The Love-Life Agency
“bringing down reasonings, and every high thing lifted up against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of the Christ”
2 Corinthians 10:5 (Literal Standard Version)
Though the adversary has always been against God, the focus of his deceptive scheme has been man. This is because of the role and the value of man in God’s eternal purpose and plan.
The greatest mystery of God in the universe is God’s intimate relationship with man.
Jesus’ death for man, is God’s immeasurable investment in man.
No wonder all through the universe this question was asked:
“Compared to all this cosmic glory, why would you bother with puny, mortal man…?” Psalm 8:4 (TPT).
The adversary is envious of man.
He wonders, how God has made man a focus of His creation.
Seeing how God values man, the adversary wants to get back at God, by setting man against God.
And to him it is war and the weapon is deception.
He knows his days are numbered, yet, he has decided not to go down without a fight.
The deceptive schemes of the adversary are his weaponry of war.
To the adversary, he is at war with the Kingdom of God. The goal of his war is to bring you to the point of unbelief, turn you against God and just draw you to himself through deception. His goal is to go down with all men. While God’s desire is to bring salvation to all men.
There is a clear prophetic word as to how deception will increase in these last days.
“The Holy Spirit has explicitly revealed: At the end of this age, many will depart from the true faith one after another, devoting themselves to spirits of deception and following demon-inspired revelations and theories.” 1 Timothy 4:1 (TPT).
The adversary is busily using cunning means to deceive God’s people.
Anytime you realise you are asking yourself questions which make you doubt the reality of Christ, you must know the adversary is stimulating and steering your imaginations away from God.
The adversary is not interested in your well-being at all. Thus, you shouldn’t fall for his deception.
As I mentioned in the previous episode, the adversary always begins his deception by indulging your imagination through questions or vain opinions. He also makes you feel he is concerned about you and knows something you don’t know.
The moment you fail an exam, he comes subtly, “Can’t you see you have to put a hold on your 1 hour daily Bible reading and 1 hour daily prayers, to focus on your books? You need to pass your exams. What do you think?”
He poses questions like:
“If God truly loves you why did he watch your family member die?”
“Look at how your whole family serves the Lord, yet there is no prosperity. Are you sure the teachings of the word are true?”
“Can you see the evil going on in this world? Where is the all-powerful and loving God you believe in?”
“Do you know there is a footballer called Jesus, so what if the Jesus you believe in is also an average person?”
“Don’t make it a matter of faith, sickness is normal. Everyone will be sick and everyone will die one day, so just accept your fate. What can quoting scriptures do?”
“Since you have been absent from Church, has anyone visited you? The church family is a scam. Just live your life the way you want.”
“Why are you labouring to win souls and giving your resources? What if there is no heaven and all the scriptures you believe in are lies?”
Beloved, don’t normalize thoughts as these which creep into your mind or heart. They are arrows of deception shot at you.
When such thoughts are coming to your heart, quickly search the scriptures for answers. Don’t also keep your thoughts to yourself, seek Christ-centered answers from the Pastor the Lord has set over you.
Take note: You are not the first to experience such arrows. Even Jesus, the adversary attempted to deceive Him.
Take hold and meditate on the Word of Grace, as a good soldier.

I give myself to the Word . Therefore I give no room for deception.
I increase in the knowledge of Christ
Gloreeyyy to God
I have found the answer. The adversary is really deceptive
Thank You Jesus for your word. I don’t lose guard
The battle line has been drawn and the adversary will lose to me.
My life’s goal is to fulfill the purpose of God
Oh! How I love Jesus
I fall not for the wicked schemes of the adversary. Every now and then I allow myself to be filled with the knowledge of the word.
Thank you Jesus for valuing me.
I play my role so well and will not fail in my purpose.
Jesus didn’t fail; neither will I.
The adversary can’t use me to get back at God because I am extremely focused.
I forsake my thoughts and pick up the thoughts of God
There’s no room for deception in my mind.
My heart and mind is guarded by the word of God.
I don’t entertain any thoughts which is not in line with the knowledge of Christ.
I take hold and meditate on the Word of Grace daily. I don’t give room for deceptive thoughts and schemes in and around me. I esteem the Word in my heart.
Wow, deception!
As simple as it may look, as small as it may seem to be, yet it’s a weapon on war.
I refuse to be a victim of deception
lest Satan should take advantage of us or outwit us; for we are not ignorant of his devices, DECEPTION!!!
I give myself to the ministry of the word of God.
I don’t give myself to the adversary’s deception in the Mighty Name of Jesus
Life is indeed spiritual. Nothing just happens. The adversary is working overtime, not resting till he snatches many. This is why we fight negative thoughts with the scriptures
I give my heart and mind to the Word of Grace as a good soldier
My My My!!!
I take heed wholly to scriptures and i subjects my thoughts to the scriptures. I Am totally given to the word of God.
I give my mind and heart to the word of God.
We are not ignorant of the cunning devices of the adversary.
This is the reason we feast more on God’s word and give ourselves to prayer to pull down strongholds and cast out imaginations.
I feast on the word of life. I make more important to me than my necessary food.
Thank you lord Jesus
I take hold and meditate on Gods word daily
I don’t give my mind to the deceptive words of the adversary
Woaww, I am not ignorant of the devices of the adversary the devil. I cling to the scriptures daily
I don’t allow any deceptive thought in my mind and heart.
I esteem the word of God in my heart, therefore I cannot be given to deception, in the name of the Lord Jesus!!
[…] have previously looked at deception as the greatest weapon of the adversary. And in the second part, I took time to explain the focus of the adversary’s deceptive […]
I dont give attention to the decptive imaginations of the wicked one. I set my mind and heart on things above and not on the things of the flesh