The Love-Life Agency

“But the Lord said to Moses, “Don’t limit my power! You will see that I can do what I say I can do.”
Numbers 11:23 (ERV)
The limitation of your mind is determined by your understanding or exposure. Your imagination cannot be expanded beyond what you see.
You can conceive the unimaginable in your mind according to the insights you have had.
For example, the car toys of yesterday are now on today’s streets and some are in the showrooms to be sold.
The first car which was designed, contributed to the imagination of the designer of today’s Rolls-Royce. The examples of yesterday are for our learning today.
This is what the Bible does for your faith. The stories you read in the scriptures are not mere historical accounts. They are to expose your heart to things you have not imagined and to dispense faith into you.
It is to your own disadvantage when you don’t read and study the Bible. The things written in the scriptures are for your learning.
“For whatever was written in earlier times was written for our instruction, so that through endurance and the encouragement of the Scriptures we might have hope and overflow with confidence in His promises.” Romans 15:4 (Amplified Bible)
You cannot access the riches of God’s wisdom when you don’t give yourself to personal Bible study.
The absence of personal Bible study will make you live by fantasies.
The faith of some people doesn’t yield results because they are not built on the understanding of God through His word. They build their faith on fantasies and assumptions.
The reading and studying of the word of God brings you into proper understanding. When you study the word of God, you will not only find examples of faith but will have a proper contextual and background understanding of how that example of faith was exuded.
The study of the word gives you a personal grasp of the thoughts of God. This is why through the Machaira With Apostle Bennie, you are given DIG DEEPER scriptures and also a ONE-YEAR BIBLE READING PLAN.
No matter how you can imagine a technology, you must as well understand the physics to make it work.
The study of the word of God doesn’t only expose you to what God can do but how to position yourself to rightly experience the effectual workings of God through His word.
When you don’t know God through His word, you may easily doubt Him and His word. God does nothing outside His word.
When you take God’s word and act on it, you partner with God in faith to see the manifestation of His word in your life.
The manifestation of God’s word in your life is according to your faith in Him. Your faith in God is your partnership and agreement with the Word.
All those who limited God’s power did not partner with God in faith. They did not exercise confidence in God. Your partnership with God is a partnership unto unlimited living.
You must stand strong in agreement with God that His word is true and will not fail, no matter the challenge.
Daniel the Prophet, found himself in a situation where he should be broken, discouraged and afraid. But he chose to remain confident in God. He chose to stand in partnership with God’s word; that the Lord is his protection and defence.
He was accused of breaking a law and was thrown into a lions’ den. The king’s confidence was that the God of Daniel would bring deliverance to Daniel (see Daniel 6:16-22).
However, the last sentence in verse 23 (of Daniel chapter 6) caught my attention:
“Then the king was exceedingly glad and commanded that Daniel be taken up out of the den. So Daniel was taken up out of the den, and no kind of harm was found on him because he had trusted in his God“
Did you see that?
Daniel the Prophet was not delivered because the king sent soldiers to defend him. No kind of harm was found on him because HE HAD TRUSTED IN HIS GOD.
That trust in God was Prophet Daniel’s secret.
The moment you stop trusting the Lord, you limit the supply of His power. And there is no expiration for your trust in God. You must trust the Lord at all times, in all things and irrespective of the situation.
No matter how little or how big the matter is, trust the Lord.
The Lord will always deliver, protect, defend, preserve, provide, and prosper you.
— I don’t reduce God’s grace to my human calculation.
— I have confidence in God’s limitless supply.
— I believe without any iota of doubt, that God will always do what He says He will do.
— I don’t limit God’s power in my thoughts and imagination. I have strong faith in seeing the mighty workings of God in all things.
i don’t reduce God’s Grace to my human calculations
I give myself to personal study of the Scriptures and trust God in all Situations.
oh Hallelujah I put my faith in Jesus for he will never fail me
Oh glory be to God for he alone is faithful
I don’t limit his power , I operate exceedingly in faith through Christ Jesus
Oh glorrrreeeeeyyyyyy.
Hallelujah …
I put my trust in God becouse he is the source of life and living..
My Total confidence is in God’s word and what he has said
No matter how little or how big the matter is, I will trust the Lord.
Unwavering trust in Jesus..
Numbers 23:19 EASY
[19] God is not human. He does not tell lies. He does not change his thoughts. If he promises to do something, it happens.
His words are yes and Amen …..
Oh glorrrreeeeeyyyyyy..
Oh thank you Lord Jesus.
I have absolute confidence in God.
I don’t limit God’s power and imagination in my mind
I Trust the Lord always.
I don’t limit the power of God through my imagination
I’ll keep trusting in God and give myself to study His word.
I don’t limit God’s power in my thoughts and imagination
I don’t limit GOD power..
Thank you Jesus, glory To God
Thank you sir for this eye opening Sir. My trust is in the Lord, Men.
I refuse to limit God’s supply of power trough doubts, I trust in his words, I partner with God through faith to make the miracles happen
God bless you Apostle Bennie Sir. You’re a blessing to us Sir.
Oh Glory to God. We stand strong in his word.
The opening verse really ministered to me. The power of God shall not be limited in my life. My mind-set is influenced by His word.
Glory to God!
Yes sir
I dare to trust God to do what only he can do.
I have confidence in his limitless supply!
I don’t define God’s capacity by my limitations!
Thank you Lord Jesus
U believe with all my heart that God will do everything he says he will do
Thank you Lord for this inspiring and amazing devotional and lovely guide.
May God continue to prosper and raise this platform.
Thank you Apostle.
Please Apostle I would say one major impact of the Machaira on my life as far as my christian journey us concern is, through machaira with Apostle Bennie, I am able to have the right understanding for scriptures, my divine quotient has been on
the raise, and above all the right mind set for my living.
I couldn’t agree more Sir..
I don’t limit God in my endeavors.
I allow God to fulfill his purpose through me .
I don’t define God’s capacity by my limitations
I give myself to the study of Gods word everyday….
Hey I don’t assume anything about the word of God…
I study more and read more and meditate more….
Thank you Apostle Bennie
My proper life is in the Bible….
My understanding in my account is as a result of how I give myself to studies….
Understanding this episode my disadvantage is me not given myself to studies….
This episode is very deep….
This episode is very IMPACTFUL I could see there are verities in reading your Bible everyday….
Which is not giving yourself to reading your Bible is opening yourself up to unercessary things…
By this episode I got to know that not studying God’s word is like you are scattering God’s plan about you…
Because God’s plan about you is in His word,, WOW…..
This episode is sending me somewhere…
Through this episode I now understand why this can delayed in the life of some christians or people….
My quick exposure is connected to understanding and knowledge I have about God’s word…..
Which is walking around the word of God will not affect more than giving yourself to His word by reading and studying your Bible….
This is mind blowing……
Thank you Lord Jesus
I believe without any iota of dought that God will do, what he has said…..
I don’t limit the power of God in my life…… I trust the Lord at all times and in all things
I demonstrate great faith and confidence in the Lord
Trust in the Lord with all your heart
And lean not on your own understanding
In all your ways acknowledge Him
And he shall direct your path
The study of the word of God doesn’t only expose you to what God can do but also teaches you how to position yourself to rightly experience the effectual workings of God through His word.
I back my trust in the Lord with His word, not with fantasies or my imaginations
Favorite punchline: There is no expiration to your trust in God
You must trust the Lord at all times, irrespective of the situation
I don’t reduce God’s grace to my human calculation
I tap into the wisdom of of God by my consistent personal Bible study in the name of Jesus
I don’t limit God’s power in my thoughts and imagination. I have strong faith in seeing the mighty workings of God in all things.
This one is very hot!
people actually lose their confidence in God when they dont know God through His word. They build their faith on assumptions and fantasies and get lose their faith just like how they built their confidence.
but not me
I build my faith through God’s Word. God’s word displays the mind and dealings of God and shows how certain results are produced with the backgrounds to those results.
Despite how old Abraham and Sarah was, they clanged to the Word of God, that He will multiply their seed. That word was the basis of their faith and their trust in God. It was so serious that Abraham knew that even if He sacrificed Isaac, God will bring Isaac back to life.
Hence, after the sacrificial lamb was provided, he still saw Isaac as one that was raised from the dead!!
These examples in scriptures do something to my mind!!
whatever God has said concerning me will surely come to pass and I even if I die, he will bring me back to see the Word happen!
Thank you Jesus
My faith in God is my partnership and agreement with His word
Heyaa! A partnership unto Unlimited Living
Praise The Lord!!!
When the rest God has given us us overlooked the weakness (mans strength) doesn’t have the ability to sustain us till results come
But when “none of us and all of God” becomes a hallmark then we activate eternal supply of Grace and strength for results
And in all it takes the Humble to rest in God not the one that thinks he got his things figured out
You cannot access the riches of God’s wisdom when you don’t give yourself to personal Bible study.
Then the king was exceedingly glad and commanded that Daniel be taken up out of the den. So Daniel was taken up out of the den, and no kind of harm was found on him because he had trusted in his God.
I put my trust in Jesus!!
Thank you lord Jesus, I trust the lord at all times
Oh Hallelujah…. The Lord will always protect me , defend me, preserve me, prosper me.
Praise Jesus