Apostle Benjamin Nana Amissah Ansah
- 32 Comments on EPISODE 654 – HEARING GOD’S VOICE 15 – How Do I Hear God’s Voice? 10 — MORE ON VISIONS, DREAMS AND TRANCE 1
The Love-Life Agency

“And he said, “Hear my words: If there is a prophet among you, I the Lord make myself known to him in a vision; I speak with him in a dream. Not so with my servant Moses. He is faithful in all my house. With him I speak mouth to mouth, clearly, and not in riddles, and he beholds the form of the Lord. Why then were you not afraid to speak against my servant Moses?”
Numbers 12:6-8 (ESV)
While discussing God’s final and ultimate voice in Hebrews 1, we noticed God spoke in various manners to the fathers through the Prophets.
These divers manners or different means of God’s speaking to the Prophets include:
– Dreams
– Visions
– Trance
– And also mouth-to-mouth (as seen in the opening verse).
For God to speak to Moses mouth-to-mouth simply means directly speaking in an audible form or the deep impression of the heart.
In Exodus 20, God spoke directly to the Israelites. They heard God speak to them audibly. And they couldn’t stand the fierceness of that experience. Until that time, God spoke to the Israelites through His direct communication with Moses. From the Exodus 20 experience, while God was speaking directly to the children of Israel, Moses didn’t blink an eye. Moses had a calm composure. Thus, this means of God’s speaking wasn’t new to him. (Exodus 3, 20:19-22, Exodus 24:16; Numbers 7:89).
Several times in the scriptures, we can tell how people heard God’s voice as thundering. (See Exodus 20:18, 2 Samuel 22:14; Psalm 18:13; John 12:28-30).
To the Israelites there was thundering as God was speaking, but to Moses it was God speaking with clarity. Though he knew the people heard thundering.
Nowadays, for God to speak to you mouth-to-mouth, is to speak to you through the revelation of His Son, Jesus. This revelation is aggregated in the Bible. Which means God speaks to you mouth-to-mouth through the Bible.
Though God spoke to Moses mouth to mouth. He still spoke to other Prophets by Dreams and visions. In this same light, God still speaks through dreams and visions, though He speaks to us mouth-to-mouth through His word (the Bible).
Most theologians have thrown out the idea of God speaking to people through Visions and Dreams because of the harm certain false Prophets have caused; all in the name of Dreams and visions they claim to receive from the Lord.
It doesn’t deny the fact that genuine people receive promptings of the Lord through dreams and visions.
God spoke to Peter through a vision (Acts 10:9-16). He spoke to Paul also through a Vision (Acts 16:6-10). God appeared to Joseph in a dream concerning the child Jesus (Matthew 2:13).
God is able to speak to people by this means because of how God has designed man to interact with the unseen realm. This system within man did not cease to exist because of the canonization of the books of the Bible. It didn’t cease because of the indwelling of the Holy Spirit.
Man is still able to interact with the spiritual realm through such means. However, this means of spiritual interaction is not only exclusive to “christians”. It is a quality every human being possesses.
By the conditioning of a man’s inner being, he can interact more through such means.
Again, I want you to receive this teaching with the consciousness of you esteeming the Word of God above VISIONS AND DREAMS.
Let your heart and mind be cultivated, trained and soaked richly with the Word of God. It will help you to have a proper position of interpretation of these Visions and Dreams.
It is necessary to have the Word of God condition your inner man because the unseen realm is not only a realm of light. They are operations or activities of darkness in the unseen realm as well.
There are Dreams and visions which are projected by demonic spirits or forces of darkness to lead people into destruction.
Some false Prophets even claim to have dreams from God but are imaginary dreams of lies.
“I have heard these prophets say, ‘Listen to the dream I had from God last night.’ And then they proceed to tell lies in my name. How long will this go on? If they are prophets, they are prophets of deceit, inventing everything they say. By telling these false dreams, they are trying to get my people to forget me, just as their ancestors did by worshiping the idols of Baal.
“Let these false prophets tell their dreams, but let my true messengers faithfully proclaim my every word.
There is a difference between straw and grain! Does not my word burn like fire?” says the LORD. “Is it not like a mighty hammer that smashes a rock to pieces?” Jeremiah 23:25-29 (NLT).
To save yourself from false or demonic dreams, stay rooted in the word.
Didn’t you see the verse 28 of Jeremiah 23:
“Let the prophet who has a dream tell the dream, but let him who has my word speak my word faithfully. What has straw in common with wheat? declares the LORD”
Let your life be built on the true revelation of the Word of God. Don’t let your mouth be full of dreams today and dreams tomorrow. Let your mouth be filled with the speaking or proclamation of the Word of God.
When you are rooted in the word and the light of the Word shines through you, your interactions in the unseen realm will be by the virtue of light of the Word of God.
– I remain resolute in my conviction of the revelation of Jesus.
Thank you Lord for the gift of your word!
More fire from this series everyday. There is one thing I have concluded on , from today’s Machaira, Uphold the word more than anything, is the only thing that can not be corrupt. Wow. More reason to trust in the word more
The word of God cannot be corrupted.
It is incorruptible…
Reading this episode brings to mind what Apostle usually says, about living our lives based on God’s word and not on prophecies
You can’t hear the Lord’s voice outside His word… not possible
For God will not do anything outside His word
Thank You Lord Jesus for the revelation of the truth of your Word through the daily dose of Machaira with Apostle Bennie
Before I started reading this episode, I was sure to find one thing mentioned, the scriptures, bible or the word of God. There’s absolutely no experience in this our life without God’s word. It’s so interesting
Thank you Lord Jesus
I grow deeply in the love for the scriptures daily.
I grow deeply in the love for the scriptures daily
I’m attentive to the voice of God
When you are rooted in the word and the light of the Word shines through you, your interactions in the unseen realm will be by the virtue of light of the Word of God.
I refuse to neglect the word of God for it is God’s voice to me.
Thank you Lord Jesus
Thank you Jesus!
God’s primary way of speaking to is the bible. When I memorize verses or passages in the scriptures, God uses them at various times and moments to address situations around me. I am better off knowing the bible and meditating on it, as that will help place visons, dreams and trances in their right places. The Word of God is key and principal. A true servant of God speaks the Word of God faithfully not dreams or trances. However, with a firm grip of God’s Word, I stand in a better place of authority in the unseen realm. I will not be swayed by the dreams set by demons. The Word gives me a better positioning. While men consult mediums and fortune-tellers, I stay focused and faithful with my bible.
The word of God gives me a better positioning..
I let the word of God dwells in me richly!!!!
My mouth is not full of dreams but instead the word of the Lord
I study the word of Lord!!
The word of Lord gains root in mee!!!!
I go for the word!!
Thank you Jesus
Thank you Lord for the gift of your voice!!
Glory to God forever more!!
Thank you Apostle
As I get rooted in the word am positioned rightly to interpret dreams and visions
I stay on the word
I refuse to neglect God’s word for it is God’s word to me
I remain resolute in the word of God. I stick to your word Lord
God bless you Apostle Bennie for these teachings, they are so eye opening.
Ouuch, this series on hearing God is really enlightening.
Jeremiah 23:25-29 is a code to esteeming God’s word above all proclamations.
No man can have a right vision from God if God’s word has not flooded the heart of that man
it will be like a blind man touching the trunk of an elephant and calling it a snake
The deeply rooted a man is the authentic message he carries and must be heard
Eiii thank you Lord!I stay focused on the word of God. I rightly judge my spiritual experiences by the word of God.
I stay rooted in the word of God
My mouth is filled with the proclamation of God’s word
I interpret my visions and dreams in the light of God’s word