EPISODE 647 – HEARING GOD’S VOICE 8 – How Do I Hear God’s Voice? 3
Apostle Benjamin Nana Amissah Ansah
- 61 Comments on EPISODE 647 – HEARING GOD’S VOICE 8 – How Do I Hear God’s Voice? 3
The Love-Life Agency

How Do I Hear God’s Voice? 3
“I will hear what God the LORD will speak, For He will speak peace To His people and to His saints; But let them not turn back to folly”
Psalm 85:8 (NKJV)
As we have seen, the Bible is the primary medium by which God speaks to every believer and person.
One of the lies the adversary has propounded in our generation is that the Bible is not the word of God. I have explained this in previous parts of this series in other episodes, as I briefly explained the canonization of the Bible.
Another deception of the adversary that has crept into the heart of men is that the Bible is not relevant in today’s world. The goal of the adversary is to destroy the confidence of people in the Bible. There are people who don’t think God speaks to them through the Bible today. They only recognize the Bible as a consistent historic manuscript. To them, they are only for our minds to be educated on the happenings or the events of the centuries past.
The scriptures or the Bible don’t just communicate accurate historical facts. It is more than a history book or a collection of ancient texts. The Bible is the Word of God.
God speaks clearly to anyone who commits his heart to listen to the words of the Bible.
There are people who read the Bible, close it and wait for God to speak to them miraculously; either by an audible voice, a vision or dream or some strange vibrations.
The Bible is the active voice of the living God to you today.
This is why not reading and meditating on the words of the Bible, makes you vulnerable to deceptive thoughts of the adversary and defeat.
God will not say anything to you which contradicts His word. So instead of looking for God to speak to you from the skies, go to the Bible (which is the Word of God).
God recognized the scriptures as His voice.
During the Bible reading plan of this devotional, Machaira with Apostle Bennie (do well to follow the Bible reading plan), I observed an interesting scene in 2 Kings 18.
In the ninth year of Hoshea king of Israel, Samaria was taken and then the king of Assyria carried Israel captive to Assyria.
The scripture explained this defeat of Israel:
“because they did not obey the voice of the LORD their God but transgressed his covenant, even all that Moses the servant of the LORD commanded. They neither listened nor obeyed“ 2 Kings 18:12 (ESV).
In this verse, you will notice the Lord’s covenant was acknowledged as the Voice of the Lord. The covenant of the Lord was articulated in the commandment of the Lord which was given through Moses. The commandments of Moses to the people of Israel were seen as the Law (Torah, revelation) of God.
They kept the commandments also known as the statutes of the Lord, as the Word of the Lord to them. Whenever they read the commandments, they didn’t just see historical facts but heard the voice of the Lord. Disobedience to the commandment was disobedience to the voice of the Lord.
After Moses’ death, God spoke to Joshua (the new leader) to keep and live by the Book of the Law (Joshua 1:18). God didn’t command Joshua to look out for the voice of the Lord in the sky. This doesn’t mean God didn’t speak to Joshua through other means. But then, whatever Joshua did was according to the commandment of the Lord which was given through Moses. And that was what he consistently instructed the people of Israel (Joshua 22:5).
David kept the commandment of the Lord and instructed his son Solomon to keep and live by the statutes of the Lord as it was written in the law of Moses.
“And keep the charge of the Lord thy God, to walk in his ways, to keep his statutes, and his commandments, and his judgments, and his testimonies, as it is written in the law of Moses, that thou mayest prosper in all that thou doest, and whithersoever thou turnest thyself” 1 Kings 2:3 (KJV)
Now we see Hezekiah the king of Judah, who kept the commandment of the Lord, which He commanded Moses. And the Lord was with Hezekiah and prospered him everywhere he went (See 2 Kings 18:6-7).
But as I have shared earlier Hoshea the king of Israel did not obey the voice of the Lord (which was the Lord’s commandment to Moses).
Get this: Hoshea was king of Israel in the days of Hezekiah the king of Judah. And this defeat of Israel happened while Hezekiah was in his sixth-year reign.
From the time God led Israel through Moses from Egypt to the time of Hezekiah and Hoshea was about 750 or 800 years.
This means for about 750 or 800 years the word of the Lord to Moses was relevant.
The word of the Lord does not expire.
Beloved the scriptures are relevant even in today’s post-modern world. Though we must rightly divide it (2 Timothy 2:15) according to the covenants and revelation of Jesus; so that we can make proper application consistent with the New Testament.
Someone will argue again that, the epistles written to Corinthians, Ephesians, Galatians, and Thessalonians have nothing to do with those who are not in those cities. That is not logical enough.
The scientific, technological and medical solutions provided and written by these intelligent and learned men were solutions to solve problems within their society but benefited all men and many generations.
The epistles which were written were read in all churches (Colossians 4:16) and acknowledged by the early Church fathers as well.
How did Peter acknowledge the writings of Paul to his audience (2 Peter 3:16)?
This is what you should know about the voice of the Lord or the speaking of God in the scriptures:
“Every Scripture has been written by the Holy Spirit, the breath of God. It will empower you by its instruction and correction, giving you the strength to take the right direction and lead you deeper into the path of godliness. Then you will be God’s servant, fully mature and perfectly prepared to fulfill any assignment God gives you.” 2 Timothy 3:16-17 (TPT).
The scriptures speak because:
1. It instructs you.
2. It corrects you.
3. It directs you.
4. It leads you.
As God speaks to you through the scriptures, beloved, hear His voice and don’t harden your heart.
– I remain resolute in my conviction of the revelation of Jesus.
Thank you Lord for the gift of your word!
– The word of God is relevant to me today.
thank you Jesus
Thank you sweet Jesus. Indeed your word is light
I behold the word of God daily
Thy word is a lamp unto my feet and a light to my path
Very enlightening
I got to know that even the word of the lord to Moses that was given for the people of God to obey in other words listen to it because it is the voice of God was considered relevant until the coming of Jesus who came to fulfil all its requirements and demands it placed on man which made it impossible for us to heed to it, so the Laws will find their true relevance and essence through Jesus who has become our final standard and message from God to us
So we obey and heed the voice of the laws in Christ because he has become one with us unlike those days when we had to singlehandedly heed and obey them by our strength
You are truly learning…
I stick to the word of God.
How important and highly essential the word of God is to us. I stick to the Word always. I hear the Lord from His Word. I grow deeply in Love and Conviction of the Lord and His Word always in the Name of Jesus.
I’m conscious of God’s present word to me as His Word, the revelation of Jesus.
God bless you Apostle Sir.
Thank God the Bible is as relevant to me today as it was in the days of Paul the apostle. Always current in all situations. For 800 good years the commandments of Moses were ever sure and true till Israel turn away in disobedience; then they was taken into capacity. I hear and obey the scriptures in meekness! Thank you Lord Jesus
God’s Word does not expire. It’s eternal and relevant in this present world, every age, at every point in time. God’s Word is ageless. Meaning, the Word does not Fail. It abides forever. It sustains and preserves unto an eternal purpose.
Thank you Lord Jesus for your Word.
God bless you Apostle Sir.
I go for His Word always, no matter the situation, whether it happened in the past, now, or Future, the word can provide a solution to it. I can build my present world and Future with the Word of God even now because the Word is eternal. Jesus is the same yesterday, today and Forever. Glory to God.
Thank you Lord Jesus.
God bless you Apostle Sir.
Thank you Lord, I don’t give room for deception
I don’t look into the shadows, I look into the word
Jeremiah 15:16 When I discovered your words, I devoured them. They are my joy and my heart’s delight for I bear your name, Oh Lord God of Heaven’s Armies
Job 23:12 I have not departed from his commands, but have treasured his words more than daily food.
Thank you Lord for your word
The word of the Lord does not expires. Thank you Jesus 🙏
The scriptures are God’s voice today. Its appropriation for our enjoyment is how we rightly divide it based on the covenants and time lines. I enjoyed the part where you said from the time Moses led the Israelites out of Egypt to the time of Hezekiah is between 750 to 800 years and yet the scriptures we very relevant in their time. The scripture cant get outdated or outmoded. It is God’s voice today!!!
Did you see this
The scriptures speak because:
1. It instructs you.
2. It corrects you.
3. It directs you.
4. It leads you.
I stick to the word of God in all situation
Ha! Glory, I hear God’s voice through The Word
I don’t give room for any deception
The Bible is the active voice of the living God to you today.
This is why not reading and meditating on the words of the Bible, makes you vulnerable to deceptive thoughts of the adversary and defeat.
The word of God is relevant to me today. Thank you Jesus for your word to me
The word of God is God’s voice to me, therefore I don’t look into the shadows, I look into God’s word.
I remain resolute in my conviction of the revelation of Jesus.
The word of the Lord does not expired
I don’t harden my heart towards the word
The word of God directs, instructs, corrects and leads me. This is the speaking of God unto me.
Glory to God!
Chai the word of the lord does not expire
Thank You Jesus for the instructions, corrections, directions and leadings that comes through your word.
I remain resolute in my conviction of the revelation of Jesus
Thank you Lord for the gift of your word
Thank you Lord for the gift of your word
Oooo thank you Jesus
I don’t look into the shadows I rather look into the word of the Lord!!
No room for deceptions
I am rooted in the word of God
Thank you Jesus for the gift of your word
I’m full of the word!!
The word of the lord is relevant I’m my life today!!
I go for the word
Thank you Jesus !!, glory to God forever more!!
Thank you Apostle
The Bible is the primary medium by which God speaks to every believer and person.
The Bible is the word of God. Therefore I commit my mind to it.
The Bible is the active voice of the living God to me today.
The word of the Lord does not expire.
As God speaks to me through the scriptures, I hear His voice and I don’t harden my heart.
The word of God is relevant to me today.
I refuse to neglect the word of God for it is God’s voice to me.
I grow deeply in the love for the scriptures daily.
I esteem the word of God as the authentic utterance of God to me.