The Love-Life Agency

Friday, 3rd January, 2025
“He who says he abides in Him ought himself also to walk just as He walked.”
1 John 2:6 (NKJV)
Are you born again?
If your answer is yes, then you are in Christ.
When you received Jesus, you became born again. The born again is also the new creation.
The new creation is the man in Christ (2 Corinthians 5:17)
To be in Christ is to be in the Spirit.
Thus, if you are in Christ, you must live as Christ.
When you are thinking of being immersed in the Spirit, don’t adopt human techniques and religious methods. As you are in Christ you follow the example of Christ.
The matter of being immersed in the Spirit is not a matter of methods but a new living way.
To be immersed in the Spirit is an organic experience and not mechanical.
That is why you follow the example of Christ.
Christ brought to light the reality of being soaked and saturated by the Spirit.
During Jesus’ Earth Walk, the Pharisees or the religious leaders were demonstrating spirituality according to their self-gratification, man-made rules, religious traditions and legalism.
Everyone saw them as men who were enriched with divine understanding and had high-level experience in the Spirit.
But Jesus said to them, “Making the word of God of no effect through your tradition which you have handed down. And many such things you do” Mark 7:13 (NKJV)
The word of God is organic and cannot find its full expression when mixed with mechanical methods.
To have a real organic experience of the Spirit, you don’t follow religious methods.
Indisputably, one of the crucial items to make one continuously experience the saturation of the Spirit is PRAYER.
However, your understanding and interpretation of prayer really matter.
When prayer is only to prove how spiritual one is, the motives become wrong.
The principle of prayer is the principle of intimate communication. Your understanding of this will help you remain consistent in PRAYER.
The Pharisees and the religious leaders prayed to prove their superiority over others. Prayer was showmanship to them.
However, Jesus showed us that prayer is basically a communion with God.
In most of the recorded prayers of Jesus, you will notice He often referred to God as Father. That was to establish the kind of relationship we are to have with God.
God is your Father and you must commune with Him as such. This is the example of Jesus to us. He showed us to walk consistently in the Spirit by maintaining a consistent relationship and communion with God as our Father.
Until you begin to recognise, understand and become conscious that God is your Father, you will always attempt to use mechanisms to connect to God.
Prayer will become a mechanic method and not an organic expression of your relationship with God.
You will spend more time with your loving Father, and freely share your burdens with Him. The more you spend time with the Father through prayer (intimate communication), the more the Father’s love and presence overwhelm, saturate and soak your heart.
The more you spend time with Him, the more you are immersed into His person and mindset.
Pray to the Father as Jesus did.
Genesis 7 – 9
Genesis 3
– My heart and mind is set on the example of Jesus.
He , who says he abides in him, ought himself also to walk just as he walked.
Uuuhmm. This hit ne hard…
I walk with God organically , not mechanically..
My heart and mind is set on the example of Jesus.
My heart and mind is set on the examples of Jesus
I spend my time with the Lord in prayer
Prayer ought not to be a showmanship but an organic fellowship. This truth highly needs to be echoed in order to help all believers experience that unique intimacy Jesus had with the Father
I commune with my father daily
I imitate Christ in all things
Prayer is not showmanship.
Apostle said that prayer is one way God saturate is with his presence and works on the state of our heart which means to me that in the secret place of prayer we should come as we’re sincerely like a machine being sent for servicing or improvement check so God will work on us for his mandate . Thank you Apostle
Thank you JESUS….I walk diligently with the Lord… Christ is my only example
My heart and mindset is set on the examples of Jesus
Prayer is not mechanical. It is organic. God is my father. Wow. I make it intentional to spend time with God.
The matter of being immersed in the Spirit is not a matter of methods but a new living way.
I live a continuous saturated life of the Holy Spirit.
My heart and mind is set on the example of Jesus Christ!
I pray to my Father to have intimate communication and not for showmanship!
I am fully immersed in the Spirit!
My relationship with God is an organic experience and never mechanical!
I walk consistently in the Spirit and maintain a continuous communion and relationship with God as my Father!
I choose to be intentional about spending more time with God so that I am immersed into His divine Person and Mindset!!
The Principle of Prayer is having intimate communication with the Father. I live in this Organic fellowship with the Father in His Light and by the Spirit. I follow the example of Christ.
I spend more time with the Lord in Prayer to know Him deeper, imitate His ways and Live just as He lived doing the Father’s will.
I express God.
Christ is seen in my actions.
My walk in the Spirit shall be by the light of Jesus.
My mind and heart is being set on the example of Christ.
I practice the love of God.
I spend time with the Lord.
My heart and mind is set on the example of Jesus
My heart and mind is set on the example of Jesus.
To be in Christ is to be in the Spirit.
I walk with God organically , not mechanically..
I spend time with My FATHER in Prayer.
“Time with Father God transforms your heart through an outpouring of His love and presence.”
Spending time with God helps you to know Him beyond mental assent.
And as you spend time with God, you are brought into the experience of His love beyond utterance.
As I am in Christ , I follow the example of Christ
The principle of prayer , is the principle of intimate communication
Thank You Precious Holy Spirit
I give myself to praying to the Father continually just as Jesus did
I declare over my life that my heart and mind will be set on the example of Jesus, and that my walk in the Spirit will be according to His light and not to the many religious methods out there.
Thank you Jesus
I don’t pray to prove how spiritual I am, I pray to commune with God my Father.
I am conscious that God is my Father.
I consciously walk in the path of Jesus Christ. I dearly follow the footsteps of my Lord.
Thank you lord Jesus
Oh yes, I’m a man of the Spirit
I follow the example of Christ .
In the name of Jesus!
Mmmhmmm… okay
The matter of being immersed in the Spirit is not a matter of methods but a new living way.
Glory to God!
To be immersed in the Spirit is an organic experience and not mechanical.
Na true..
Thank you lord Jesus for MachairaWithApostleBennie
I pray
I pray
I pray
I don’t quit ; ooh yes
I pray with the heavenly blueprint of prayer
I align myself with the principle of prayer .
I pray daily
I intimate with the Lord
I enjoy mysteries daily
I enjoy God daily
Ooh yes !
The more you spend time with Him, the more you are immersed into His person and mindset.
Mmmm, thank you lord Jesus.
Wow ,I’m at the right place
I pray to the Father
Ooh yes , I’m not an ordinary man
Ooh, yes
Mediocrity is a misstep.
Oooh yes , I refuse to settle for Mediocrity.
My daily is committed to the consciousness to walk like Christ
Ooh, yes
I walk daily as He WALKED
In the name of Jesus !
Thank you lord Jesus.
I have communion with the Lord to be saturated in his person and mindset
Glory to God, the more I spend time with the lord the more am built to have His mindset for living
I make good use of my prayer times with the lord knowing, basically prayer is a moment to communicate with my father who loves me
This is true Sir. The organic relationship between believers and the LORD as Father is an anchor revelation for the continous prosperity of the believer.
My heart and mind is set on the example of Jesus
I spend time with my father, and his Love overwhelmes and saturate my heart….