be an accuser!
I am gracious to others even as Christ was gracious to me !
Blessed Assurance.
I deal with men based on the patience and loving kindness of Christ.
I demonstrate graciousness.
Graciousness is my name!!
I am forgiving just like Christ. I show forth God’s unconditional love in my graciousness.
Thank you Lord Jesus
I follow God’s example in everything I do because I am His Beloved Son.
I imitate CHRIST..
I deal with wrongs and issues according to how Christ has loved me and not by my feelings.
I refuse to become a voice of condemnation to others..
I choose to let the Love of Christ lead and rule in every decision I make..
I am gracious and forgiving to others.. hallelujah!!
I am gracious
I show graciousness to others because Christ first showed graciousness to me
I am gracious unto others.
My measure of love towards others is according to God’s measure of love towards me.
Psalms 145:9 NKJV
[9] The Lord is good to all, And His tender mercies are over all His works.
I don’t mark and take records of wrongs of others…
I am slow to judge others….
In the name of Jesus…..
Ooohh, I don’t accuse..
I’m a man of kind and tenderhearted….
I eschew the pursuit of revenge in favor of consistently embracing forgiveness.
IN the name of Jesus…..
I am committed to demonstrating grace and compassion towards others in all circumstances.
IN the name of Jesus Christ…
I choose not to consort with individuals who partake in derision and gossip.
In the name of Jesus…
I’m full of love…
I’m a man of love…
I am gracious unto others