Machaira with Apostle Bennie



The Love-Life Agency

Sunday 6th August, 2023


” Quit quarreling with God! Agree with him and you will have peace at last!…” Job 22:21 (TLB)
Your future and purpose in this world is not a mystery to God. He made and designed you as His workmanship unto good works which He has foreordained that you walk in them (Ephesians 2:10).
When God is taking you through the process of greatness, you may easily be tempted to make your own decision and choose your own path.
The process of God towards your greatness doesn’t always look smooth, however, it has a beautiful end.
God has not designed you to function in isolation. God wants to partner with you to achieve greatness.
The thing is, God has structured His economy in such a way that, He does nothing on earth except through man.
He has made man to be the conduit of His expression and glory on earth.
For God to fully express Himself, He came as Man (John 1:18).
He didn’t appear as the greatest bird, the toughest four-legged animal, nor the most beautiful planet.
Though these various creations of God points to His glory and reveal an element of God.
Now for the Lord to fully walk with you and to function through you unto the express of Himself and the fulfillment of His purpose. There is a need for your decision.
God did not make man to be a robot which functions without a will. He gave man a will to make choices or decisions.
This is why God doesn’t automatically share and work His Kingdom vision through every one.
Though the Lord is with you always as born again, you must make a decision to agree with Him.
” Can two walk together, unless they are agreed?” Amos 3:3 (NLJV).
God wants to work with you as His partner, but He cannot work greatly with you, when you are not in agreement with His word.

The first evidence of Partnership With God, is AGREEMENT WITH HIM.

” Now yield and submit yourself to Him [agree with God and be conformed to His will] and be at peace; In this way [you will prosper and great] good will come to you. Job 22:21 (Amplified Bible)
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(Genesis 6:9; Genesis 17:1; Exodus 32:26; Joshua 24:15; Micah 4:5)
– That we will walk in agreement with God concerning His plans and purposes for our lives.
Day 182:
Psalms 36-37
Matthew 7
– My life has already been preordained by God.
– I walk in agreement with God daily.
– I have burnt my bridges.
– I cleave unto the will of God concerning my life.
– I don’t doubt God, I fully agree with His will.
Oh Hallelujah, GLOREEEEY!

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11 months ago

I walk in agreement with God daily.

Sarah Amegavie
Sarah Amegavie
11 months ago

I partner with God

Vincent Mensah
Vincent Mensah
11 months ago

I cleave unto God daily. I agree with Him in all things.

Dr. Elvis Twumasi
Dr. Elvis Twumasi
11 months ago

I agree with God, I partner with God, I dont live in isolation. Glory to God…my end is beautiful because i agree with Him

Sackey Vaness
Sackey Vaness
11 months ago

I agree with God . For purpose establishment

Setsoafia Christine
11 months ago

Oh thank you Lord for I walk in agreement with God daily.
I don’t doubt God
I partner with God and am intentional about this
Oh thank you Jesus, thank Apostle
Ohh glorrrrreeeyyyyy

11 months ago

Thank you Lord Jesus! I agree with you Lord fully concerning every detail of my live. I don’t struggle with You concerning your plans for me

Ahortor Emelia
Ahortor Emelia
11 months ago

Praise God!
I don’t doubt God, I fully agree with God.

This episode really got me.
Thank you Apostle Sir

Andrews Kofi Sarpong
Andrews Kofi Sarpong
11 months ago

I agree with God!
In as much as the Lord did not promise me a path of roses always as I walk with Him, one prominent or key element is a beautiful end in the future.

4 days ago

I agree with God

4 days ago

I quit quarrels with God

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