EPISODE 646 – HEARING GOD’S VOICE 7 – How Do I Hear God’s Voice? 2
Apostle Benjamin Nana Amissah Ansah
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The Love-Life Agency

How Do I Hear God’s Voice? 2
“I will hear what God the LORD will speak, For He will speak peace To His people and to His saints; But let them not turn back to folly”
Psalm 85:8 (NKJV)
As part of answering these questions:
1. Is there really a voice of God or it’s a mere human hypothesis?
2. Does God speak to all men (the good people and the evil people, believers and unbelievers)?
3. Why does God speak to men? What is the drive or intention of His speaking?
4. Does God still speak to christians/believers apart from the canonized Bible?
I have also answered these questions in yesterday’s episode:
5. What is the texture of the Voice of God?
6. Which mediums does God use to speak to His people? Or How does God speak to men?
I answered those questions whiles addressing the issue of how one can hear the Voice of God.
Jesus said:
“My sheep hear my voice…and they follow me” (John 10:27)
Now if you even think He was only referring to the disciples He had at that time He was speaking, then check this one He also said:
“And other sheep I have which are not of this fold; them also I must bring, and they will hear My voice; and there will be one flock and one shepherd” John 10:16 (NKJV)
This is similar to what He said in His prayer for His disciples in John 17:20.
“I do not pray for these alone, but also for those who will believe in Me through their word” (NKJV)
Jesus prayed for all believers in the above verse.
The same way Jesus refers to all believers as His sheep, and we will all hear His voice.
Which means Jesus doesn’t think any believer of His sheepfold will not be able to hear His voice.
One interesting thing Jesus said about the good shepherd was this:
“And when he brings out his own sheep, he goes before them; and the sheep follow him, for they know his voice” John 17:4 (NKJV).
This verse exposes the difference between how a believer and an unbeliever receive God’s speaking.
When God speaks to an unbeliever he may not immediately know it’s the voice of the Lord because he doesn’t know the Lord.
An example was Paul’s conversion experience.
When the Lord called his name, he knew it was a Supernatural voice, but didn’t know who exactly it was. So he asked: “Who are you Lord?” (Acts 9:5).
When a believer hears the voice of the Lord, he must know without doubt that it is the Lord speaking. As long as you are born again, you have what it takes to hear the voice of the Lord and follow His leading.
Any believer who argues in his heart whether a voice he is hearing is the voice of the Lord or not, doesn’t fully have the revelation of the word of God abounding in His heart.
Jesus is God’s complete revelation of God. He is God’s speaking to all men. To know God’s voice you must have the revelation of Jesus. You cannot have the revelation of Jesus without the knowledge of the scriptures. The scriptures testify of Him (John 5:39).
Jesus said to the Jews, they do not believe Him even though the Father has testified of Him. And it is because they have neither heard the Father’s voice, nor seen His form (John 5:37) and they ultimately don’t believe because they don’t have the word of the Father in them (John 5:38).
Which means if they should have had the word of the Father in them, they would have known how the scriptures testify of Him as the Christ.
The accurate revelational-knowledge of the Word of God will help you know the true texture of God’s voice.
Until you train your heart and mind to know God through the scriptures you will wrongly perceive the voice of the Lord.
Before His ascension, the Lord Jesus told the believers about the coming of the Holy Spirit to them as another comforter. The Lord was clear that the Holy Spirit will not say anything which will contradict His word (or the revelation of Him).
“Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will shew you things to come. He shall glorify me: for he shall receive of mine, and shall shew it unto you.” John 16:13-14 (KJV)
As I have said before in this series, God may speak to you through dreams, visions, angelic encounters, but THE WORD OF GOD is GOD’S PRIMARY means of speaking to you now.
You may ask, “how about the Holy Spirit?”;
God speaks to you by the Holy Spirit as a witness of what He has said to you through His Word. As to touching divine communication:
1. The Holy Spirit leads or guides you through the Word of God (the Bible, which is the aggregation of the revelation of Jesus). And as He guides you, He helps you to receive illumination or understanding of the Word.
You see, when you pray to the LORD to enlighten the eyes of your understanding, The Holy Spirit opens your heart and mind that you may be able to see the treasures of truth in the scriptures.
2. When the Holy Spirit leads you through the Word, and helps you glean the truth of the Word, He speaks to you from the bank of the scriptures in your heart. The essence of anything the Holy Spirit will say to you is drawn from the wells of the scriptures in your heart.
You cannot miss out on the voice of the Lord when you are full of the word of God.
You cannot be confused about angelic encounters, the dreams you have and the visions you see when your heart is illuminated with the scriptures. As we may discuss in other episodes, the devil also can put words in your heart; to look as though it is the word of God. But you must know this precious one, there is no truth in and of the devil. He is the father of lies and deception.
There are people who thought they encountered an angel of God but instead they encountered an agent of the devil. These people begin to operate by the things they heard from this evil or demonic spirit and assume they are operating by some new and superior revelation of Jesus or of God.
Paul asked “who are you Lord?”, when he heard the voice. And he did not go ahead to just teach any other revelation apart from what was consistent with the scriptures. He did not prove his teaching of the gospel by just his experiences and encounters but with the scriptures.
No matter what you hear from the Lord or how you hear the voice of the Lord, it must be consistent with the accurate revelation of the scriptures.
Don’t crave for a voice beyond or above the revelation of His Word.
– I remain resolute in my conviction of the revelation of Jesus.
Thank you Lord for the gift of your word!
I depend absolutely on the word of God
I don’t give room for any form of deception
In the name of Jesus, I declare over my life and pray that my heart shall grow deeply in the love for the scriptures and I will daily esteem the word of God as the authentic utterance of God to me
I don’t give room for any deception.
Thank you Jesus
Thank you sweet Jesus for the sweet revelation of your word
I am of the sheepfold of Christ and I hear his voice when He speaks .
Oooh thank you Lord Jesus
Glory be to God
Thank you sir for enlightenment
As long as I am born again I have what it takes to hear the voice of the Lord and follow his leading 🙏
I have the Revelation of Jesus 🙏
In the name of Jesus, I train my heart and mind to know God through the scriptures to rightfully perceive His voice within me 🙏🤲
Glory to God
Oh thank you Lord Jesus. I remain resolute in my conviction of the Word.
“The accurate revelational-knowledge of the Word of God will help you know the true texture of God’s voice.”
“Until you train your heart and mind to know God through the scriptures you will wrongly perceive the word of Lord”
I train my heart and mind intentionally to hear the Lord through the scriptures. I’m not confused about His word and His voice . I have the Spirit to guide me into all Truth . Hallelujah
How great it is to have the knowledge of the Word in me and reign in Life. Thank you Lord Jesus
Thank you very Much Sir. You’re a great blessing Sir.
I refuse to crave for a voice beyond and above the revelation of the word !
Wow so to hear Gods tangible voice you must be be well vested in scriptures precisely the revelation of Jesus
It is based on what is within you the spirit of the Lord is going to take advantage to communicate to you
I remain resolute in my conviction of the revelation of Jesus.
Thank you Lord Jesus for your word
I am full of the word of God and I give my heart to absolute word of God
His sheep hear His voice. I hear my Master’s voice. I give myself to the scriptures.
Thank You Lord for Your Word
Than you sweet holy spirit
I esteem the word of God in my life and I give no thoughts to deception
Jesus the complete revelation of God
What a series….
The word of God is and will forever be my source
It is Life
Thank You Dear Lord
I esteem the word of God as the authentic utterance of God to me.
Glory to God.
I don’t give room to any form of deception
I don’t look into the shadows, I rather look into the word.
I don’t give room for any deception.
I remain resolute in my conviction of the revelation
I look into the word. …my ears are open to your word ooooh Lord My God.
Thank you very much Apostel.
Oh Thank you Lord Jesus
I really love this episode God Bless you Apostle Bennie
I stick to the word of God
I grow deeply in the love of the scriptures daily
Very sound doctrinal teachings here.
Thank you Apostle, for the daily enlightenment you bring to us. I’m so much nourished.
I repent from craving for voices and revelations beyond or above the revelation of His word. Thank you Lord Jesus
Thank you lord Jesus
Ooo hear the voice of the lord at all times
I esteem the word of God in my heart
Thank you Jesus
I hear the voice of my God
Thank you lord Jesus
I love you Jesus
Glory to God forever more
Thank you so much Apostle
Thank you lord
I don’t give room for any deception!!!!
My fixe my gaze on the lord and his word only!!
I grow deeply in the love of the scriptures daily
Thank you Jesus, l love you Lord!