Machaira with Apostle Bennie



The Love-Life Agency

By Benjamin Nana Amissah Ansah


(Pronounced makh’-ahee-rah)

  •  Daily revelatory thoughts to sharpen you and to

    help you grow in deep spiritual understanding and


  • Scriptures for your daily meditation.

  • Daily Christ-centered and apostolic-prophetic


Wednesday 29th March, 2023


” Through God we will do valiantly, For it is He who shall tread down our enemies”Psalm 60:12 (NKJV)
What you  are determines what you do.
You must walk in the consciousness of who you are in Christ.
As you are born of God, you are an overcomer (1 John 5:4).
Until this becomes your consciousness, it will not reflect in what you do.
Yes, we are at war; nevertheless we are not in this war with the hope that we will win.
We are in this war with the confidence that we have won.
Thus you are enlisted by God in a victorious battle. You came into this war as more than a conqueror.
“Yet in all these things we are more than conquerors and gain an overwhelming victory through Him who loved us [so much that He died for us].” Romans 8:37 (Amplified Bible).
This is our joy and boldness. We are not in this war thinking we will fail.
This war is about the salvation of souls.
It is about subduing kingdoms and taking unreached territories for the Lord and unto His glory.
This is not for the faint-hearted. Neither is it for the one who loves himself and the pleasures of this world.
The faint-hearted is focused on himself or herself and occupied with his strength and weaknesses.
You must have this strong mindset that God is with you; therefore you fight valiantly.
When you make the Lord and His supply your consciousness, you will see yourself as the Lord sees you.
The word Valiant is the same word as Valor ( the Hebrew word is, chayil or hāyil); which is a force of an army or resources (and wealth). It also speaks of the strength of a great company; the might of a great army in a war or the power of riches.
To do valiantly (in Psalm 60:12) means to work, act with effect, to perform and accomplish with the force of a great and mighty army using all the power of resources of wealth supplied.
This gives an idea of how you are to function as a good (victorious) Soldier of Christ.
You are not in a weak army to act cowardly.
You have enormous supply of resources at your disposal.
You don’t have an excuse not to accomplish mighty things through God.
You have all the weapons, and the equipment needed for every battle and the war at large.
You don’t have to see yourself as a grasshopper as the ten spies of Israel did.
“And there we saw the giants, the sons of Anak, which come of the giants: and we were in our own sight as grasshoppers, and so we were in their sight” Numbers 13:33 (KJV))
 Listen to the teaching Prevailing Mentality by Apostle Bennie.(See video below)

Caleb and Joshua were different, they had the consciousness of God’s presence (that is the consciousness of their advantage and might).
The other ten (10) spies saw giants and were afraid. Caleb and Joshua saw the sons of Anak as:
bread and defenseless. (Numbers 14:9)
Caleb and Joshua were fearless because they had the consciousness that the Lord is with them. (Numbers 14:9).
Now look at God’s testimony of Caleb:

” But as for My servant Caleb, because he has had a different spirit and has followed Me fully, I will bring him into the land which he entered, and his descendants shall take possession of it.” Numbers 14:24 (NASB).

This should be God’s testimony about you.
To have a different spirit also means a different attitude. This is an attitude of a mighty man of valor.
To be a mighty man valor or to do valiantly, is not to have huge physical muscles.
To accomplish valiantly is to have strong confidence in God’s word and to diligently follow God fully or consistently remain committed to God without turning away to create room for doubts.
This is what great faith is!
Doubters are cowards and cannot do anything big through God.
Take hold of God’s word to act in faith. This is another level of training in God’s army. You are built and equipped on the battle field as you put God’s word to work. And as you continue in this you will wax valiantly.

” And what shall I more say? for the time would fail me to tell of Gedeon, and of Barak, and of Samson, and of Jephthae; of David also, and Samuel, and of the prophets:
Who through faith subdued kingdoms, wrought righteousness, obtained promises, stopped the mouths of lions. Quenched the violence of fire, escaped the edge of the sword, out of weakness were made strong, waxed valiant in the fight, turned to flight the armies of the aliens.” Hebrews 11:32-34 (KJV).


( 2 Corinthians 10:3-5; Ephesians 6:12-18; Numbers 13:21-33; Numbers 14:1-9; Hebrews 11; Acts 4:8-14,29-31 )
– Dear Lord, open the eyes of my understanding to see the immeasurable resources, that my heart may be strengthened in you.
– I receive more grace that my hands will be strengthened with the Spirit of boldness, that I may do valiantly through you.
Day 55: Numbers 35-36
– I don’t walk in fear.
-I refuse to doubt God no matter the challenge.
– I walk in boldness.
– I accomplish great things by the strength of God.
– I am a valiant soldier.
– The Lord teaches my hands for war and my fingers for battle.
– The Lord is my strength.
OH Hallelujah, GLORY TO GOD!!!

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Sophia Opare
Sophia Opare
1 year ago

I don’t walk in fear but walk in boldness. I accomplish great things by the strength of God. Hallelujah

Appiah Juliet Yeboah
Appiah Juliet Yeboah
1 year ago


Emmanuel Opoku
Emmanuel Opoku
1 year ago

I have the God- kind of faith.
I refuse to be a doubter.
The Lord is my strength.
Oh Glory to God

Thank you Apostle, this really blessed me.

Gbadegbe Mary Bumbede
Gbadegbe Mary Bumbede
1 year ago

The Lord is with me

1 year ago

Glory to God! I wax valiant in strength by the power of the Holy Spirit.

I have a prevailing mentality

Nkrumah Sarkodie Charles


I don’t doubt God no matter the challenge.
I accomplish great things by the strength of God.
I don’t walk in fear but I walk in boldness.


Apostle, you’re a great blessing Sir.


Samiratu Sulley
Samiratu Sulley
1 year ago

I am strong in faith
The Lord is my strength


Gbadegbe Mary Bumbede
Gbadegbe Mary Bumbede
1 year ago

I do valiantly
Because the Lord is with me
Thank you Lord Jesus
Thank you Apostle

Agbeko Triumph Elikplim
Agbeko Triumph Elikplim
1 year ago

Glory to God
I am valiant soldier.
I am a mighty man of valor.
I wax valiantly.

Prince Semanu
Prince Semanu
1 year ago

Through God I will do valiantly…
For he teaches my hands for war and my fingers for battle. I refuse to faint at this war….
I draw strength from the Lord and I refuse to doubt GOD and his wisdom no matter the challenge.
I have a prevailing mentality over challenges….

Samuel Nfodzo
Samuel Nfodzo
1 year ago

The Lord teaches my hands for war and my fingers for battle.
OH Hallelujah, GLORY TO GOD!!!

Eyram Amoah
Eyram Amoah
1 year ago

Oh thank you Lord Jesus for im called into a strong army, a victorious army to fight a battle that has already been won through Christ Jesus.

I wax valiantly, in the name of Jesus

Andrews Kofi Sarpong
Andrews Kofi Sarpong
1 year ago

I am not faint hearted.
I am more than a conqueror.
As Christ is in me, He has made me the hope of His glory.
I have strong confidence in God’s word and I diligently follow Him

1 year ago

I don’t have a grasshopper mentality

I have Confidence in GOD’S WORD

1 year ago

A Valient man has a strong confidence in GOD’S words and Diligently follows God fully and wholly..not giving room for thought..

This really blessed me.
Thank you Apostle Bennie

Emmanuel Nanor
Emmanuel Nanor
1 year ago

I overcome territories and do big things because God is with me
The lord is indeed my strength
I’m a man of valor and more than a conqueror

Wisdom Elvis
Wisdom Elvis
8 months ago

I accomplish great things by the strength of God.

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