The Love-Life Agency

Make it your priority to walk in love as Jesus loved all men. Even when He hanged naked on the cross, before His death (while the soldiers gambled for His clothes); He said, “Father forgive them…” Selah.

Apostle Bennie
Tuesday, 24th, December, 2024
“He must become greater and greater, and I must become less and less”
John 3:30 (NLT)
Being born again for many years doesn’t make you spiritually mature. You can attend Church meetings, serve in a ministry or stewardship department for many years, and still not grow spiritually.
To grow spiritually is a personal decision.
You may cultivate certain spiritual habits and mindsets just by being present in an environment of the Word of Grace. Because environments or some atmospheres are contagious.
To grow effectively, you don’t have to only depend on the influence of the environment of your local Church. You have to be intentional about your growth in the spirit.
In as much as your growth in the Lord or maturity in the spirit is your responsibility, you don’t do it alone.
You don’t create the things you need for your growth. It is the Lord who supplies you with what you need and you put them to work.
The greatest evidence of your growth in Christ is how you walk in the LOVE OF GOD. The Love of God does not satisfy the desires of the flesh.
The true motive or intention of the love of God at work in you is to bless or nourish others without personal interest. This brings all glory to God and not you.
The greatest sign of an immature life is the INFLUENCE OF THE FLESH.
From the opening verse:
“Brothers and sisters, when I was with you I found it impossible to speak to you as those who are spiritually mature people, for you are still dominated by the mind-set of the flesh. And because you are immature infants in Christ,” 1 Corinthians 3:1 (TPT)
Paul was speaking to fellow saints (believers in Christ), not unbelievers. Some of these (if not all) were babes or infants in Christ.
The evidence of their spiritual immaturity was how they were DOMINATED BY THE MIND-SET OF THE FLESH.
The more you grow in the spirit, the less you are influenced or dominated by the flesh.
To which extent are you dominated by the flesh?
(1 Corinthians 3:1-3; Romans 13:8-10; Matthew 22:37-40; Ephesians 3:16-18; 1 Corinthians 13; Galatians 5:22-23; 2 Peter 3:18)
That our love will grow and increase beyond measure, bringing us into the rich revelation of spiritual insight in all things.
1 Thessalonians 5
2 Thessalonians 1 – 2
– I refuse to be dominated by the mindset of the flesh.
– My actions and decisions are not influenced by the flesh.
– I am a nourishment to others.
– I am intentional about my growth in the spirit.
– I demonstrate the love of Christ in all things.
– As I receive daily nourishment and supply from the Lord, I increase in the expression of love.
– I am not dull in hearing the word of God.
– I make time daily to fellowship with the scriptures.
Oh Hallelujah!!! Gloreeeey!!
I refuse to be dominated by the mindset of the flesh.I make a personal decision to grow.
Oh thank you Jesus
I don’t allow the flesh to dominate me.As I fellowship with the Lord daily,I increase in the expression of the love of Christ.
I am intentional about my growth in the spirit
Thank you Jesus
The love of God is shared abroad in my heart.
I grow in Love and not influence by the flesh.
Glory to God.
I make time to fellowship with the scriptures daily
John.3.30 He must increase, but I must decrease.
Thank you Lord Jesus
I walk in the love of God
I am dominated by the Spirit
The more I grow in the spirit, the less I are influenced or dominated by the flesh.
You don’t create the things you need for your growth. It is the Lord who supplies you with what you need and you put them to work. .
What an understanding , so meaning for me to grow in love I don’t depend on myself but rather depend on the supply of the Lord Jesus .
I don’t create the things I need for my growth. It is the Lord who supplies me with what I need and I put them to work.
Romans 5:5 EASY
[5] And when we hope like that, we will not become disappointed. This is because we know that God loves us very much. God has given his Holy Spirit to be with us. The Holy Spirit causes us to know God’s love very well.
I am intentional about my growth in the spirit.
Machaira with Apostle Bennie is indeed a nourishing and refreshing supply for the Lord for our organic growth. Thank you Lord Jesus Christ.
I walk in the love of God
I refuse to be dominated by the mindset of the flesh
Mmmmm thank you Jesus
I am a nourishment unto others, my living is a blessing unto many generations……
I make time daily to fellowship with the scriptures
My actions and decisions are NOT influenced by the flesh!!!
Glory to God!!!
I am not full in hearing the word of God
I am intentional about my spiritual growth
I choose to walk in love
I demonstrate Love to all men
I am driven by the impulses of the Holy Spirit not the flesh.
Thank you lord Jesus
Thank you Lord.
I grow daily in the name of Jesus
Oh thank you Lord Jesus, I refuse to be dominated by the flesh. I focus on my spiritual growth…
The sign of spiritual maturity is Love of God and immaturity is fleshy accomplishments.
I make my spiritual growth a personal decision
I refuse to operate by the flesh.
I extend the love of Christ to me with others.
I have the right mindset
I have the right mindset.
Oh thank you Lord Jesus for shedding your love abroad in my heart by your spirit. I walk daily in the full expression of your love in my world.
I’m Jesus name..
My my my!
Spiritual growth is an intentional decision to be spirit led and flesh ruled. However, spiritual growth does not happen by you only, it happens in partnership with God. God supplies you with the things you need, not just because you commanded them but because that is what you need in your growth.
The proof of spiritual growth and how much love on exudes and how pride is far away from you.
Thank you sir
I am blessed
Selflessness is indeed a very rich virtue of the matured
There are instances where many preach that God is love and we must love others but have limits unto how good they are to people all in the name of “each man for himself God for us all” which is a wrong quote the devil is weaving into many
Christian increase..I decrease
No matter the matter man needs man to every extent
I don’t deny the fact that there should be boundaries when things are going off course but being an extended hand of Jesus a lotta selfless acts
So its rather each man for each other and God for Us all
So through Gods supply I am able to be a helping hand in any good form to make sure a brother is okay and on course
Maturity is not just about how long you’ve been in church
It’s about how much you have been able to dominate the flesh
I am intentional about my growth in the lord