Machaira with Apostle Bennie, Soul-Winning



The Love-Life Agency

Whenever you esteem your opinions above the wisdom of God’s word, know that pride has taken root in your heart. You cannot resist the devil when you are proud. To resist the devil, you must first humble yourself before the Lord. Selah!
Apostle Bennie
Sunday, 9th, March 2025


“Master,” said David, “don’t give up hope. I’m ready to go and fight this Philistine.”

1 Samuel 17:32 (The Message)

Whatever God wants to do in time, He does it through a people He has called out and sent.

Though Jesus is the head of the Church, He has also raised leaders, or shepherds, to the Churches for the administration of His word and His purpose.

The will and counsel of God are established in this world through His Church. And by His eternal counsel and wisdomHe has set leaders or shepherds (apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers), to equip, instruct and guide the saints to work and achieve God’s goal.

The adversary attacks leaders of the various churches or ministries to disturb the work of God. He also uses cunning means to distract the focus and interest of the believers. He drifts them away from the Lord’s assignment to their personal ambitions.

Some have conformed their minds to the ideas, cultures and systems of this world. Others have gradually lost their confidence and zeal in the Lord.

They find it difficult to show up for Jesus and stand with their leaders in the work of the ministry. They make excuses whenever they have to take up responsibility in the Church.

They are gradually drawing back from getting involved in the war for souls.

The bold step David took to confront Goliath is an example of faith for every believer in Christ.

Many are within the Church but will hardly take a stand for the Church amid opposition.

In this post-modern era of social media, there is the abuse of freedom of speech and most people have cheaply become influencers. And they use their platforms to bastardize the glorious Church of Jesus.

Everyone is throwing a jab at the Church and making the Church the focus of their attacks. Even believers who are in the Church, have subtly turned against the Church.

Many have also become lovers of themselves, lovers of money, scoffers of God and pursue their own interests, as Paul mentioned in his letter to Timothy.

“For people will love only themselves and their money. They will be boastful and proud, scoffing at God, disobedient to their parents, and ungrateful. They will consider nothing sacred.” 2 Timothy 3:2 (NLT).

People who love themselves cannot stand with God or show up with Jesus. They are not available for the Kingdom assignment.

Only a few believers are ready to go all out for Jesus.

They become frightened and feel hopeless at the slightest confrontation.

They are like Saul’s army:

“The Israelites, to a man, fell back the moment they saw the giant—totally frightened…” 1 Samuel 17:24 (Message)

Are you part of those who fall back and are frightened by the opposition of this world?

Or are you among those who show up with Jesus in all places?

Are you an encouragement to your Pastor?

Can your Church leader set gospel outreach goals with you standing with him or her?

Are you controlled by the systems of this world or you are shining forth the light of the gospel?

Among the army of Israel were the senior brothers of David, who were trained for war; yet, they hid themselves in the camp or within the lines on the battlefield. They were not able to step forward or take a stand for the Lord.

Are you hiding among the crowds like the other brothers of David?
Or you are ready to stand out like David?

Can your Pastor or Leader share this testimony about you:

“There is no one like Timothy. What sets him apart from others is his deep concern for you and your spiritual journey. This is rare, my friends, for most people only care about themselves, not about what is dear to the heart of Jesus the Anointed. You know Timothy is genuine in the Lord’s ways. He has been a faithful partner to me as we express the good news, as much as my own flesh and blood would have been.” Philippians 2:20-22 (Voice)

Are you labouring with your leader in the gospel like Timothy did with Paul?

This is the time to GO ALL OUT FOR JESUS, for the advancement of the Kingdom of God.


(1 Samuel 17; Jeremiah 1:8-9; 51:20-23; Philippians 4:7-18; Romans 16:1-10)
We pray that we shall increase in grace, wisdom, strength and zeal to stand and labour with our leaders in the spread of the gospel of Jesus in all places.
Joshua 14 – 16

Exodus 18

– I increase in grace, wisdom, strength an zeal to stand and labour with my leaders in the spread of the gospel of Jesus in all places.

– I show up everywhere with the confidence of God.

– Through me, many are turning from darkness to light.

– I am a burden bearer.
– I am a son of consolation.
– I am an encouragement to my Pastor and leaders.

– I am a helper of the war.

Oh thank you Lord Jesus for enabling me.

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