The Love-Life Agency

“But now, after that, ye have known God, or rather are known of God, how turn ye again to the weak and beggarly elements, whereunto ye desire again to be in bondage?”
Galatians 4:9 (KJV)
One of the key things you must understand is that, when you came into Christ, you were brought into a life of Rest and not under another yoke of religion.
Jesus is not a religious leader. He is God who became flesh to bring us into the reality of life. (1 Timothy 3:16)
God’s intention for man has always been to make His Life germinate in man, that man will be His expression.
When you cultivate the Life of God in you, you will live in REST.
The REST I am talking about here is not how you cease from work or movement in order to relax or sleep.
When you come into Christ, you are brought into Rest.
This rest is living according to the divine essence in you. It is living above the anxiety, burden, fear and condemnation of the Old Covenant law and the demands you place upon yourself through other worthless religious principles and philosophies.
In the opening verse, Galatians 4:9, Paul spoke of weak and beggarly elements; the question is what are these weak and beggarly elements Paul was speaking of?
These weak and beggarly elements are the worthless principles of religion and philosophies.
These include paganism, the bondage of Jewish rituals and ordinances, and also baseless or empty scientific philosophies designed by men to oppose the reality of God.
If you are reading this and you are not born again, understand Jesus came not to introduce you to a new religion called “Christianity”. This is how most people see Christianity. They assume it’s one of the religious groups. They are not to be blamed, some ecclesiastical caucus have made religion out of what should be the dispensing of life.
Jesus came to translate you into the reality of the Kingdom life of God.
Read what He said and He is saying the same thing to you now:
“Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.” Matthew 11:28-30 (Message)
Jesus came to bring you rest from all your efforts to be righteous or justified. He came to take off the burdens or entrapments of superstitions, taboos and regulations of religion.
Jesus came to usher you into a new – living way of peace and fulfilment of life.
If you are reading this and you are born again, rejoice and remain confident in the reality of Jesus. He has brought you into true rest.
Don’t be lured to think living by grace is not enough. Don’t place any yoke of religious duties upon yourself.
Just as Paul said to the brethren in Colosse:
“See to it that no one takes you captive through philosophy and empty deception [pseudo-intellectual babble], according to the tradition [and musings] of mere men, following the elementary principles of this world, rather than following [the truth—the teachings of] Christ.” Colossians 2:8 (Amplified)
Remain resolute in the teachings of Christ. Set your mind and affection on the revelation of Jesus. Refused to be swayed by some pseudo-intellectual babble.
Enjoy your true and intimate relationship with the Father, which is founded on His unconditional love and not religious regulations and deceptive philosophies.
Deuteronomy 27 – 29
Exodus 9
Thank you lord Jesus
I Express Christ daily
Ohh Yes I don’t place demands on my head
I live in accordance of the divine essence of Christ in me
. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.
Thank you lord Jesus
I follow Christ
Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage.
Thank you lord Jesus
I live a life of rest daily.
I walk daily in the liberty that Christ has given me.
Ooh yes
I have been translated into the reality of the Kingdom life of God.
Thank you lord Jesus
Ooh yes
I enjoy the revelation of Jesus daily
For they bind heavy burdens and grievous to be borne, and lay them on men’s shoulders; but they themselves will not move them with one of their fingers.
The Rest of God brings you to the understanding that God is your supply and not by your own strength you do things
Pleasing God by your strength is an insult to the grace of God for it him who is in us both to will and to do
Glory to Jesus
So for you to have the desire it is God that stairs it up and grants you the ability to do
The only point you come is by availing yourself through setting your all on Christ believing in his word and taking steps inspired by Him
The only job I have is to avail myself
I live a life of rest daily
Jesus is our rest ..
I won’t allow myself to be swayed by sweet but empty words
We don’t give room to any empty words
Thank you Jesus
I am glad to be a partaker of this episode.
Jesus Christ did not bring us into a religion, He brought us life and intends to make the life of God germinate in man. He desires to have expression through man. This really implies Christianity like many see it is not a religion.
Christianity is a not one of the nice religions in the world!
it is the new living way that comes with the life to live it.
Jesus dismantled in ordinance or conversion…or religious practices that make us feel superior to others…He gave us holiness, righteousness and justification for free and paid for it with His blood.
He dismantled the right of ordinances against us, which were contrary to us.
The burden He gives is light..He has brought us into rest,
Rest from the laws of the covenant and bondage it brings…rest from religious rules and regulations.
So that we may turn to Him for strength and rest.
Thank you Jesus
Thank you Jesus
As a born again, I’ve been brought into a life of Rest and not under another yoke of religion!
Gloreeeeeyyyyy 🎉🎉
Jesus brought me into true rest! Glory to Jesus!
Thank you Lord Jesus
I remain resolute in the teachings of Christ!
I set my mind and affection on the revelation of Jesus!
I am free from any yoke of religion.
I walk daily in the liberty that Christ has given me.
I live a life of rest daily.
I have been translated into the reality of the Kingdom life of God.
Glory to Jesus!
Thank you Jesus!
Thank you Jesus.
I live by the Grace of God
I have rest in Christ Jesus
I cultivate the life of God in me
Everyday of our life ..
I enjoy my intimate relationship with The Father
Glory to Jesus…
I am free from any yoke of religion.