The Love-Life Agency

“Ye did not choose me, but I chose you, and appointed you, that ye should go and bear fruit, and that your fruit should abide: [so] that whatsoever ye shall ask of the Father in my name, He may give it [to] you”
John 15:16 (ASV)
No disciple of Jesus is expected to be fruitless. Jesus called you to Himself that you will bear fruits which will remain. The fruits or results which you are to produce are not temporal results. They are results or fruits which must remain.
The word “remain” is the Greek word, “menō” which means “to continually dwell, stand or endure”.
Your fruits or results must endure the test of time. Such results don’t come by chance. They come by choice and genuine intentionality.
1. You have to make a decision you are going to do much more as a disciple of Jesus.
2. Be consummed with the Success of the Kingdom.
3. Contend for results.
4. Go all out and think possibilities.
When you think it is not possible you will not be able to activate the grace to get it done.
Most think of impossibility because they are conscious of failure. They think more of failing than succeeding. They set their minds on defeat rather than who God is and what He said.
Like the 10 spies of Moses. They failed to think about what God is able to do with them. And rather saw themselves as grasshoppers.
“But the men who had gone up with him said, “We are not able to go up against the people, for they are stronger than we.” And they gave the children of Israel a bad report of the land which they had spied out, saying, “The land through which we have gone as spies is a land that devours its inhabitants, and all the people whom we saw in it are men of great stature. There we saw the giants (the descendants of Anak came from the giants); and we were like grasshoppers in our own sight, and so we were in their sight.” Numbers 13:31-33 (NKJV)
There is a way defeat mentality makes you not reason with logic. When you observe the report of these spies of Moses you can notice inconsistencies in their thoughts.
How can a land flowing with milk and honey devour its inhabitants?
If the land devoured its inhabitants, how did the Amalekites, the Hittites, the Jebusites, the Amorites, and the Canaanites dwell there? These people were able to build fortified cities.
When these spies went to the land how were they able to survive? How was the land not able to devour them?
Caleb and Joshua had a different report.
When these people began to give their report (Numbers 13:2_-29), Caleb felt they were not going to produce the right sound, so he intercepted their report:
“Then Caleb quieted the people before Moses, and said, “Let us go up at once and take possession, for we are well able to overcome it.” Numbers 13:30 (NKJV).
These people went to the same land to spy on it, yet they came back with two different reports. One group thought they were grasshoppers, while the other saw their ability to overcome the land.
What you are able to do is always connected to your mindset. Beloved, your thoughts define your possessions.
The thoughts of fear will make you hold back and not dare to take a step forward.
Instead of the spies communicating the weaknesses of the inhabitants of the land, they were amplifying the things they thought were the strengths of these inhabitants.
When the Israelites heard the negative and doubtful news from the 10 spies they began to cry and rebel against the Lord (Numbers 14:1-4)
Again we see the mindset of Joshua and Caleb:
“But Joshua the son of Nun and Caleb the son of Jephunneh, who were among those who had spied out the land, tore their clothes; and they spoke to all the congregation of the children of Israel, saying: “The land we passed through to spy out is an exceedingly good land. If the Lord delights in us, then He will bring us into this land and give it to us, ‘a land which flows with milk and honey.’ Only do not rebel against the Lord, nor fear the people of the land, for they are our bread; their protection has departed from them, and the Lord is with us. Do not fear them.” Numbers 14:6-9 (NKJV)
While the 10 spies saw giants, Joshua and Caleb saw bread.
While the 10 saw themselves as grasshoppers, Joshua and Caleb saw themselves as possessors.
How do you see yourself?
Do you see possibilities?
If you do, then don’t hold back, it’s time to go all out.
There is a lot the Lord wants to accomplish through you this year.
Refuse to fear!
Refuse to doubt!
Start now and take bold steps!
Glory to God!
Genesis 11
I refuse to doubt.
I see and think possibilities.
Thank you Lord Jesus
I refuse to see impossibilities.
I have the right attitude….
I see possibility in the assignment the Lord has given to me.
I refuse doubt
My eye see possibilities
I refuse to fear
I take bold steps
The eyes of my understanding are opened to see possibilities at all times.
I refuse to fear, I refuse to doubt….
I walk in the consciousness that the Lord is with me
My eyes of understanding is enlightened to see possibilities at all times….
Oh thank you Jesus
What you are able to do is always connected to your mindset.
I have the mindset of God
I take bold steps
I refuse to fear
My fruit and results remain
The eyes of my understanding are opened to see possibilities at all times.
Glory to God!
I see possibilities in the name of Jesus
As a disciple of Christ, I am never expected to be fruitless!
I am expected to bear fruits which will remain and abide!
I refuse to produce temporal results!
Heyaa my fruits endure the test of time!!!
I am genuinely intentional about the fruits I produce!
I choose to do more as a disciple of Jesus!
I am consumed with the success of the Kingdom!
I contend for the Kingdom!
I go all out!
I think possibilities!
I refuse to dwell on impossibilities!
I refuse to be conscious of failure!
I set my mind on who God is and what He has said!!
My thoughts define my possessions!!!
I refuse to entertain fear within me!
I am a POSSESSOR in the name of Jesus!
I refuse to fear!
I refuse to doubt!!
I walk in the consciousness and confidence of Gods help
As a believer in Christ I overcome the world and I refuse to doubt
I am fruitful and I produce kingdom fruits
I have the right mindset and posture for greatness
I see possibilities with God.
The LORD is my confidence.
I make God and that which He has said my focus.
I have a prevailing mentality.
I see myself in the light of the word of God.
I align my self-perception with God’s Word.
I refuse to fear
I refuse to doubt
I see possibilities
I takes steps and I get them done
The eyes of my understanding are opened to see possibilities all the time
I bear much fruits for the Lord
I see possibility in everything I do
I Refuse to fear!
I Refuse to doubt!
I Start now and take bold steps!
In the name of Jesus, I declare that i shall daily walk in the consciousness and confidence of God’s help and that the eyes of my understanding shall be open to see possibilities at all times
My fruits remain
I see possibilities
I refuse to doubt
I refuse to fear
I take bold steps
I walk in the consciousness and confidence of God
I produce kingdom results
The eyes of my understanding are open to see possibilities and not impossibility
I’m intentional
I get the job than
I go all out.
I see possibilities.
I take bold steps.
I see well.
Thank you Lord.
What you are able to do is always connected to your mindset. Beloved, your thoughts define your possessions.
I refuse to see impossible..
I cannot afford to have a grasshopper mindset.
I see possibilities
I refuse to doubt
I have the grace to get the job done
Oh glory to God!
I see things differently.
I build the right mindset for victory
Most often we make empty feeble scare us and we refuse to take the life changing steps the lord inspires us
some of this feeble is thinking you are not worthy and don’t have the capacity to do what is before you.
Money, inferiority complex can be a limitation which the adversary stands on to make you feel that way.
it all balls down to knowing your true identity and place in Christ and his kingdom and knowing that God possess the earth and its fullness no nothing is above you as a believer
If this forms your mindset and you are deeply convicted that God is with you
you can break every chain and boundry
My my my!!
I see possibilities in all things! Apostle paul said, I want you to know that these afflictions and bounds that happened to me, has led to the furtherance of the Gospel!
Even in chains, He devised new ways of spreading the gospel by converting the prisoners and the soldiers, so they can carry the written materials to places His feet cant go.
I see the Senior High Schools, they are rich, they are for me. I see the Harvest of souls!
I see expansion and explosion everywhere.
Thank you Jesus
I walk in the consciousness and confidence of God’s help
I refuse to fear or doubt
Thank you Lord
I refuse to fear.
I have the right mindset.
I’m a possessor.
I see possibilities.
I go all out for the Lord’s agenda.
I bear fruits as a disciple of Chtist and my fruits remain
I think possibilities always!
I go all out for the Lord!
I refuse to fear!
I refuse to doubt God’s word!
The eyes of my understanding are opened to great opportunities.
I bear much fruits for the Lord.
I have the grace to get the job done.
I walk in the consciousness and confidence of God’s help.
The eyes of my understanding are opened to see possibilities at all times.
I refuse to doubt the Lord of the Lord to me.
Thank you Lord Jesus!