Hearing God, Machaira with Apostle Bennie



The Love-Life Agency

You have what it takes to do what God has called you to do. Don’t be afraid to take responsibilities in Church. You are the man for the job! Selah!
Apostle Bennie
Saturday, 23rd November, 2024


“I will hear what God the LORD will speak, for He will speak peace to His people and to His saints; But let them not turn back to folly”

Psalm 85:8 (NKJV)

Through this discussion, we have journeyed through some crucial matters to obtain proper understanding of the word.

From the beginning of this series, I patiently answered some important questions in previous episodes. Such as:

How do I hear the voice of God?

Does God still speak to Christians apart from the canonized Bible?

How does God speak to men?

Does God speak to all men (the good people and the evil people)? Does he speak to unbelievers also?

Is there really a voice of God or it’s a mere human hypothesis?

Which mediums does God use to speak to His people?

What is the texture of the Voice of God?

I believe the journey so far into the answers and understanding of these questions has been a great blessing to you.

There are more questions we will be answering from this episode onward. The goal is to give you a balanced understanding concerning this matter of hearing God’s voice.

To move on further in this, we are going to answer these questions as well:

– Are there other voices apart from the voice of God?

– How do I distinguish God’s voice from other voices, if there are?

– What is the difference between the voice of God and my imagination?

– If God has given me a Pastor why do I need to hear His voice? If God speaks to me why do I need a Pastor to teach me the Word?

Now these are genuine questions.

If you have more questions to ask or follow-up questions concerning hearing God’s voice, send it here or post it in the comment space.
Ask your questions here.x

God speaks to us and expects us to hear His voice.

Jesus said, “My own sheep will hear my voice…” John 10:27 (TPT).

Now in the earlier verses of John 10, Jesus made a profound statement in His parable to the Pharisees:

“…And the sheep recognize the voice of the true Shepherd, for he calls his own by name and leads them out, for they belong to him. And when he has brought out all his sheep, he walks ahead of them and they will follow him, for they are familiar with his voice. But they will run away from strangers and never follow them because they know it’s the voice of a stranger. John 10 3-5 (TPT).

So from this illustration, there is the voice of a stranger and the voice of the True Shepherd.

Clearly, the scriptures affirm that there are other voices which contradict the voice of God.

From the first chapter of Genesis to the second chapter, there was mainly the speaking of God. Apart from God man also spoke (Genesis 2:20,23). And in Genesis 3, we noticed a third voice (Genesis 3:1-5). The moment man heeded to that voice, corruption entered the world.

In Genesis, chapters 1 to 3, you will find the voice of God, the voice of Man and the voice of the adversary through the serpent.

Thus, there are definitely other voices apart from the voice of God.

From the time man became corrupt, man’s voice became the voice of the self. The voice of the serpent which is the voice of the devil also became the voice of the world.

What sets you up to fulfill your purpose is the voice of God. 

You can only please God when you take heed to His voice.

And now God’s ultimate voice is Christ and His speaking is constituted as the Word of God.

Through your fellowship with the word of God, you are able to perceive and know the voice of God. When you have that rich knowledge and perception of God’s voice, you can clearly tell God’s voice amidst the crowd or the noise.

Give your mind to the revelation of the Word and you will perceive the voice of strangers.


(Genesis 1 – 3; John 10:1-17)
We pray that we shall grow in the knowledge of the word and develop the intelligence to perceive and discern the voice of the Lord amidst the noise around us.
1 Timothy 3 – 5
– The Bible is the active voice of the Living God to me today.
– I refuse to neglect the word of God for it is God’s voice to me.
– I stick to the word of God.
– I grow deeply in the love for the scriptures daily.
– I esteem the word of God as the authentic utterance of God to me.
– I don’t give room for any deception.

Thank you Lord for the gift of your word!

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Benjamin okyere
Benjamin okyere
3 months ago

The word of God still stays the authentic voice that shows that God is speaking. To man

Benjamin okyere
Benjamin okyere
3 months ago

Apostle once said
The Lords voice never comes pointing or condemning you but makes you understand and direct you out of trouble and brings peace to the troubled heart

No matter how stubborn we become some times his voice never is harsh or condemning but always instructive

Tanisha Amoh
Tanisha Amoh
3 months ago

Oh thank you Lord for your voice

Adevu Prince
Adevu Prince
3 months ago

I give myself to the word of God 

Tanisha Amoh
Tanisha Amoh
3 months ago
Reply to  Adevu Prince

Oh thank you Lord Jesus

Gbali Gershon
Gbali Gershon
3 months ago

Thank you lord Jesus

Josephine Fianu
Josephine Fianu
3 months ago

– I refuse to neglect the word of God for it is God’s voice to me.

Belinda Teye
Belinda Teye
3 months ago

God speaks to us and expects us to hear His voice.

Jesus said, “My own sheep will hear my voice…” John 10:27 (TPT).

The expectation of God when He speaks is that He would be heard .

Belinda Teye
Belinda Teye
3 months ago

Thus, there are definitely other voices apart from the voice of God.
And they are :
1. The voice of the self.
2. The voice of the world.

Belinda Teye
Belinda Teye
3 months ago

I give my mind to the revelation of the word.

Belinda Teye
Belinda Teye
3 months ago

I take heed to the voice of God..

Abigail Frimpongmah
Abigail Frimpongmah
3 months ago

I grow daily in the word, thank you lord Jesus

Abigail Frimpongmah
Abigail Frimpongmah
3 months ago

I don’t look into the shadow I rather look into the word

Abigail Frimpongmah
Abigail Frimpongmah
3 months ago

I grow in love daily with the scriptures ! In the name of Jesus

Abigail Frimpongmah
Abigail Frimpongmah
3 months ago

Thank you lord for gift of your word

Abigail Frimpongmah
Abigail Frimpongmah
3 months ago

Thank you lord Gloreeerry!!!!

Bless Adekpe
Bless Adekpe
3 months ago
If you have more questions to ask or follow-up questions concerning hearing God's voice, send it here or post it…" Read more »

How do you administer healing to someone with mental health

Edward Atiase
Edward Atiase
3 months ago

To really please the Lord, I must take heed to God’s voice. Man naturally will want to follow his self-desires and his own way, but that is not the way of God. God’s final voice and message is Jesus, by following Him through the scriptures, I set myself up to pleasing and doing the master’s will.

You can do your our own will and be successful, but that success may be outside God’s word, that is truly not pleasing to God. I take heed to the final message of God which is Christ. He is the Word of God.

Semefa Millicent
Semefa Millicent
3 months ago

Thank you Jesus

Semefa Millicent
Semefa Millicent
3 months ago

I give my mind to the revelation of the word

3 months ago

Thank you Lord for the gift of your word

3 months ago

I stick to the word of God

Akporhor Cynthia
Akporhor Cynthia
3 months ago

I refuse to neglect the word of God for it is God’s voice to me. Thank you Lord Jesus.

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