Machaira with Apostle Bennie



The Love-Life Agency

Monday 7th August, 2023


“For we are partners working together for God, and you are God’s field. You are also God’s building” 1 Corinthians 3:9 (GNT)
It is a beautiful and glorious thing to be saved.
However, there is another great thing that you should experience in your new life in Christ. Which is to PARTNER WITH GOD.
To Partner with God, is to work together with God for the fulfillment of His eternal purpose.
God didn’t just get you saved for you to live your own ambition. He gave you His life and brought you into His family so that He can partner with you to achieve His eternal purpose.
To partner with God to achieve His eternal purpose is not automatic. You can be born again and not directly be involved in His work. There are times people think, they become partners or co-labourers with God the moment they become born again.
To be a partner with God requires an intentional decision. You have to be intentional about being involved in God’s work.
You have to come to the place where you esteem the vision of God above your own personal interest.
Look at the testimony of Paul concerning Timothy :
” But I hope in the Lord Jesus to send Timothy to you soon, so that I may also be encouraged by learning news about you. For I have no one else [like him who is] so kindred a spirit who will be genuinely concerned for your [spiritual] welfare. For the others [who deserted me after my arrest] all seek [to advance] their own interests, not those of Jesus Christ.  But you know of Timothy’s tested worth and his proven character, that he has served with me to advance the gospel like a son serving with his father. Therefore, I hope [that it is His will] to send him immediately, just as soon as I see how my case turns out; and I trust [confidently] in the Lord that soon I also will be coming to you.” Philippians 2:19-24 (Amplified Bible).
Even in the first century Church there were people who pursued the advancement of their own interest and not the things of Christ. However, Timothy, served with Paul to advance the gospel. This is his tested worth and proven character as a son to Paul.
Timothy and Paul intentionally made it their interest to work with God. It was not automatic that they made the things of our Lord Jesus their genuine interest and passion. They have to make a personal decision to be about the business of the Lord.
The Lord doesn’t just work with you. You have to first make a decision to step out there to do His work. Our Father doesn’t force Himself on you, He works with you as you decide to make His work your priority.
“And they went out and preached everywhere, the Lord working with them and confirming the word through the accompanying signs. Amen.” Mark 16:20 (NKJV)
Oh Hallelujah.
1. They went out and preached everywhere. They decided to go out there to do the things of our Lord Jesus Christ.
2. Then the Lord worked with them.
Our Lord wouldn’t force Himself on you to work with you, just because you are born again. He will stir up those desires in your heart to partner with you. However, the Lord will partner with you as long as you are willing to partner with Him to advance His course.


To be a part of the gospel financiers, send us a mail
(Matthew 9:37; 1 Corinthians 3:6-11; 2 Corinthians 6:1)
– That we will yield ourselves to the desires of God in our hearts, in other to partner with God to advance His course.
Day 183:
Psalms 38-40
Matthew 8-9
– I am a partner with God.
– I get busy with the Lord’s work.
– I work together with God in the salvation of souls.
– The Lord’s business is my business.
– I don’t sit on the fence, I get to work.
– I go all out in my partnership with God.
Oh Hallelujah, GLOREEEEY!

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Sarah Amegavie
Sarah Amegavie
1 year ago

I make a firm decision to partner with the Lord

Samiratu Sulley
Samiratu Sulley
1 year ago

I am willing to partner with the Lord to advance His course.

Josephine Fianu
Josephine Fianu
1 year ago

I am a partner with God.
I get busy with the Lord’s work.

1 year ago

Oh Hallelujah! what a joy to read Machaira! My heart is inditing a good matter! The desires of the Lord shall continually find full expressions in and through me! I work with God

1 year ago

Thank God for Machaira, my heart is stirred to partner with God

Ahortor Emelia
Ahortor Emelia
1 year ago

I go all out in my partnership with God
I don’t sit in the fence, I get to work

Thank you Apostle Sir, you’re a great blessing

Emmanuel Opoku
Emmanuel Opoku
1 year ago

Thank You Lord Jesus for qualifying me to partner with You.

1 year ago

Oh Glory to GOD!!!!
I esteem the vision of the Lord before my own interest in life by the help of the HOLY SPIRIT, for I was saved by his precious blood to work together with him for the fulfillment of his eternal purpose towards mankind.
I am a co- labourer
In the name of JESUS.

Last edited 1 year ago by Dorcas
1 year ago
Reply to  Dorcas

Thank you Father for this privilege. I make the Lord’s work my priority

1 year ago

Thank you Father for this privilege. I make the Lord’s work my priority

Oliver Jk
Oliver Jk
1 year ago

Thank you sweet Jesus for qualifying me to be in a partnership with you. Glory to God

Daniel Agbosu
Daniel Agbosu
1 year ago

A machaira a day drives the foolishness away! Thank God for Apostle Bennie. I made that bold decision to agree with God in partnership with Him.

Edmund Dei
Edmund Dei
1 year ago

I partner with the Lord, I work with the Lord for the establishment of his eternal plan and desire

Addo Ebenezer
Addo Ebenezer
1 year ago

I partner with God with all my heart, soul, mind and resources.. I don’t faint or weary in partner with the Lord.. Hallelujah!!..Glory to God.

Nkrumah Sarkodie Charles

I am a partner with God.
I go out there and do the work of my Lord Jesus!

Setsoafia Christine
1 year ago

Oh thank you Lord
I esteem the vision of the Lord above my personal interest
Thank you Apostle
Oh glory

Emmanuel Nanor
Emmanuel Nanor
1 year ago

Thank you lord Jesus
Wow very insightful
You can be saved not necessarily being a partner with God
To be a partner with God,it takes intentional steps
Being a partner with God isn’t automatic, you have been endowed with whatever you need to be a partner so you take those steps and make those decisions
Oh thank you Lord Jesus, even when you haven’t decided or make those intentional steps yet the Lord continues to quicken your desires towards your partnership with
Thank you Jesus

Amoah Eyram
Amoah Eyram
1 year ago

Im a partner with God because ive intentionally decided to go about my father’s business, To make His business my business not only because im born again.

Amoah Eyram
Amoah Eyram
1 year ago

Thank you Lord Jesus for this opportunity to be a co-worker with you. To bring your purpose into reality


Gmajombane Emmanuel
Gmajombane Emmanuel
1 year ago

I am a partner with God

I don’t sit on the fence, I get to work.
I go all out in my partnership with God.

Juliet Appiah
Juliet Appiah
1 year ago

Oh hallelujah! I make an intentional decision to partner with God. I set the desires of God above my desires. And God is working with me. Glorreeeeeyyyyyy

Vincent Mensah
Vincent Mensah
1 year ago

I am intentional about my involvement in God’s Work

Cyrille De-saba
Cyrille De-saba
1 year ago

I choose to partner with God. I refuse to pursuit my own ambitions. I choose to serve the Lord’s purpose.

Selly Amissah Ansah
Selly Amissah Ansah
1 year ago

The Lord’s business is my business

1 year ago

Glory to God

I partner with God

I get busy with My Father’s business.

1 year ago

Glory to God

I partner with God

I get busy with my father’s busy.

Akporhor Cynthia
Akporhor Cynthia
1 year ago

Thank you lord Jesus
The Lord’s business is my business

Dr. Elvis Twumasi
Dr. Elvis Twumasi
1 year ago

I am a partner with God. I dont serve my interest, I serve the interest of the Lord

Andrews Kofi Sarpong
Andrews Kofi Sarpong
1 year ago

The Lord will not force Himself on me. After all, He has men, but it is so amazing that He will stir up desires for partnership.
Our Lord is such an amazing father. It is not enough to be born again. I must be part of God’s business!
I do not receive the grace or ability of God in vain! I labor with Him

Addenilla Ennin
Addenilla Ennin
1 year ago

I am a partner with God


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