Machaira with Apostle Bennie, Wisdom



The Love-Life Agency

Wednesday 21st February, 2024


“I empower kings to reign and rulers to make laws that are just.”

 Proverbs 8:15 (TPT)

The born again in Christ is translated from the power of darkness into the Kingdom of our Lord Jesus.

In His Kingdom, we are all made Kings and Priests.

“and from Jesus Christ, the faithful witness, the firstborn from the dead, and the ruler over the kings of the earth.
To Him who loved us and washed us from our sins in His own blood, and has made us kings and priests to His God and Father, to Him be glory and dominion forever and ever. Amen.” 
Revelation 1:5-6 (NKJV)

Our reign as kings in Christ doesn’t begin after this present world has come to an end. Our reign as kings in Christ is not for the future. It is a NOW responsibility.

The scripture says “He has made us…”, which means He is not now trying or planning to make us kings and priests.

Concerning the saved ones, God says:

“But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, His own special people, that you may proclaim the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light” 1 Peter 2:9 (NKJV)

You are part of the Lord’s nation of kinging-priests. You have the mandate to reign or rule in your sphere; and how you reign, is a display of God’s glory.

As kings in Christ, we are to lead our generation with WISDOM.

If in case you are still wondering why you must love Wisdom, this is it:

Wisdom empowers Kings to reign.

Hear what Wisdom says:

“I empower kings to reign and rulers to make laws that are just. I empower princes to rise and take dominion, and generous ones to govern the earth.” Proverbs 8:15-16 (TPT)

How well do you want to influence your world?

How do you want to manifest God’s glory?

How do you want to lead your generation?

Wisdom is the principal thing!

Be intentional about walking in Wisdom.

Remember, the Word of God is the constitution of Wisdom.

“Here are kingdom revelations, words to live by, and words of wisdom given to empower you to reign in life…” Proverbs 1:1 (TPT)

The impartation of the Word of God is the impartation of the revelation of Wisdom and spiritual understanding.

The more you fellowship with the Word of God, the more your thoughts are cultivated and shaped to be consistent with the Wisdom of God.

Beloved, Love Wisdom; for by her you are empowered to reign as a King.


(Proverbs 1:1-7; 1 Kings 3:9-14;16-28; Ecclesiastes 7:12; Proverbs 8:18-19; Proverbs 3:3:14-24)

We pray that we shall be imparted with the rich Secrets of Wisdom and understanding so that we will be able to acquire brilliant strategies for leadership in our generation.

In the name of Jesus!

Deuteronomy 27 – 30
– I love wisdom.
– I function by wisdom.
– Through wisdom, I build every aspect of my life.
– The desires of my heart is glued to wisdom.
– As I fellowship daily with the Word of God, I develop a develop a strong love for wisdom and understanding.
– I am full of wisdom.
– I act in wisdom.
– I do all things in wisdom.
Oh thank you Lord Jesus!!!

We'd love to connect with you!

To help you build a proper foundation of spiritual understanding.

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Pascal Ayedzi
5 months ago

Wisdom Is the Principal thing that empowers Kings to reign.

I have been blessed by these:
The extent at which you want to lead your generation is directly proportional to the level of Wisdom you walk in.

Oh hallelujah

Nana Akua Gayles
Nana Akua Gayles
5 months ago
Reply to  Pascal Ayedzi

Praise the Lord

Wisdom Elvis
Wisdom Elvis
5 months ago
Reply to  Pascal Ayedzi

Wisdom is the principal thing!

Nana Akua Gayles
Nana Akua Gayles
5 months ago

“The impartation of the Word of God is the impartation of the revelation of Wisdom and spiritual understanding”

whoa amazing

Nana Akua Gayles
Nana Akua Gayles
5 months ago

I give myself to the WORD so that I can understand the insight of the wise.

Through the exploration of wisdom, I fear the Lord and heed to his Commands

oh thank you Jesus

Nana Akua Gayles
Nana Akua Gayles
5 months ago

Rooted in the word, I govern my heart to make it a wise and understanding heart.

Oh how I love wisdom!!!

Nana Akua Gayles
Nana Akua Gayles
5 months ago


Samiratu Sulley
Samiratu Sulley
5 months ago

As kings and priests you cannot rule and reign without wisdom because wisdom is what will empower you. I am intentional about my walk in wisdom.

Wisdom Elvis
Wisdom Elvis
5 months ago

I’m empowered by Wisdom!

Nana Akua Gayles
Nana Akua Gayles
5 months ago

We are intentional

Benjamin okyere
Benjamin okyere
5 months ago

Wisdom in your walk makes life very smooth
Mistakes others make you will see and overpass

I reign by the wisdom of the Word and my impact of wisdom will be a generational notation and continuation

Nana Akua Gayles
Nana Akua Gayles
5 months ago

I am blessed by this comment, sir!!!

God bless our Man of God for this platform

Sarah Amegavie
Sarah Amegavie
5 months ago

By wisdom i am empowered to reign as a King

Nana Akua Gayles
Nana Akua Gayles
5 months ago
Reply to  Sarah Amegavie


Simon Christ
Simon Christ
5 months ago

I love wisdom… For by Her I am empowered to take dominance over my sphere

Simon Christ
Simon Christ
5 months ago

The Spirit of Wisdom and Understanding is at work in me

Simon Christ
Simon Christ
5 months ago

Thank You Jesus for the gift of wisdom.

Nana Akua Gayles
Nana Akua Gayles
5 months ago
Reply to  Simon Christ

Oh thank you sweet Jesus

Simon Christ
Simon Christ
5 months ago

Thank God for his word. I grow by the wisdom of God through his word

Nana Akua Gayles
Nana Akua Gayles
5 months ago
Reply to  Simon Christ

In the name of Jesus

Simon Christ
Simon Christ
5 months ago

‭‭Proverbs 3:13-18 MSG‬‬
[13-18] You’re blessed when you meet Lady Wisdom, when you make friends with Madame Insight. She’s worth far more than money in the bank; her friendship is better than a big salary. Her value exceeds all the trappings of wealth; nothing you could wish for holds a candle to her. With one hand she gives long life, with the other she confers recognition. Her manner is beautiful, her life wonderfully complete. She’s the very Tree of Life to those who embrace her. Hold her tight—and be blessed!

Linda Teye
Linda Teye
5 months ago
Reply to  Simon Christ

I’m blessed to have lady wisdom in my life

Adevu Prince
Adevu Prince
5 months ago

Wow I now understand that as the light of the world,the intensity of your light is proportional to the level of wisdom you’re walking in.And the more you feed on the word the more your level of wisdom increases because the word is the aggregation of the wisdom of God.Gloryyyyy

Nana Akua Gayles
Nana Akua Gayles
5 months ago
Reply to  Adevu Prince


Nana Akua Gayles
Nana Akua Gayles
5 months ago
Reply to  Adevu Prince

The word is the aggregation of WISDOM


Belinda Teye
Belinda Teye
5 months ago

I am part of the Lord’s nation of kinging-priests

Nana Akua Gayles
Nana Akua Gayles
5 months ago
Reply to  Belinda Teye


Belinda Teye
Belinda Teye
5 months ago

The more you fellowship with the Word of God, the more your thoughts are cultivated and shaped to be consistent with the Wisdom of God

I give myself to the Word of God
I make time daily to fellowship with the word of God

Nana Akua Gayles
Nana Akua Gayles
5 months ago
Reply to  Belinda Teye


Linda Teye
Linda Teye
5 months ago

As a King in Christ, I lead my generation with wisdom

Linda Teye
Linda Teye
5 months ago

I am intentional about walking in wisdom

Ransford Addai
Ransford Addai
5 months ago

Oh Thank You Jesus

– The desires of my heart is glued to wisdom.

– As I fellowship daily with the Word of God, I develop a develop a strong love for wisdom and understanding.


Nana Akua Gayles
Nana Akua Gayles
5 months ago
Reply to  Ransford Addai

Praise the Lord

Juliet Yeboah Appiah
Juliet Yeboah Appiah
5 months ago

I love Wisdom. I reign in my sphere by Wisdom. I esteem the word of God. Hallelujah

Nana Akua Gayles
Nana Akua Gayles
5 months ago


Emmanuel Opoku
Emmanuel Opoku
5 months ago

The wisdom that builds!

The wisdom that establishes!!

The wisdom that furnishes!!!

Oh Glory! I lay hold unto her, she is my sweetheart.

Nana Akua Gayles
Nana Akua Gayles
5 months ago
Reply to  Emmanuel Opoku

She’s my sweetheart

Wisdom Elvis
Wisdom Elvis
5 months ago

I am part of the Lord’s nation of kinging-priests.

Wisdom Elvis
Wisdom Elvis
5 months ago

As a king in Christ, I lead my generation with the wisdom of God.

Wisdom Elvis
Wisdom Elvis
5 months ago

As I fellowship with the Word of God, my thoughts are cultivated and shaped to be consistent with the Wisdom of God.

Wisdom Elvis
Wisdom Elvis
5 months ago

By Wisdom, I am empowered to reign as a King in Christ Jesus.

Wisdom Elvis
Wisdom Elvis
5 months ago

I function by wisdom.

Nana Akua Gayles
Nana Akua Gayles
5 months ago
Reply to  Wisdom Elvis


Wisdom Elvis
Wisdom Elvis
5 months ago

I do all things in wisdom.

Nana Akua Gayles
Nana Akua Gayles
5 months ago
Reply to  Wisdom Elvis


Wisdom Elvis
Wisdom Elvis
5 months ago

As I fellowship daily with the Word of God, I develop a strong love for wisdom and understanding.

Nana Akua Gayles
Nana Akua Gayles
5 months ago
Reply to  Wisdom Elvis

My love grows stronger for you oh dearest WISDOM!!

5 months ago

Kaish ????
As a king I reign by wisdom

Axor israel
Axor israel
5 months ago

As kings and priests you cannot rule and reign without wisdom because wisdom is what will empower you. I am intentional about my walk in wisdom

Nana Akua Gayles
Nana Akua Gayles
5 months ago
Reply to  Axor israel

I am intentional

Axor israel
Axor israel
5 months ago

Wisdom, I am empowered to reign as a King in Christ Jesus

Prince Semanu
Prince Semanu
5 months ago

I’m part of the Lord’s nation of kinging-priests. I have the mandate to reign and rule in my sphere. Ow Jesus and as I fellowship daily with the Word of God, I develop a strong love for wisdom and understanding.

5 months ago

Glory to God

No one can rule and reign without wisdom
The Word of God is that which impacts us with wisdom.

Feasting on the Word is feasting on Wisdom.


Vincent Mensah
Vincent Mensah
5 months ago

Ha…..I give attention to the constitution of wisdom wherein I am empowered to reign.

5 months ago

Wisdom empowers the generous ones to govern earth… o Woow so generosity is a function of wisdom. Thank u sir

Daniel F. Agbosu
Daniel F. Agbosu
5 months ago

I catch the wisdom to reign as a king

Addo Ebenezer
Addo Ebenezer
5 months ago

Thank you lord Jesus Jesus!!
I act in wisdom..

Not knowing, on 16th January ,2024, I had a dream and an angel of God was telling me that ; ‘you’re the priest of Christ ‘, that droves me to search scriptures concerning priesthood..
There is a higher place that the lord is taking us to..
Humble yourself with patience and grow…

Nkrumah Charles Sarkodie
Nkrumah Charles Sarkodie
5 months ago

I love wisdom, for by her I am empowered to reign as a king.
I am made a king to reign in my sphere.
Wisdom empowers me to reign.
I lead my generation by the wisdom of God.

Emmanuel Nanor
5 months ago

My decisions,steps and actions are influenced by wisdom

Thank you Lord Jesus

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