The Love-Life Agency

“Opening and alleging, that Christ must needs have suffered, and risen again from the dead; and that this Jesus, whom I preach unto you, is Christ.”
Acts 17:3 (KJV)
Whenever the scriptures are unfolded you must see Jesus. He is the meaning of the scriptures.
Jesus Christ is the story told in the Old Testament. When you understand that all that was communicated in the Old Testament is to bring every reader to Christ, you will see the oneness of the entire Bible.
Different men, in different historical timeliness and with distinct experiences were inspired by the Holy Spirit to write God’s thoughts with their unique styles of expressions, and had one central theme of thought, Jesus Christ.
These may not have necessarily grasped the full revelation of what they wrote. They might have thought of writing about the situation around them and the possible things which might come, but every bit of it was part of the beautiful story of this Jesus who is the Christ.
He is the central theme of Genesis as the Creator, the Life and the Promised seed.
“In the beginning God created…” (Genesis 1:1).
“All things were made by Him and without Him was not anything made that was made” (John 1:3).
The entire events we witnessed in Genesis through the scriptures, were the unfolding of this utterance of God, “the seed of the woman shall bruise the head of the serpent” (Genesis 3:15).
The goal of the adversary was to destroy the coming of this seed. But God encrypted the appearing of the seed. By a careful study of the scriptures, you will realize that all that the devil was doing from the time Adam and Eve were out of the Garden of Eden, even through Abraham and his descendants even to the time Jesus was born (or the Word became flesh), was to destroy the seed before it germinates.
God was giving His people, hints of the coming of the Seed. Through the writings of the Prophets, the Priests, the Kings, the Judges, and the Psalmists, the Lord was announcing the manifestation of the Seed. The adversary realized through observation that, the seed was going to come from the descendants of Abraham and Jacob, but was many centuries behind what God was doing.
While the devil thought Isaac and his descendants were the Promised Seed, God’s original Seed was encrypted.
The adversary arrived at this conclusion when he heard this:
“And the LORD appeared unto Abram, and said, Unto thy seed will I give this land: and there builded he an altar unto the LORD, who appeared unto him.” Genesis 12:7 (KJV).
What the adversary didn’t hear was this:
“Now to Abraham and his Seed were the promises made. He does not say, “And to seeds,” as of many, but as of one, “And to your Seed,” who is Christ.” Galatians 3:16 (NKJV)
All that happened from Genesis to the time Jesus was born were testimonies of Him.
“Then he carefully unveiled to them the revelation of himself throughout the Scripture. He started from the beginning and explained the writings of Moses and all the prophets, showing how they wrote of him and revealed the truth about himself.” Luke 24:27 (TPT)
Beloved this is the reason you must rejoice in this season.
“The shepherds returned to their flock, ecstatic over what had happened. They praised God and glorified him for all they had heard and seen for themselves, just like the angel had said.” Luke 2:20 (TPT).
When you see Jesus, you must rejoice. And that is what the scriptures help you to do. To have a picture and accurate revelation of Jesus.
The revelation of Jesus brings you into the reality of God.
Abraham saw Jesus and rejoiced at His coming.
“Your father Abraham rejoiced as he looked forward to my coming. He saw it and was glad” John 8:56 (ESV)
Look at the testimony of Moses:
“By faith Moses, when he was come to years, refused to be called the son of Pharaoh’s daughter; Choosing rather to suffer affliction with the people of God, than to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season;
Esteeming the reproach of Christ greater riches than the treasures in Egypt: for he had respect unto the recompence of the reward.” Hebrews 11:24-26 (KJV)
Moses saw the hope of the Messiah, believed in the coming of the Anointed one and treasured it or held it dear than the treasures of Egypt.
The birth of Jesus wasn’t an event that just happened out of the blue.
Like Matthew said:
“All this took place to fulfill what the Lord had spoken by the prophet.” (Matthew 1:22)
The entire life of Jesus was the fulfillment of the Prophecies. The prophetic words were the articulation of the plan and purposes of God.
Beloved rejoice at the revelation of Jesus!
Two things you should glean:
1. Jesus is the Christ and He is the Lord of all.
2. The word of God or the Prophecies of the scriptures are true and sure.
Jesus as the fulfilment of Prophecies is the evidence that all that the scriptures had said about the saints or the believers in Christ are true and shall fully be manifested.
Your life is the fulfillment of Prophecies as Jesus. For as He is so are you in this world.
And if you are of Christ, then you are also a seed of Abraham!
You are a prophetic child.
My eyes are open to the full revelation of our Lord Jesus as the Messiah. Thank you Apostle Sir
Jesus is the Christ and He is the Lord of all.
2. The word of God or the Prophecies of the scriptures are true and sure.
My life is the fulfillment of Prophecies as Jesus. For as He is so am I in this world.
And if I am of Christ, then you are also a seed of Abraham!
Haha I am a prophetic Child.
Oh glory to God
As King Jesus was, so am I in this world!!!!
I am a prophetic child!
Ohhhh Glory to God!!!!
I am a prophetic Child
Thank you Lord Jesus
The heart of the scriptures is Christ.
And these (the scriptures) are they which testify of Me” ………
The central theme of the scriptures (from Genesis to Malachi) is Christ. These Scriptures are testimonies of His Person, His Gospel Plan, Kingdom Purpose and the Pursuit of His Economy of Grace.
He is the centricity of the Scriptures. Every event, festival, instruction, life of any individual, precept and ordinance testify of Christ.
He is craftily concealed in the books of Moses, the Psalms, the Prophets and the other historical books.
I love My Jesus!!!!
My eyes are opened to the full Revelation of Jesus the Christ.
Ha shagadavalede I am prophetic child!
Glory be to the song of God Jesus who reigns forever and ever!
Ouuch, I’m really enjoying this series of teachings on “THIS JESUS”.
For the past two episodes and this one, the revelation of Jesus as the Christ, the Messiah and the Lord has become more real to me.
Oh Glory to God! Indeed, this Jesus we talk about is the King of Kings. He forever remains my Lord, my shepherd and my salvation.
If I’m of christ then I’m also a seed of Abraham
I’m a prophetic child
Gloreeeeey to God
Jesus is the Lord of all
I am full of joy , the revelation of my Lord is soo awesome
I am a prophetic child
It is so beautiful how God in every generation raised men to preserve his plan and the seed until Jesus manifested
The adversary and his cohorts from the time of Noah to Sodom and Gomorrah sowed deep evil into mans heart in order to lure them to distort the plan of God
But there was always a man to bridge the gap and save the day
From Abraham, Moses, Sampson , to David to Esther etc were all Heroes who stood in to make sure the seed is always preserved
And even after Manifestation the enemy still wanted to hide the truth of eternal salvation by making men fabricate a lie that Jesse’s body was stolen and never rose again
This has been the foundation of many religious bodies not having a share in The salvation of Jesus and are living in bondage because they have been blindfolded
But still God has raised us to stand in and unveil the truth to men
Like how the Apostles laid down everything that Jesus will be exalted
The accumulation of the scriptures is Jesus
The old Testament was a will that played the starting and ending of Jesus so we have a glimpse of what will happen whiles the new testament was the old testament in the flesh fulfilling what ever was said in the old will of God
Simply the old testament is Jesus in words (prophecies)
And the new is Jesus in the flesh(walking word)
For as He is, so am I in this world.
Glory to Jesus!
My eyes are fully and widely open to the revelation of Jesus as the True Messiah.
Jesus is the CHRIST
Jesus is the KING of kings
Jesus is the Christ
I am a prophetic Child
What the scriptures has said about me shall be fully manifested.u
I’m a prophetic child, my living is the fulfillment of the scriptures.
Glory to God.
I am a prophetic child!
As he is,so am I in this world.My life is the fulfillment of the prophecies just as Jesus!
Thank you Lord Jesus
Awesome, Jesus is the Christ and He is the Lord of all. A proper knowledge of the Old Testament will point you to Jesus as Christ. Jesus Christ makes the bible complete and reveals a fulfillment of prophecies uttered by men at different times, with varying backgrounds and different races. Yet all their communication is point to one key reality. JESUS IS THE CHRIST.
i HAVE ALSO LEARNT THAT the word of God or the Prophecies of the scriptures are true and sure. This is so powerful because if the biblical prophesies about Christ came to pass the word of God concerning my life is true and very certain. It also shows that I have not believed a lie.
I am seed a seed of Abraham.
I am prophetic child.
The scriptures are God’s prophetic revelation of my life.
I treasure the holy scriptures.
Thank you Lord Jesus.
Seeing Jesus satisfies all things
For he is the fulfillment of the scriptures
His birth was not an accident; it was the fulfillment of prophecies
Glory to God
I am a prophetic child!!!
My eyes are opened to the full revelation of Jesus as the True Messiah
2 Timothy 3:15 EASY
[15] Even when you were a child, you already knew the message of the Bible. The Bible has taught you how you can be truly wise. You understand that God saves you because you believe in Christ Jesus.
I am full of joy , the revelation of my Lord is soo awesome