EPISODE 652 – HEARING GOD’S VOICE 13 – How Do I Hear God’s Voice? 8 — Means and Moments 2
Apostle Benjamin Nana Amissah Ansah
- 61 Comments on EPISODE 652 – HEARING GOD’S VOICE 13 – How Do I Hear God’s Voice? 8 — Means and Moments 2
The Love-Life Agency

How Do I Hear God’s Voice? 8 — Means and Moments 2
“I will hear what God the LORD will speak, for He will speak peace to His people and to His saints; But let them not turn back to folly”
Psalm 85:8 (NKJV)
God speaks to you primarily through His word (the Bible) and also speaks directly by an “audible voice” in some occasions.
However, God speaks to you directly with a still small voice of the Holy Spirit. This is sometimes referred to as inner witness or inward nudging.
This is one of the most popular means by which the Lord speaks directly to every believer.
(Take note that, in the scriptures, you will rather find more moments where the Lord spoke with a loud voice or sound).
While believers are in conversation or during a church meeting, you may hear a brother talk about what the Lord said to him. And you may wonder how they heard the Lord.
And be asking yourself why you don’t hear the Lord as others.
The thing is, you must have the consciousness that God is always speaking to you.
There are times you find yourself in a situation where you are prompted to make a particular decision. And then you later give a narration that, “something told me” or “I heard some voice”. You may even think it was your feeling or mind.
It wasn’t “something” that told you. It was a person. He is the Holy Spirit.
“When, however, the Spirit comes, who reveals the truth about God, he will lead you into all the truth. He will not speak on his own authority, but he will speak of what he hears and will tell you of things to come.” John 16:15 (Good News Translation)
However, it is not every voice you hear or inward nudge which is the Holy Spirit. There are evil spirits which also find their way to speak to people.
As you can see in the verse above, the Holy Spirit speaks what is of the Father. The Holy Spirit doesn’t speak anything which contradicts the counsel of God’s wisdom.
He is not a freelance entity that operates independently of the Word of God. God does nothing outside His Word.
This means there is no revelation of God to you which will transcend the revelation of Jesus.
What most people even refer to as revelation, is mostly illumination. Because God’s greatest revelation has come, and we are illuminated to have utterance.
To understand this more, JOIN OUR ONLINE MINISTRY SCHOOL OF THE WORD. It’s well explained in the BIBLIOLOGY COURSE.
The nudge and the inner witness you mostly have as a believer, are more than intuitions. They are the speaking or the voice of the Holy Spirit in your heart.
These sometimes come as an inner impression. And it’s often inward because the Holy Spirit lives in you.
“Do you not know that you are God’s temple and that God’s Spirit dwells in you?” 1 Corinthians 3:16 (ESV)
The voice of the Lord in your heart is the sense of knowing.
“The Spirit himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God” Romans 8:16 (ESV).
– I remain resolute in my conviction of the revelation of Jesus.
Thank you Lord for the gift of your word!
Thank you Lord Jesus.
God does nothing outside his word.
The Holy Spirit dwells in me and always speaks to me. Thank you Holy Spirit.
God bless you more Apostel
God is always speaking to me
Jesus is the highest Summit of God’s revelation
The still small voice of the Holy Spirit…
I walk in the consciousness that, God is always speaking to me .
Glory to God.
I thank God for this daily revelational food.
There is no revelation of God to you which will transcend the revelation of Jesus.
This is because Jesus is God’s greatest revelation.
God’s Spirit dwells in you.
I am the location and headquarters of the God head.
I am the location and headquarters of the God head. Hallelujah
Thank you sweet Jesus. I am so glad i have an inner witness in my heart
Thank you Jesus for your word and your spirit your spirit in me
I am conscious of the fact that God always speaks to me. GLORY!
I continue in the voice of the Lord. This series is getting really insightful.’The voice of the Lord in your heart is the sense of knowing’. Wow
Knowing God Is always speaking to me is great. So much heart warming.
Wow this is truly eye-opening
anytime i use i do something contrary to the Holy spirits ways there is a peculiar way he instructs us on how to come out and if we pay rapt attention we will always be victorious over evil.
Voices that make you feel like you are far from God must not be listened to because they are the voices of condemnation and as the machaira said the voice of the spirit breeds peacece which has its foundation on the Bible
Thank you father
Glory be to your holy name
I’m a child of God
The Lord speaks to me that
The word of God is relevant to me
I stick to the word of God
Thank You Holy Spirit for always talking to me
Everytime I read machaira I feel refreshed
I am another man
Thank you Jesus🙏🙏🙏
I don’t look into the shadows, I rather look into the word.
In the name of Jesus I pray that my heart shall open and well-tuned to hear the voice of the Lord at all times in the name of Jesus
The voice of the Lord in my heart is my sense of knowing.
God speaks to me at all times. I hear him loud, clear and audibly
The Bible is the active voice of the Living God to me today.
The holy Spirit reveals the truth about God
The holy is a person
He hears
It means he has ears
And someone who is not a person cannot have ears
Oh wow
The holy Spirit leads us to all truth
Truth about God
He doesn’t tell us half but full
Oh thank you Lord Jesus
What an insightful machaira
I have the Holy Spirit in me, He speaks to me with a still small voice as I am conscious that God is always speaking to me. The Holy Spirit speaks the things that are in aggregation, the thoughts of Jesus. The Holy Spirit’s words are in agreement with my bible. The Holy Spirit communicates to me the mind of God concerning every matter. Thank you Jesus!!
1 Kings 19:12 Living Bible
12 And after the earthquake, there was a fire, but the Lord was not in the fire. And after the fire, there was the sound of a gentle whisper.
This is wonderful!
1 Corinthians 2:11-12 Living Bible
11 No one can really know what anyone else is thinking or what he is really like except that person himself. And no one can know God’s thoughts except God’s own Spirit. 12 And God has actually given us his Spirit (not the world’s spirit) to tell us about the wonderful free gifts of grace and blessing that God has given us.
The Holy Spirit illuminates us on the revelation of God which has already been shared!!
Yes, God does nothing outside His word. This is the reason God’s word must be esteemed above all things.
I listen to God
Glory be to God
Thank you Jesus
I don’t give room for any deception
As I hear him I am drawn more to him
Praise be to his name forever
Oooo thank you Jesus
I don’t look into the shadows I rather look into the word of the lord
I stick to the word of the lord
The word of Lord dwells in me richly!!
I go for the word!!!
Thank you Jesus
Thank you Apostle
Glory to God forever more!
Thank you sweet Jesus for your voice
I pay heed to your voice
I have the consciousness that God is always speaking to me.
The Holy Spirit is not a freelance entity that operates independently of the Word of God.
There is no revelation of God to me which will transcend the revelation of Jesus.
My heart is opened and well-tuned to the voice of the Lord.
I stick to the voice of God.