Machaira with Apostle Bennie, The Lord's Coming



The Love-Life Agency

The goal of the word of God is to make you fruitful in your walk with Him. This begins with the infusion of faith. Anytime God’s word comes to you, it produces faith in you. Hallelujah!
Apostle Bennie
Tuesday, 11th March, 2025


“Therefore let us not sleep, as do others; but let us watch and be sober.

1 Thessalonians 5:6 (KJV)

Beloved in Christ, understand that our Lord Jesus shall surely come. His coming is not to the disadvantage of the believer. His coming is a day of celebration for His Church.

Every believer in Christ must set their affection on the coming of Christ.

As we discussed in the previous episode, the coming of Jesus is not to overtake you (the new creation) as a thief attacks at night.

The reason the day of the Lord wouldn’t be like a thief creeping on you to steal is not because you have diligently followed the Mosaic Law. It is not because by your own self-effort you have achieved some self-righteousness which is at par with the righteousness of God in Christ. 

Well that is not even possible in any way. Your self-efforts can not bring you into the righteousness of God in Christ. Your self-righteousness is no righteousness at all, before the  Lord.

“We are all infected and impure with sin. When we display our righteous deeds, they are nothing but filthy rags. Like autumn leaves, we wither and fall, and our sins sweep us away like the wind.” Isaiah 64:6 (NLT)

The coming of the Lord will not be to you (the born again) as a thief pounces on the innocent; not because of your good deeds.

Whatever you enjoy in Christ as a believer, is not essentially because of your self-effort. It is first according to what Christ has accomplished for you. You received all that Christ has accomplished for you through your faith in Him and His finished work through His death, burial and resurrection.

Your faith in Christ brings you into an eternal reality of life. This reality determines what you enjoy and how you function. Whatever you enjoy in the Lord, and whatever He instructs you to do is according to what He has supplied into you and how He has positioned you.

Take note of Paul’s admonition in 1 Thessalonians 5.

He said, But you, beloved brothers and sisters, are not living in the dark, allowing that day to creep up on you like a thief coming to steal. For you are all children of the light and children of the day. We don’t belong to the night nor to darkness. This is why we must not fall asleep, as the rest do, but keep wide awake and clearheaded1 Thessalonians 5:4-6 (TPT).

Did you see that?

Two crucial matters are stated here:
1. A benefit — that day shall not creep on you like a thief coming to steal.

2. Instruction — therefore keep awake or be alert or be watchful.

And these above matters I have mentioned are because of:

– The believers’ identity and disposition in Christ — We are children of light and the day

– The believer’s position and possession — You are not living in the dark, but in the light. You don’t belong to darkness. You belong to the day and your source is the Father in whom there is no darkness neither is there a shadow of turning (James 1:17).

This then puts Paul’s instruction, “be watchful…” into proper perspective.

The Apostle Paul’s instruction is not to create any sense of trepidation. Clearly,  from the first few verses of chapter 5 of 1 Thessalonians he quashed every idea of fear, anxiety and hopelessness at the thought of the Lord’s coming.

Therefore Paul’s instruction to believers to be watchful cannot be because of the Lord’s coming. But to be watchful because you are in the light and must not live under the influence of deception and spiritual blindness as the people in darkness.

He was admonishing the Church that because we are in the light, we must stay awake in the spirit and alert with our eyes fixed on the truth.

Refuse to live in the fear and anxiety as of those who are in the darkness. Refuse to be unconcerned and ignorant about the coming of the Lord.

When you are watchful or alert of the Lord’s coming, you will live in the consciousness and care of shining forth the light of the Lord in a crooked and perverse generation.


(1 Corinthians 16:13; Matthew 24:4-5; 1 Peter 5:8; Hebrews 2:1)
We pray that we shall walk daily in the consciousness of our identity, disposition and position in Christ, even as to touching the matters of His coming.
Joshua 20-22

Exodus 20

– I am of the light and I grow and live daily in this consciousness.
– The coming of the Lord does not create fera and chaos in my heart, rather joy and gladness.
– Through me many that are in darkness are turning to the Lord that their hearts will be illuminated.
Thank you Lord Jesus!

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Emelia Quaye
Emelia Quaye
23 hours ago

Anytime God’s Word comes to me…it produces faith in me… Thank You Jesus!

axor israel
axor israel
2 hours ago
Reply to  Emelia Quaye

Faith comes by the consistent hearing of God

Emelia Quaye
Emelia Quaye
23 hours ago

The second coming of the Lord is not a disadvantage to me…rather, it is a day of celebration for me… gloreeeeyyyyy!!
I set my affection on the coming of Christ!

What I enjoy in Christ is as a result of what Christ has accomplished in me. I have received these things through my faith in Him and His finished work through his death, burial and resurrection.

Your faith in Christ brings you into an eternal reality of life. This reality determines what you enjoy and how you function. Whatever you enjoy in the Lord, and whatever He instructs you to do is according to what He has supplied into you and how He has positioned you. Gloreeeeyyyyy!!

Because I am in the light, the day of the Lord will not come upon me as a thief in the night. Therefore I must be alert and stay awake in the spirit and fix my eyes on the truth!

I refuse to live in fear and anxiety!!!
I refuse to be unconcerned and ignorant about the coming of the Lord!!
I live in the consciousness and care of shining forth the light of the Lord in a crooked and perverse generation.


axor israel
axor israel
2 hours ago
Reply to  Emelia Quaye

Glory to Jesus….

17 hours ago

Through me many are turning to light in the name of Jesus 🔥🔥🔥

axor israel
axor israel
2 hours ago
Reply to  Annabelle

Hallelujah 🙏

Hamdiyah Abubakar
Hamdiyah Abubakar
16 hours ago

Thank you lord Jesus for your word
Thank you for Apostle Bennie
Thank you Apostle for all that you do for our sake.
Glory to God!

axor israel
axor israel
2 hours ago

Jesus be glorified…

Hamdiyah Abubakar
Hamdiyah Abubakar
16 hours ago

In the name of Jesus…I am watchful as the Lord comes.
As a believer in Christ, I set my affection on the coming of Jesus.
My faith in Christ brings me to an eternal reality of life. My faith in Christ make me enjoy rich verities of God

axor israel
axor israel
2 hours ago

We stand strong in this truth ….

16 hours ago


axor israel
axor israel
2 hours ago
Reply to  Francis

Gloreeeeeyyyyy 🎉🎉🎉🎉

Hamdiyah Abubakar
Hamdiyah Abubakar
15 hours ago

My takeaway is, Apostle Paul’s instruction to believers to be watchful cannot be because of the Lord’s coming. But to be watchful because you are in the light and must not live under the influence of deception and spiritual blindness as the people in darkness.

axor israel
axor israel
2 hours ago

I am in the light…

Hamdiyah Abubakar
Hamdiyah Abubakar
15 hours ago

I refuse to live in fear and anxiety.
I refuse to be unconcerned and ignorant about the coming of the Lord

axor israel
axor israel
2 hours ago

In Jesus name…

Anku Beauty
Anku Beauty
12 hours ago

Through me many that are in darkness are turning to the Lord that their hearts will be illuminated.

Thank you Jesus

axor israel
axor israel
2 hours ago
Reply to  Anku Beauty

Hallelujah 🙏

Edward Atiase
Edward Atiase
12 hours ago

Thank you Jesus
This is an amazing expose 
Two crucial items

  1. My identity in Christ…I am not in darkness but in the light, hence the Lord will not come to me a thief comes to rob at night
  2. Because I am of the Light I must not sleep as the unbelievers do, which means, I must stay in the consciousness of the Lord’s supply and shine.

These are refreshing..these verses seemed like enigmas to me but through machaira with Apostle Bennie, I am receiving illumination into the heavenly pattern God is carving through the writing of Apostle Paul.
Obviously being watchful could not mean being afraid. It obviously means being conscious of the grace of God and the supply of God. If it meant being afraid of the Lord’s coming, then it defeats the pretext.
Oh I love the word of God

axor israel
axor israel
2 hours ago
Reply to  Edward Atiase

Yes sir…..

12 hours ago

I am of the light. Thank you Jesus 🙏 

axor israel
axor israel
2 hours ago


Bro Bernard
Bro Bernard
12 hours ago

Men are turning to the lord to be illuminated by his light

axor israel
axor israel
2 hours ago
Reply to  Bro Bernard

In Jesus name…

Samuel Larbi
Samuel Larbi
5 hours ago

I refuse to be ignorant of the Lords coming

axor israel
axor israel
2 hours ago
Reply to  Samuel Larbi


Samuel Larbi
Samuel Larbi
5 hours ago

I am of the light,therefore the coming of the Lord shall not pounce on me like a thief

axor israel
axor israel
2 hours ago
Reply to  Samuel Larbi

Oh yes….

Thank you Jesus

Samuel Larbi
Samuel Larbi
5 hours ago

I am watchful and conscious of the Lords coming,with this consciousness I shine forth the light of God daily

axor israel
axor israel
2 hours ago
Reply to  Samuel Larbi


We are conscious about the light

Samuel Larbi
Samuel Larbi
5 hours ago

Hey!!I refuse to live in fear or be anxious of my Lords coming…it is rather a day of celebration and joy for me!!
I rejoice in His coming!!

axor israel
axor israel
2 hours ago
Reply to  Samuel Larbi

Gloreeeeeyyyyy 🎉🎉🎉

3 hours ago

Through me many that are in darkness are turning to the Lord that their hearts will be illuminated

axor israel
axor israel
2 hours ago
Reply to  Elnathan

Glory to Jesus…

axor israel
axor israel
2 hours ago

Thank you Lord Jesus …

axor israel
axor israel
2 hours ago

Beloved in Christ, understand that our Lord Jesus shall surely come. His coming is not to the disadvantage of the believer. His coming is a day of celebration for His Church.

Things people could it imagine…..
Thank you Apostle Bennie.

Dziedzorm Esther
Dziedzorm Esther
1 hour ago

Thank you Jesus for bringing us light 🙏
Thank you for we don’t live in panic anymore when we hear about your coming

Dziedzorm Esther
Dziedzorm Esther
1 hour ago

Thank you for what you are doing through us

We are grateful that you counted us faithful, sharing with us your desires

Dziedzorm Esther
Dziedzorm Esther
1 hour ago

We are grateful for this Light

We now live in the consciousness of who we are.

Dziedzorm Esther
Dziedzorm Esther
1 hour ago

Through me, many who are in darkness are turning to the Lord so that their hearts will be illuminated

Thank you Jesus

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