Justification, Machaira with Apostle Bennie, Righteousness



The Love-Life Agency

Saturday, 3rd February, 2024



“giving thanks to the Father, who has qualified us to share in the inheritance of the saints (God’s people) in the Light”. 

Colossians 1:12 (Amplified Bible)

A born again young man once said to me, “I don’t feel righteous, my efforts are not enough and that is why I think I am not seeing the blessings of God. I don’t deserve happiness and cannot match up with the standards of this world”.
He was saying these things with tears in his eyes. I looked at him in the eye and asked whether he is born again.
He was like, “I am really born again. Please, I also know the scriptures very well. I have received Jesus into my heart. I believe and know the blood of Jesus has cleansed all my sins. However, I still don’t feel qualified looking at my continuous mistakes”.
I was moved with compassion for the young man. And I also thought, there could be many more people in this condition.

The challenge is not how you feel, the challenge is your level of understanding.

The understanding of what Christ has done for you and in you will translate into how you confront daily life situations. 
Don’t just be aware of what the Lord has done for you, make a decision to walk in understanding.

You are not who you are in Christ by how you feel. You are who you are in Christ by what He has done.

 Therefore, you don’t judge the reality of your life in Christ by how you feel or by what you do but by what Christ has done.
You don’t try to do good to be qualified. You are qualified to be a partaker of the inheritance of the saints in the light, by the goodness of Christ. 

You don’t get yourself qualified by your deeds and neither are you disqualified by your deeds. You are qualified by the Father through Christ.

Just as you were not delivered from the power of darkness by your self-effort, in that same light you were not qualified to enjoy your inheritance in Christ by your self-efforts.
“giving thanks to the Father, who has qualified us to share in the inheritance of the saints (God’s people) in the Light. For He has rescued us and has drawn us to Himself from the dominion of darkness, and has transferred us to the kingdom of His beloved Son, in whom we have redemption [because of His sacrifice, resulting in] the forgiveness of our sins [and the cancellation of sins’ penalty].” Colossians 1:12-14 (Amplified Bible)
What is the basis of your qualification to be a partaker of the inheritance of the saints?

1. For He has rescued us and has drawn us to Himself from the dominion of darkness, and has transferred us to the kingdom of His beloved Son.

2. In His Son we have redemption [because of His sacrifice, resulting in] the forgiveness of our sins [and the cancellation of sins’ penalty].

So to walk in the reality of your qualification in Christ, you don’t have to look and live by the standards of this world. You don’t also have to look at your mistakes.
“It is not that we think we are qualified to do anything on our own. Our qualification comes from God.” 2 Corinthians 3:5 (NLT)
Did you see what Paul had to say about themselves?

The moment you begin to think your qualification is according to your self-effort, you are thinking outside God’s design of provision for you.

Your enjoyment of the glorious inheritance in Christ, is dependent on Christ and your position in Him.
You belong to the Kingdom of His Son, therefore you are qualified to enjoy the inheritance of the Kingdom.
(Ephesians 1:18; Acts 20:32; Acts 26:18; Romans 15:18; 2 Corinthians 3:4-6)
– Thank you Father for qualifying me to share in the inheritance of the saints.
– That we will walk continually in the understanding and consciousness of this reality.
Leviticus 21 – 24
– I have been qualified.
– I belong to the kingdom of God’s dear son.
– I walk daily in the consciousness of this reality.
– I share in the inheritance of the Kingdom.

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Nana Akua Gayles
Nana Akua Gayles
1 year ago

I am who I am today and will be tomorrow because of the love of God.

I walk in the understanding that I am an heir to a glorious inheritance.

Thank you sweet Jesus

Mercy Ennin
Mercy Ennin
1 year ago

I share in the inheritance of the kingdom.i have been qualified. Thank you Apostle for this word it really goes for me this was how I used to think but from today i walk daily in the reality. Thank you sir

Emmanuel Nanor
1 year ago

‭‭II Corinthians‬ ‭3:5‬ ‭NKJV‬‬
[5] Not that we are sufficient of ourselves to think of anything as being from ourselves, but our sufficiency is from God,

Thank you Lord Jesus
I am not qualified by my deeds but my qualification is and comes from the Lord.

Oliver Aziabor.
Oliver Aziabor.
1 year ago

I share in the inheritance of the Kingdom.

1 year ago

Oh Hallelujah
There is no boasting anywhere nor of anything except in Christ and Him alone

Daniel F. Agbosu
Daniel F. Agbosu
1 year ago

It’s not about how I feel. It’s about knowing who I am and what I have been made. Glory to God. I am qualified !

1 year ago

The challenge is not how you feel but your level of understanding…
Oh dear Lord I have understanding through God’s word
I walk daily in the consciousness of this reality

Wisdom Elvis
Wisdom Elvis
1 year ago

I’m not qualified by my deeds and neither am I disqualified by my deeds. I am qualified by the Father through Christ.

Wisdom Elvis
Wisdom Elvis
1 year ago

I belong to the Kingdom of Christ, therefore I am qualified to enjoy the inheritance of the Kingdom.

Wisdom Elvis
Wisdom Elvis
1 year ago

Thank you Father for qualifying me to share in the inheritance of the saints.

Nkrumah Charles Sarkodie
Nkrumah Charles Sarkodie
1 year ago

The challenge is not how you feel, the challenge is your level of understanding.Our qualification is not based of our self-effort but by works of Christ.You were not qualified by your deeds and neither are going to be disqualified by your deeds.

Last edited 1 year ago by Nkrumah Charles Sarkodie
Nkrumah Charles Sarkodie
Nkrumah Charles Sarkodie
1 year ago

The challenge is not how you feel, is your level of understanding.
Your qualification is not based on your self-effort but by the works of Christ.
You were not qualified by deeds and neither are you going to be disqualified by your deeds.

Benjamin okyere
Benjamin okyere
1 year ago

Glory to God
Hey I am qualified by Christ Jesus unto everything good and perfect

Benjamin okyere
Benjamin okyere
1 year ago

Thank you Jesus for making me who I am
A born again qualified saint in God

Josephine Fianu
Josephine Fianu
1 year ago

I belong to the kingdom of God’s dear son.

Diana Aline
Diana Aline
1 year ago

Gloreeeeeey to God. I belong to the kingdom of His Dear Son Jesus Christ.
Thank you Lord Jesus Christ.

Mighty saint Augustine
Mighty saint Augustine
1 year ago

Thank you so much, Apostle Sir.

Mighty saint Augustine
Mighty saint Augustine
1 year ago

Machaira with Apostle Bennie is affecting many life in the world…
Thank you Lord for this verities….

One the Episodes that really cause mean is Episodes 170 live your prayer…. My my my …
The day I read that episode I was feeling to pray but at the end of it I REALLY PRAYED…..

Hafiz Turawah
Hafiz Turawah
3 months ago

Thank you Jesus for your qualification

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