The Love-Life Agency

“The heart of him that hath understanding seeketh knowledge: but the mouth of fools feedeth on foolishness.”
Proverbs 15:14 (KJV)
This month shall be a special month with glorious blessings for you. Enjoy every grace and favor of God which shall be supplied to you this month.
You have to decide that you will live and express the full life of God in you.
The greatest challenge of every believer is not first the devil, with his cohorts and deceptive operations. The greatest challenge of the believer is IGNORANCE.
Ignorance simply means lack of knowledge.
And as the Lord said to the leaders of Israel “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge…” Hosea 4:6 (ESV).
The nation Israel was called out by God to serve the Lord’s purpose as a Priestly nation. Yet these men often turned away from the knowledge of the Lord to kowtow to idols and found themselves afflicted.
The knowledge these Israelites lacked wasn’t scientific knowledge or military understanding. The knowledge which they lacked was the true knowledge of God.
Let’s read it in the Amplified Bible and the New Living Translation to have some clarity:
“My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge [of My law, where I reveal My will]. Because you [the priestly nation] have rejected knowledge, I will also reject you from being My priest. Since you have forgotten the law of your God, I will also forget your children.” (Amplified Bible)
However, the wisdom here can be applied to other areas of life. The scripture is specifically pointing to the knowledge of the revelation of God’s will.
The Lord is not speaking to the Prophet about some generic knowledge. You can have knowledge in all science and still be destroyed.
Your salvation and walk in glory is according to the revelation of the knowledge of God which is at work in you.
Take a look at the New Living Translation:
“My people are being destroyed because they don’t know me. Since you priests refuse to know me, I refuse to recognize you as my priests. Since you have forgotten the laws of your God, I will forget to bless your children.”
A practical example was when Goliath came out each morning to challenge and taunt the Israelites and the Lord God Almighty. None of these trained soldiers had the audacity to confront Goliath.
These soldiers were skilful and trained for battle. They knew how to wield every weapon in their possessions yet they couldn’t dare to confront Goliath. Their military knowledge wasn’t enough.
It took a young boy, David, who understood the covenant and the power of the Name of the LORD.
He said to Goliath, “You come to me with sword, spear, and javelin, but I come to you in the name of the LORD of Heaven’s Armies—the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied.” (1 Samuel 17:45).

The audacity of David was by the knowledge of God which was in him. He was one who passionately longed after God and desired to share in His intimate knowledge.
He said, “Lord, I passionately love you and I’m bonded to you! I want to embrace you, for now you’ve become my power!” Psalm 18:1 (TPT).
You don’t perish by the lack of knowledge in science. You perish when you lack the knowledge of God.
The knowledge of God in you brings you into the full understanding and possession of the glorious inheritance in Christ Jesus.
When you become born again, you don’t automatically grow into the full knowledge of God. As I always say, you must be intentional about your growth in the knowledge of God.
You have to intentionally seek after the knowledge of God. To know God is not a one-time experience, but a lifetime journey.
The more you grow in knowledge and understanding of God, the more you develop the desire and longing to know Him more.
Those who don’t see the need to pursue the knowledge of God are those who have not yet come to the place of understanding.
The opening verse says the mouth of fools pursues foolishness. It takes a heart of understanding to seek after God’s knowledge.
“Lovers of God hunger after truth, but those without understanding feast on foolishness and don’t even realize it.” Proverbs 15:14 (TPT).
You can see how Paul, even in his maturity, still desired and remained committed in his pursuit to know God. (Philippians 3:10).
Make it a priority to seek after the knowledge of God in this new month.
Remain blessed!
Deuteronomy 24 – 26
Exodus 10
Oh Glory to God!
Thank you Lord I grow daily in the knowledge of God
I increase in my desire to grow in the knowledge of the Lord.
Glory to Jesus
Glory to Jesus
This month I go for knowledge, not scientific knowledge but the knowledge of God.
Thank you Lord Jesus.
Hallelujah 🙏
I Make it a priority to seek after the knowledge of God.
I go for the knowledge of God I’m every situations.
I grow daily in the knowledge of Jesus as I feast on the word
I am full of the knowledge of Christ.
God bless you Apostle Bennie. Ive learned that the more you grow in the knowledge of God the more you desire to know him. Amen….
You don’t perish by the lack of knowledge in science. You perish when you lack the knowledge of God.
I refuse to be ignorant
Thank you lord Jesus
Thank you Apostle Bennie
I passionately long after God and I decide to share in his intimately love…
I don’t lack the knowledge of God
I dont lack the Knowledge of God.
I am intentional about my growth in the knowledge of God
Im intentional about my growth in the Knowledge of God.
I make it a priority to seek after the Knowledge of God in this new month.
I make it a priority to seek the knowledge of God at all times.
As I behold and know the Lord Jesus through the scriptures, I experience the transcending Glory of God.
I grow daily in the knowledge of Jesus as I feast on the word
– I increase daily in the desire to grow in the deep rich knowledge of God.
– I grow daily in the knowledge of Jesus as I feast on the word.
– As I behold and know the Lord Jesus through the scriptures, I experience the transcending glory of God.
– I am full of the knowledge of Christ.
Oh Thank You Jesus!!!
Thank you sir. There is one thing I have learn , knowledge gives you boldness, just scientific knowledge or any field. How much more the knowledge of God;The source of all knowledge. I grow in Knowledge .
I desire the knowledge of God above every other thing
I seek after the knowledge of God in this new month.
I grow , even in my desire for knowledge
Knowledge exposes one to his or her identity and identity determines how you act and move as a believer in Christ it shows your directions , your inheritance and most importantly cultures your consciousness to coincide with What God as said in order to live And produce the God kind of results and life
The lack of knowledge will leave on In ignorance and exposure to the defeated life this broken world has woven into they that are blinded’s minds to make them feel life is what they see but forgetting there is a higher life in God
Where God’s knowledge is lacking, men perish.
I go for more knowledge in Christ Jesus.
Thank you Jesus.
I have learnt that man’s main problem is ignorance not the adversary and His agents.
The scriptures teach that, “my people perish for the lack of the knowledge of the will of God.”
I have realized that even the laws were given so that by reading and knowing them, Israel could discern the will of God. On many occasions, they were attacked and lost battles because they forsook God and turned to idols..it was even serious to the extent that after the act of Jeroboam, son of Nebat, who caused idol worship in Israel, that the scriptures were ignored..Idol worship and practice of evil grew. They totally ignored the law and Assyria invaded them. Even Judah, it appeared that on many cases we could discern that they were only called good because they acted on impulse to please God but had no knowledge of the will of God. Until one of the servants found the scriptures and read it to the king.
Ignorance of the will of God is not excuse for our generation, we must get into the word to discern God’s will in every situation and grow up loving Him more.
whoever seeks after God gets more hunger to keep seeking.
Thank you Jesus
Thank you for the Word
I don’t lack knowledge!
I’m intentional about my growth in the knowledge of God!
My hunger for the knowledge of God shall be kindled at all times, in the name of Jesus!
I increase daily in the desire to grow in the deep rich knowledge of God.
I grow daily in the knowledge of Jesus as I feast on the word.
As I behold and know the Lord Jesus through the scriptures, I experience the transcending glory of God.
I am full of the knowledge of Christ.
Glory to God!
Thank you Jesus!
I enjoy every grace and favor this month
The knowledge gained from the scriptures is the superior Knowledge which can be applied to all other areas of our lives
I go for the right Knowledge
I go for the Words of eternal life
I make it a priority to seek after God’s knowledge this month