The Love-Life Agency

“and for me, that utterance may be given to me, that I may open my mouth boldly to make known the mystery of the gospel”
Ephesians 6:19 (NKJV)
The gap between God’s plan and the fulfilment of that plan is God’s people.
Anything God has accomplished on Earth, He did it through His people.
God will always appoint a man among His people to become a voice, a leader and a lighthouse. This is not to create an impression that others are better. This is by the workings of God’s grace.
Those leaders God appoints become conduits of His greater works.
God has set leaders in the church to be responsible for the growth of each saint and to equip the saints for the spread of the gospel according to the power of the Holy Spirit.
The mindset of the spiritual leaders, will affect the mindset of the people and influence the climate of the Church within a locality.
These leaders in the Church mostly labour for the spread of the gospel. Sometimes most believers assume their leaders are strong in faith and don’t need prayers.
It is important you understand that, through prayers, you make the abundant supply of divine grace, strength and provisions in the spirit to your leader. There are many ways the adversary wants to destroy and distract their focus and pursuit of God’s plan.
In the labour of the gospel, people risk their lives and come close to death.
To do the work of the ministry and to spread the gospel is true warfare. And the adversary seeks every opportunity to attack and destroy not only the saints, but mainly the shepherds or those who lead the saints.
“…Strike the shepherd and the sheep will be scattered…” (Zechariah 13:7)
Epaphroditus was a leader who was assisting Paul on behalf of the saints in Philippi, at the frontline of the ministry, even as Paul was in prison.
Paul in his epistles referred to Epaphroditus as “fellow soldier” (Philippians 2:25).
This characterizes the nature of the work they were doing. They worked or laboured as fellow soldiers because the work of the ministry is a spiritual warfare.
“However, I thought it necessary to send back to you Epaphroditus, [who has been] my brother and companion and fellow soldier, who was also sent as your messenger to take care of my needs. For he has been longing for all of you and was distressed because you had heard that he was sick. He certainly was sick and close to death. But God had mercy on him, and not only on him but also on me, so that I would not have sorrow upon sorrow. So I have sent him all the more eagerly so that when you see him again you may rejoice and I may be less concerned about you. Welcome him home in the Lord with great joy, and appreciate and honor men like him; because he came close to death for the work of Christ, risking his life to complete what was lacking in your service to me [which distance prevented you from rendering personally].” Phillipians 2:25-3 (Amplified Bible)
This is the reason Paul’s prayer request in Ephesians 6:19-20, unveils the objective of spiritual warfare.
This spiritual warfare against the forces of darkness is mainly to ensure that the gospel of Jesus shall prevail in all places.
This is war.
The adversary is plotting against the Church and the leaders.
And for your Church leaders to firmly stand to continue in the labour of the gospel, you must make supplication for them daily.
This is to your advantage.
Has this Machaira with Apostle Bennie blessed you in any way?
Then you must pray for me as well.
There is nothing done for the spread of the gospel, which the adversary has not attacked or attempted to destroy.
Beloved, pray and honor those who labour in the gospel of Jesus.
Glory to God!
Deuteronomy 21 – 23
Exodus 9
– The Lord is making them increase in boldness.
– They abound in knowledge and love for the Lord.
– They are strengthened in the Lord and the fullness of power.
– They enjoy divine insight and are protected by the power of the Lord from every evil.
– The faith of the Leaders shall not grow cold. They will increase in the Lord’s zeal and in great faith.
It is through our prayers that make the abundant supply of DIVINE GRACE, STRENGTH and PROVISIONS in the spirit to our LEADERS.
For the leaders in the church to stand firm in spreading the gospel, we must always beseech for them.
The Faith of the Leaders shall not grow cold. They will increase in the Lord’s zeal and in great faith.
They enjoy divine insight and are protected by the power of the Lord from every evil.
They are strengthen in the Lord and the fullness of power.
Oh Hallelujah!!!!!!
Praise the Lord!!
Thank you Lord Jesus for your word
Thank you Apostle Bennie for all you fo for us
Glory to God!
I open my mouth boldly and make know the mystery of the Gospel
I labour for the spread of the Gospel in the name of Jesus
I continue in the labour of the Gospel
I take supplications supplications for my Man of God, Apostle Bennie daily
In the mighty mighty name of Jesus
Thank you Lord Jesus for apostle bennie
Thank you Apostle for the wake up call.
It’s my prayer that my leader would remain strong in faith and focus in labor for the Gospel.
Thank you Lord for life of Apostle Bennie and Deacon Cyrille.
Thank you Jesus.
In ministry God has set some people to His conduit of power and the reason for the spread of the Kingdom. These are partners of Christ…and Ministers.
It is more about God’s way of doing things than making some people more anointed than others..as Apostle established earlier we all have the same anointing.
Because of the stigma of God sending men we assume such people are self contained in the sense that there is nothing really they need.
This machaira emphasises how the advserary longs to sift ministers and men of God..cell leaders..Apostles, Pastors, evangelists, Teachers and Prophets as wheat.
And we must do what Jesus did for Peter, pray for our leaders because the adversary also seeks opportunity to put a stop to the work they do.
this is the whole Idea of warfare and enforcing the victory of the spread of the gospel.
Kaish… I pray for my leader!!
I make supplication for my leaders daily that they are strengthened in the Lord and in the fullness of His power
It is by our prayers that our leaders stand firm. Mostly when I feel like not to Pray there two things that come to mind ; praise God or pray for my leader,that gives me strength to pray more . Thank you sir. For the wisdom and the in-depth revelation
Thank you lord Jesus
Ooh yes
The faith of the Leaders shall not grow cold. They will increase in the Lord’s zeal and in great faith.
In the name of Jesus
There’s an unwavering supplied of power and strength to the leaders daily
In the name of Jesus
Thank you
Thank you lord
Thank you lord Jesus
You’re a blessing sir.
Our leaders deserve love too
Our leaders deserve compassion too
Our leaders deserve generosity too
Our leaders deserve care too
Our leaders deserve hospitality too
This is very crucial and timely
Time is consummating and all is being said and done soon
But for the knowledge of Jesus to flood the earth it needs men who are lead by Gods men chosen after his own heart.
This is what the devil seeks to stop because these men become entities and agents of propagation of Jesus
They become the flow system and direction of where God has intended to invade and what specific things are supposed to be done in Gods kind of order and precepts.
So if these leaders are not active then the work of God will become disorderly that is why members must stand in the gap to make sure the also become the fuelling of the faith of these leaders
As they are fired up the saints are also bought up with the same mindset and brand
– Utterance is given to all the leaders and sound teachers of the gospel.
– The Lord is making them increase in boldness.
– They abound in knowledge and love for the Lord.
– They are strengthened in the Lord and the fullness of power.
– They enjoy divine insight and are protected by the power of the Lord from every evil.
– The faith of the Leaders shall not grow cold. They will increase in the Lord’s zeal and in great faith.
Oh Hallelujah!
I guide my heart to fullfill the call of God
The faith of the Leaders shall not grow cold. They will increase in the Lord’s zeal and in great faith.
Utterance is given to all the leaders and sound teachers of the gospel.
Thank you Jesus!
I make supplications for my leaders daily
I highly esteem, honor and pray for the men who labor in the gospel