The Love-Life Agency

Beloved, the secrets of God are not hidden from you. The secrets of God and His universe are within your heart. Hallelujah!

Apostle Bennie
Thursday 27th February, 2025
“Guard your heart above all else, for it determines the course of your life”
Proverbs 4:23 (NLT)
The instruction of the Lord is always to our advantage. God knows your constitution and how you can best walk in the consummation of your divine call.
And the interesting thing is, whatever God instructs man on, the adversary goes after it.
So in Eden, when God instructed man concerning the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, the adversary went after it. Whatever God is interested in regarding your life, the adversary develops an interest in it.
Don’t give him access!
One of the crucial things the adversary takes interest in is the heart of man.
The heart of man is the seat of all thoughts and all feelings.
The complexity of man’s constitution is intriguing beyond what has been accumulated. Man’s entire being is as a universe. And that is how God sees man.
If eternity can be assimilated into man who lives in time, that should let you know the extent of man’s wonder.
The Bible says, “….He has set eternity in the heart of man…..” Ecclesiastes 3:11
It means man has the capacity to travel into “eternal future and eternal past.”
So you can consider the Prophet Moses, he was inspired by God to write the book of Genesis. He articulated the creative work of God, as though he was walking with God side by side, whiles He was creating the universe.
How was it possible?
It was through the influence of God’s vision in his heart.
In all of man’s constitution, the center of his being is THE HEART!
A man’s heart is as a womb or a haven of conception.
Nothing happens in a man’s life or world without first beginning as a seed in the heart of man.
Thoughts are first cultivated in the heart of man.
Life is predictable.
There is nothing like unpredictable events in life. Anything that happens within time results from a man’s thought and action.
Whatever you want to see manifest in your life, you must take conceptualized and predictable steps. That is the role of the heart.
The difference between those who make a great impact and those who struggle to make an impact is the condition of their heart.
“Listen carefully, my dear child, to everything that I teach you, and pay attention to all that I have to say. Fill your thoughts with my words until they penetrate deep into your spirit. Then, as you unwrap my words, they will impart true life and radiant health into the very core of your being.
So above all, guard the affections of your heart, for they affect all that you are. Pay attention to the welfare of your innermost being, for from there flows the wellspring of life. Avoid dishonest speech and pretentious words. Be free from using perverse words no matter what!”
Proverbs 4:20-24(TPT)
Beloved, the entire construction of your life is in your heart.
You must give attention to the things you construct in your heart.
(Luke 6:45; Deuteronomy 4:9; Matthew 15:18-19)
That we will keep our hearts and minds stayed on the word God as we delight deeply in it.
Deuteronomy 18 – 20
Deuteronomy 18 – 20
Exodus 8
– I guard my heart with all diligence.
– I don’t give room for toxic thoughts.
– I delight my heart in the word of God.
– I keep my heart and mind stayed on the word of God.
– I am cultured daily by the word of God.
– I am a doer of the word.
– I don’t entertain the company of mockers.
OH Hallelujah, Glory to God!!!
I guard my heart with the word of God
I guard my heart with all diligence. I focus on the way of truth
Gloooooory. I am universe with infinite resources
Whatever God develops interest in, the adversary goes after it.
One of the crucial things the adversary shows interest in is the heart of man because God also shows interest in it.
The heart is the centre of a man’s entire being.
A man’s heart is a womb for conception.
Most at times, when it’s time for elections, we hear most politicians come in, sit with us, eat with us, play with us and so on.
They promise us beautiful things. After they are elected, they’ll be no where to be found.
The motives of their heart expose them from time to time.
Thank you Apostle Bennie for this verities you share with us.
I guard my heart!!!
I give attention to what is in my heart. Eternity has been assimilated into man by the Lord. Eihhhhhh. Glorry to God. Man has the capacity to travel to the eternal past and future. What a mystery. Thank you Apostle Sir
Yes oo. What a mystery…
Apostle Bennie is just revealing secrets to us lowkey.
Woe unto the man who doesn’t fellowship with machaira with Apostle Bennie.
Oh my goodness 😂😂
Imagine you allow the word of God to dorminate your heart.
You wouldn’t find it difficult a Christ centered life.
I guard my heart with all diligence.
Glory to Jesus
I keep my heart and mind stayed on the word of God.
With focused…
I don’t give room for toxic thoughts.
Haaa my room is occupied with the word of God, no room for toxic thoughts
I am cultured daily by the word of God.
I don’t entertain the company of mockers.
Psalm 1:1-6 KJV
[1] Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor standeth in the way of sinners, Nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful. [2] But his delight is in the law of the LORD; And in his law doth he meditate day and night. [3] And he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, That bringeth forth his fruit in his season; His leaf also shall not wither; And whatsoever he doeth shall prosper. [4] The ungodly are not so: But are like the chaff which the wind driveth away. [5] Therefore the ungodly shall not stand in the judgment, Nor sinners in the congregation of the righteous. [6] For the LORD knoweth the way of the righteous: But the way of the ungodly shall perish.
Oh hallelujah!
Thank you Jesus!
The secrets of God are not hidden from me. The secrets of God and His universe are within my heart… gloreeeeyyyy!!!
The instruction of the Lord is always to my advantage!
This teaches me that for whatever the Lord instructs me to do, even when it may not be what I want to do at that moment, I must always go along with it because it is to my advantage. Then again, since I have become the expression of the fullness of Christ, I now walk in alignment with the plans of God for my life. Therefore every instruction from the Lord that comes to me, I follow with ease.
Heyy…I follow the instructions of the Lord because they are to my advantage!!
Whatever the Lord instructs me on, the adversary goes after it. The adversary just does not want to see the believer used as a noble vessel unto God’s good works. So he does everything to make the believer walk in misalignment.
However, it fully depends on the believer as to whether or not the adversary will gain access.From this episode, I have gained a much deeper understanding of how he uses the heart.
Wowwww…the complexity of my constitution is intriguing beyond what has been accumulated. My entire being is as a universe. That is how God sees me.
I am UNLIMITED…Glory to God!!!
Eternity has been set into my heart…says the Lord!
I have the capacity to travel into the eternal future and the eternal past through the influence of God’s vision in my heart!
The heart of man is the seat of all thoughts and feelings.
My heart is as a womb or a haven of conception. Nothing happens in my life without it first beginning as a seed in my heart.
This is very profound!
From this I learn that everything I do, no matter how trivial it may seem, stems from a place of continuous meditation in my heart. This teaches me that there is nothing like spontaneity or impulsiveness!!!
Even if I act out of a rush of adrenaline, the steps I take will be things I would have meditated on previously in my heart! Basically every single thing I do grows as a concept in my heart!
Wow the heart really determines the course of my life.
Life is predictable; anything that happens in life results from a man’s thoughts and actions.
Whatever I want to see happen in my life, I must take predictable and conceptualized steps! That is how I can use the heart the right way! That is the role of MY HEART!
My heart is not supposed to be the hub of conception of selfish desires. Rather it should be a place where the Lord can entrust deep thoughts and ideas which will see manifestation for the advancement of His Kingdom!!! Thank You Jesus!!!
The difference between those who make great impact and those who struggle to make impact is the condition of their heart.
Heyyy…I condition my heart to make GREAT IMPACT FOR GOD!!!!!
In the name of Jesus!!
Wowww…Proverbs 4:20-24
“…fill your thoughts with my words until they penetrate deep within your spirit. Then as you unwrap my words, they will impart TRUE LIFE and RADIANT HEALTH into the very core of your being…”
Thank You Lord for your Word!!!!
This teaches me that one way negative concepts take root in my heart is by what I hear and what I read. It is very easy for people to receive the negativities from other people’s words if their minds and hearts are not strongly guarded in the Word of God. Bible says I should fill my thoughts with the Word of God until they penetrate deep within my spirit. This means the Word of God we receive through exhortations and feasting on this transformational devotional has a role to play which is to penetrate deep within my spirit. The verse continues by saying that as I ‘unwrap’ the Word which is now deep in my Spirit, it brings me life and not just any kind, but TRUE life. It also brings me health but not just any kind, but RADIANT health. GLORYYY TO GOD!!!!!!!!
Wow…this is SOOOO refreshing!!!
I also learn that when the Word comes I dont just keep it dormant but I unwrap it by meditating on it daily and acting it out always.
This means…for those who don’t feast on the Word for it to be penetrated deep within their spirits, they lack true life and radiant health. Hmmm.
God desires that all men be saved therefore it is my desire as well.
I condition my heart to walk in the alignment of God’s desires.
The entire construction of my life is in my heart.
I give attention daily to the things that take root in my heart!!
I refuse to be nonchalant about what goes on in my heart because it determines the entirety of the course of my life!!!
God bless you APOSTLE BENNIE for this sound teaching!!!
Dig deeper scriptures.
Luke 6:45 (NIV)
A good man brings good things out of the good stored up in his heart, and an evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored up in his heart. For the mouth speaks what the heart is full of.
Deuteronomy 4:9 (NIV)
Only be careful, and watch yourselves closely so that you do not forget the things your eyes have seen or let them fade from your heart as long as you live. Teach them to your children and to their children after them.
Matthew 15:18-19 (NIV)
But the things that come out of a person’s mouth come from the heart, and these defile them. For out of the heart come evil thoughts—murder, adultery, sexual immorality, theft, false testimony, slander.
– I delight my heart in the word of God.
– I keep my heart and mind stayed on the word of God.
“Guard your heart above all else, for it determines the course of your life”
Proverbs 4:23 .
I place the word of God intentionally in my heart. I refuse to doubt God and his word
My heart is given to the Lord.
I am grateful to you Apostel Bennie.. God bless you more for being my shepherd Me that was astray ,now i have a shepherd . Thank you very much Daddy Ben
Deuteronomy 18 – 20
Because of this content in Macharia with Apostel i have see and touch the blessing of God. Genesis has been tangible to me and my life. God bless you Daddy Ben.
I am cultured daily by the word of God 🙏
Indeed there’s no mistake or accident. Everything is predicated on something. Today I have learnt it is the heart
I refuse to give the adversary access to my life !
I give attention to the imaginations in my heart
I Store Up the Word in my heart
I guard my heart with all diligence.
I don’t entertain the company of mockers.
I delight my heart in the word of God.
I don’t entertain the company of mockers.
I guard my heart with all diligence.
I don’t give room for toxic thoughts.
I guard my heart with all diligence
I fill my thoughts with God’s word until it penetrate deep into my spirit and the very core of my being.
I pay attention to the thing is construct in my heart
My heart is filled with the word of God
I guard my heart with all deligence
I guard my heart with all diligence
I keep my heart and mind stayed on God’s word.
I am cultured daily by the word of God….. Thank you Lord Jesus
I will guard my heart always
From today with the grace of God
My heart is a haven of positivity and good thoughts only Amen
Thank you lord Jesus for your word
Thank you Apostle Bennie for what you do for our sake…you’re a great blessing to us
Glory to God!
I guard my heart in Jesus’ name
I am among those who make great impact
I fill my heart with the word of God in the name of Jesus
this is very instructive.
man’s entire life is influenced by His heart, the condition of His heart.
From it proceeds good things and evil things depending on the seed that is cultivated.
The difference between those making great impact and those struggling is the heart they have.
But the scriptures are God’s words. These are seeds of greatness to be sown in the heart.
They will make us what it shows us…that glorious impactful life is available only if we will allow God’s word alone to be cultivated in our hearts.
Man is the masterpiece that God created uniquely
When you think of how people dream and perceive ideas into reality even to things you think are impossible it example someone just conceived an idea of to make things that even beat the time space they find themselves in by making some activities simple and fast instead of going the manual way the takes a lot of time
means God took his time to meticulously take not of details when bringing man to being
Man being a universe means no thought is impossible for man to conceive for man has the ability to travel to the eternal past and future that means anything a man surrenders to whether good or evil can use man as a tool to bring forth anything if man permits
That is why man must be intentional about the contents that fills the heart and mind because that is what will influence his actions and steps
I don’t give room for toxic thoughts
Thank you lord Jesus
Whatever you want to see manifest in your life, you must take conceptualized and predictable steps. That is the role of the heart.
Thank you Apostle Sir
Beloved, the entire construction of your life is in your heart.
The heart, the seat of all thoughts
The heart ,the field of Man