The Love-Life Agency
“bringing down reasonings, and every high thing lifted up against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of the Christ”
2 Corinthians 10:5 (Literal Standard Version)
The greatest weapon of the adversary is deception.
Deception is the seed and mother of doubts and unbelief. The adversary leads people astray and makes them rebel against the Lord by systematically and patiently exposing their minds and imaginations to corruptible ideas.
The adversary never comes to directly and forcefully impose his deceptive ideas and thoughts in the imaginations of men; he cunningly evades your thoughts.
When the adversary wants to set up a generation (or yourself or your family) against God, he consistently, patiently and subtly devices deceptive schemes to corrupt their imaginations.
The adversary is not all-knowing, yet poses himself as such. He only knows the power of the mind and the force of human imagination. The hard-core deceptive thoughts of the adversary begin with questions.
The more questions he introduces to your mind, the more he triggers your imagination.
People are able to imagine vain things through the deceptive thoughts of the adversary.
And the goal of such imagination is to set people against God.
“Why do the heathen rage, and the people imagine a vain thing?
The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the Lord, and against his anointed, saying, Let us break their bands asunder, and cast away their cords from us.” Psalm 2:1-3 (KJV)
The adversary knows your advantage is your intimate relationship with God. Thus, if he can set you up against the Lord, it will be to your disadvantage.
The Lord is your source; therefore when you are cut off from your source, where is your fulfilment?
The goal of his deception is to bring you to the point of unbelief and to finally turn you against God.
It is this deceptive method the adversary deployed in Eden, to corrupt the nature of man.
“But now I’m afraid that just as Eve was deceived by the serpent’s clever lies, your thoughts may be corrupted and you may lose your single-hearted devotion and pure love for Christ.” 2 Corinthians 11:3 (TPT)
In Eden, the adversary asked, “Now the serpent was more cunning than any beast of the field which the LORD God had made. And he said to the woman, “Has God indeed said, ‘You shall not eat of every tree of the garden’?” Genesis 3:1 (NKJV).
You see, he didn’t start by attacking God directly or attacking man. Also, he didn’t have a clear idea of God’s instructions to man in Eden. He always begins his deception by indulging your imagination. He also makes you feel he is concerned about you and knows something you don’t know.
Beloved, the adversary knows nothing! He only knows his weapon, which is, deception. He is the father of lies and deceit (John 8:44; Acts 13:10).
The adversary takes advantage of your ignorance to lead you astray.
Anytime you realise you are asking yourself questions which make you doubt the reality of Christ, you must know the adversary is stimulating and steering your imaginations away from God.
This is why you must give your heart to the word of God. Until you esteem the word of God in your heart, you will not increase in Knowledge.
You must increase in the knowledge of Christ so that you can wage war and make captive of any thought which exalts itself above the knowledge of Christ.

I increase in the knowledge of christ.i refuse to be a victim of deception.i give my heart and mind to the word of God
I give myself wholly
I bring every deceptive thoughts into captivity to the obedience of Christ.
I grow in the knowledge of the daily
Thank you apostle
In Jesus name
I continuously feed on the word of God and all of me to God. There’s no room for doubt in my mind.
I increase abundantly in the knowledge of God and schemes of the adversary falls down flat before me.
In the name of Jesus
I get wilder about the matter
I don’t depart from faith and but hold on tightly to it. My ears itch for only the truth
I submit to nurture and grow in Jesus
I walk diligently in the ways of God
Oh thank you sweet holy spirit
Thank you Holy spirit
I set my heart to burn for only the things of the Lord. I don’t walk in the foolishness of the seducing of false doctrines.
I have an inheritance in Jesus
Glory to God
I wage warfare with any thoughts that rise above the knowledge of Christ in my head through the word of God
I take this matter seriously
Glory to God I continue to increase in knowledge through esteeming the word of God d
I increase in the knowledge of God to bring all thoughts under the captivity of Christ
Lack of knowledge leads to death
I don’t joke with my intimacy with the Lord
The devil must not venture with my source
I walk in the knowledge of Christ
Your word o God is a lamp unto my feet and light unto my path
If you are wise, you will know and understand what I mean. I am the LORD, and I lead you along the right path. If you obey me, we will walk together, but if you are wicked, you will stumble. Hosea 14:9
Blessed be GOD
I refuse to be deceived my the enemy. I give no room for doubt in Jesus name. I enjoy intimacy with God as I study the word diligently.
ooh hallelujah. thank you LORD for alerting us of the truth of your word . I refuse to be a victim of deception in my generation and i give my mind and my heart to the word
Thank you Jesus Christ
I refuse to let the adversary take advantage of me to lead me astray, because I give my heart and mind to the word of God .
Ohh Jesus
Take all of me
I give my heart to the word of God
Its a.personal thing
I increase in the knowledge of Christ therefore I wage war and make captive of any thought which exalts itself above the knowledge of Christ.
I esteem the word of God in my heart therefore I cannot be given to deception.
“I use God’s mighty weapons: His word, His Holy Spirit and my Set man Apostle Bennie , to knock down the strongholds of human reasoning and to destroy false arguments. I destroy every proud obstacle that keeps people from knowing God and I capture their rebellious thoughts and teach them to obey Christ.
I give my mind solely to the Word of God… I give no room for any other thoughts.
Glory to God. I live above the deceptions of the devil.
Oh Glory to God!
The Lord is my source and I get connected to Him. I refuse to give in to the deceptive trap of the adversary. My mind is stayed and glued to Christ.
Hallelujah ????
A river that looses its source would dry up eventually
I refuse to be a victim of the deceptive schemes of the adversary each and everyday halelujaaa
By the word of God I discern every thought that comes to mind, and I refuse to be steered away from the promises of God in Christ: for they are Yes and Amen! That you sir for enlightenment
Through Machaira devotional Distressed souls are relieved
I see it to
Machaira with Apostle Bennie is a game changer and its reaching to the ends of the earth.
For through shall the just be delivered
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.i guard my mind against the cunning deceptive manipulations of the adversary.
What a stratagy of the ememy..MINDSET plays a pivotal role in fulfilling Purpose.
The devil knows its force and is taking advantage of it.
I realize that if i dont intentional set my mind right, i might become a goner.
Its interesting to know that our life battles are spiritual and it is waged on the battlefield of the mind.
I therefore deploy the right arsenals to counter the deceptive darts of the enemy in my mind.
Apostle Bennie once stated that our lives evolves around our MINDSET. The way we think influences the way we live and therefore as born again Christians we must desire the sincere milk of the word because that is what has been uniquely designed by GOD for our nourishment.
Thank you Apostle for always equipping us with the word through machaira with Apostle Bennie to shape our minds unto glorious victory.
Now i confidently know that the adversary will not prevail.
Defeated devil.
The one that already lost before it all began
Soar loser
Eternal loser
This episode is a blessing to me.
My Truest Value in Life is my INTIMACY WITH JESUS.
I heavily come against any devices of the adversary that would distort this.
Eeeiii…so this adversary..he know nothing but poses itself as omniscient..
Kasssish….iIM VERY ANGRY..because here i am with the mind of Christ and positioning myself like a know-nothing person.
A river that looses its source would dry up eventually.
I’m glued to my source daily
That means all those funny thought I was having about God were not normal. Something was doing me. I have knowledge now, I guard my heart and mind against deception
Thank you Lord Jesus! Amazing, this is really amazing. So revealing. I refuse to give my mind to deceptive thoughts of the adversary. I esteem the word of God highly in my heart.
My advantage is my intimacy with the lord. The word of the Lord saturates and have preeminence in my heart. I don’t give my mind to anything that is not consistent with the word of God.
I submit my mind,my heart and my whole being to the word of God
Gloreeeeeey to God.. I give my mind and heart fully to the word of God. The word of God always increase in my heart and mind.. I am strong in the word of God.. my mind and heart are rooted and grounded in Christ Jesus. I know my source of thoughts which is The Lord God.
Thank you Sweet Holy Spirit. Thank you Lord Jesus Christ. God bless you more Apostle Sir.
“The goal of his deception is to bring you to the point of unbelief and to finally turn you against God”
Thank You Apostle Bennie Sir. With just this statement, I have come to understand that anytime I find myself walking in unbelief, it’s simply because I have given myself to the deceptive thoughts of the adversary.
This is very serious. I refuse to walk in deception. I continually yeild myself to the teachings of the word.
I refuse to be a victim of the deceptive schemes of the adversary.
I esteem the word of God in my heart therefore I cannot be given to deception.
Oh Hallelujah! Thank you, Lord Jesus!!
[…] We have previously looked at deception as the greatest weapon of the adversary. And in the second part, I took time to explain the focus of the adversary’s deceptive weapon. […]
I cannoy be deceived, i increase in the knowledgr of Christ therefore i will not be as a child tossed to and fro by the deception of the enemy.
Now I know that any thoughts that make me doubt Christ is a deception from the adversary. I take hold of the word of God. I treasure the word of God. Thank you Lord for Your word.
This is eye opening
This means that the root of all the confusion and vain things going on in the world right now was initiated solely by the adversary’s deceptive advances.
Hey! I give my mind to the Word of His Grace.